pub unsafe extern "C" fn hipMemPoolSetAccess(
mem_pool: hipMemPool_t,
desc_list: *const hipMemAccessDesc,
count: usize,
) -> hipError_t
Expand description
@brief Controls visibility of the specified pool between devices
@param [in] mem_pool Memory pool for acccess change @param [in] desc_list Array of access descriptors. Each descriptor instructs the access to enable for a single gpu @param [in] count Number of descriptors in the map array.
@returns #hipSuccess, #hipErrorInvalidValue
@see hipMallocFromPoolAsync, hipMallocAsync, hipFreeAsync, hipMemPoolGetAttribute, hipMemPoolTrimTo, hipDeviceSetMemPool, hipMemPoolSetAttribute, hipMemPoolGetAccess
@warning : This API is marked as beta, meaning, while this is feature complete, it is still open to changes and may have outstanding issues.
@note This API is implemented on Linux, under development on Windows.