
Function hipStreamCreate

pub unsafe extern "C" fn hipStreamCreate(
    stream: *mut hipStream_t,
) -> hipError_t
Expand description

@brief Create an asynchronous stream.

@param[in, out] stream Valid pointer to hipStream_t. This function writes the memory with the newly created stream. @return #hipSuccess, #hipErrorInvalidValue

Create a new asynchronous stream. @p stream returns an opaque handle that can be used to reference the newly created stream in subsequent hipStream* commands. The stream is allocated on the heap and will remain allocated even if the handle goes out-of-scope. To release the memory used by the stream, application must call hipStreamDestroy.

@return #hipSuccess, #hipErrorInvalidValue

@see hipStreamCreateWithFlags, hipStreamCreateWithPriority, hipStreamSynchronize, hipStreamWaitEvent, hipStreamDestroy