
Function hipMemcpyHtoA

pub unsafe extern "C" fn hipMemcpyHtoA(
    dstArray: hipArray_t,
    dstOffset: usize,
    srcHost: *const c_void,
    count: usize,
) -> hipError_t
Expand description

@brief Copies data between host and device.

@param[in] dstArray Destination memory address @param[in] dstOffset Offset in bytes of destination array @param[in] srcHost Source host pointer @param[in] count Size of memory copy in bytes @return #hipSuccess, #hipErrorInvalidValue, #hipErrorInvalidPitchValue, #hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer, #hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

@see hipMemcpy, hipMemcpy2DToArray, hipMemcpy2D, hipMemcpyFromArray, hipMemcpyToSymbol, hipMemcpyAsync