
Function hipMemsetAsync

pub unsafe extern "C" fn hipMemsetAsync(
    dst: *mut c_void,
    value: c_int,
    sizeBytes: usize,
    stream: hipStream_t,
) -> hipError_t
Expand description

@brief Fills the first sizeBytes bytes of the memory area pointed to by dev with the constant byte value value.

hipMemsetAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may return before the memset is complete. The operation can optionally be associated to a stream by passing a non-zero stream argument. If stream is non-zero, the operation may overlap with operations in other streams.

@param[out] dst Pointer to device memory @param[in] value Value to set for each byte of specified memory @param[in] sizeBytes Size in bytes to set @param[in] stream Stream identifier @return #hipSuccess, #hipErrorInvalidValue