Static CFG

pub static mut CFG: Cfg<'_>
Expand description

Global configuration of the current build.



The prefix at which C++ code from your crate as well as directly dependent crates can access the code generated during this build.

By default, the include_prefix is equal to the name of the current crate. That means if your crate is called demo and has Rust source files in a src/ directory and maybe some handwritten C++ header files in an include/ directory, then the current crate as well as downstream crates might include them as follows:

  // include one of the handwritten headers:
#include "demo/include/wow.h"

  // include a header generated from Rust cxx::bridge:
#include "demo/src/"

By modifying CFG.include_prefix we can substitute a prefix that is different from the crate name if desired. Here we’ll change it to "path/to" which will make import paths take the form "path/to/include/wow.h" and "path/to/src/".


use cxx_build::CFG;

fn main() {
    CFG.include_prefix = "path/to";

        .file("src/") // probably contains `#include "path/to/src/"`
        /* ... */

Note that cross-crate imports are only made available between direct dependencies. Another crate must directly depend on your crate in order to #include its headers; a transitive dependency is not sufficient. Additionally, headers from a direct dependency are only importable if the dependency’s Cargo.toml manifest contains a links key. If not, its headers will not be importable from outside of the same crate.



A vector of absolute paths. The current crate, directly dependent crates, and further crates to which this crate’s headers are exported (see below) will be able to #include headers from these directories.

Adding a directory to exported_header_dirs is similar to adding it to the current build via the cc crate’s Build::include, but also makes the directory available to downstream crates that want to #include one of the headers from your crate. If the dir were added only using Build::include, the downstream crate including your header would need to manually add the same directory to their own build as well.

When using exported_header_dirs, your crate must also set a links key for itself in Cargo.toml. See the links manifest key. The reason is that Cargo imposes no ordering on the execution of build scripts without a links key, which means the downstream crate’s build script might execute before yours decides what to put into exported_header_dirs.


One of your crate’s headers wants to include a system library, such as #include "Python.h".


use cxx_build::CFG;
use std::path::PathBuf;

fn main() {
    let python3 = pkg_config::probe_library("python3").unwrap();
    let python_include_paths = python3.include_paths.iter().map(PathBuf::as_path);



Your crate wants to rearrange the headers that it exports vs how they’re laid out locally inside the crate’s source directory.

Suppose the crate as published contains a file at ./include/myheader.h but wants it available to downstream crates as #include "foo/v1/public.h".


use cxx_build::CFG;
use std::path::Path;
use std::{env, fs};

fn main() {
    let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
    let headers = Path::new(&out_dir).join("headers");

    // We contain `include/myheader.h` locally, but
    // downstream will use `#include "foo/v1/public.h"`
    let foo = headers.join("foo").join("v1");
    fs::copy("include/myheader.h", foo.join("public.h")).unwrap();




Vector of strings. These each refer to the include_prefix of one of your direct dependencies, or a prefix thereof. They describe which of your dependencies participate in your crate’s C++ public API, as opposed to private use by your crate’s implementation.

As a general rule, if one of your headers #includes something from one of your dependencies, you need to put that dependency’s include_prefix into CFG.exported_header_prefixes (or their links key into CFG.exported_header_links; see below). On the other hand if only your C++ implementation files and not your headers are importing from the dependency, you do not export that dependency.

The significance of exported headers is that if downstream code (crate 𝒜) contains an #include of a header from your crate (ℬ) and your header contains an #include of something from your dependency (𝒞), the exported dependency 𝒞 becomes available during the downstream crate 𝒜’s build. Otherwise the downstream crate 𝒜 doesn’t know about 𝒞 and wouldn’t be able to find what header your header is referring to, and would fail to build.

When using exported_header_prefixes, your crate must also set a links key for itself in Cargo.toml.


Suppose you have a crate with 5 direct dependencies and the include_prefix for each one are:

  • “crate0”
  • “group/api/crate1”
  • “group/api/crate2”
  • “group/api/contrib/crate3”
  • “detail/crate4”

Your header involves types from the first four so we re-export those as part of your public API, while crate4 is only used internally by your cc file not your header, so we do not export:


use cxx_build::CFG;

fn main() {
    CFG.exported_header_prefixes = vec!["crate0", "group/api"];



Vector of strings. These each refer to the links attribute (the links manifest key) of one of your crate’s direct dependencies.

This achieves an equivalent result to CFG.exported_header_prefixes by re-exporting a dependency as part of your crate’s public API, except with finer grained control for cases when multiple crates might be sharing the same include_prefix and you’d like to export some but not others. Links attributes are guaranteed to be unique identifiers by Cargo.

When using exported_header_links, your crate must also set a links key for itself in Cargo.toml.



use cxx_build::CFG;

fn main() {




Boolean. Whether to propagate Rust documentation from inside the cxx::bridge module as Doxygen-style comments in the generated C++ header.

Documentation on the following are supported:

  • shared structs, and fields of shared structs
  • shared enums, and their variants
  • extern “Rust” opaque types
  • extern “Rust” functions, including methods/member functions



use cxx_build::CFG;

fn main() {
    CFG.doxygen = true;

// src/

mod ffi {
    /// documentation of MyStruct
    pub struct MyStruct {
        /// documentation of the struct field
        lol: String,

    extern "Rust" {
        /// documentation of MyType
        type MyType;

        /// function documentation
        fn asdf() -> bool;

With CFG.doxygen enabled, the generated C++ header through which downstream C++ code will be able to access these shared structs and extern “Rust” signatures will have the Rust documentation comments propagated as Doxygen-style comments:

/// documentation of MyStruct
struct MyStruct final {
  /// documentation of the struct field
  ::rust::String lol;

Otherwise by default (without CFG.doxygen) they’ll just be // comments.