pub unsafe extern "C" fn hipStreamWriteValue64(
stream: hipStream_t,
ptr: *mut c_void,
value: u64,
flags: c_uint,
) -> hipError_t
Expand description
@brief Enqueues a write command to the stream.[BETA]
@param [in] stream - Stream identifier @param [in] ptr - Pointer to a GPU accessible memory object @param [in] value - Value to be written @param [in] flags - reserved, ignored for now, will be used in future releases
@returns #hipSuccess, #hipErrorInvalidValue
Enqueues a write command to the stream, write operation is performed after all earlier commands on this stream have completed the execution.
@warning This API is marked as beta, meaning, while this is feature complete, it is still open to changes and may have outstanding issues.
@see hipExtMallocWithFlags, hipFree, hipStreamWriteValue32, hipStreamWaitValue32, hipStreamWaitValue64