
1use crate::syntax::Atom::{self, *};
2use proc_macro2::{Literal, Span, TokenStream};
3use quote::ToTokens;
4use std::cmp::Ordering;
5use std::collections::BTreeSet;
6use std::fmt::{self, Display};
7use std::str::FromStr;
8use syn::{Error, Expr, Lit, Result, Token, UnOp};
10pub(crate) struct DiscriminantSet {
11    repr: Option<Atom>,
12    values: BTreeSet<Discriminant>,
13    previous: Option<Discriminant>,
16#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
17pub(crate) struct Discriminant {
18    sign: Sign,
19    magnitude: u64,
22#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
23enum Sign {
24    Negative,
25    Positive,
28impl DiscriminantSet {
29    pub(crate) fn new(repr: Option<Atom>) -> Self {
30        DiscriminantSet {
31            repr,
32            values: BTreeSet::new(),
33            previous: None,
34        }
35    }
37    pub(crate) fn insert(&mut self, expr: &Expr) -> Result<Discriminant> {
38        let (discriminant, repr) = expr_to_discriminant(expr)?;
39        match (self.repr, repr) {
40            (None, Some(new_repr)) => {
41                if let Some(limits) = Limits::of(new_repr) {
42                    for &past in &self.values {
43                        if limits.min <= past && past <= limits.max {
44                            continue;
45                        }
46                        let msg = format!(
47                            "discriminant value `{}` is outside the limits of {}",
48                            past, new_repr,
49                        );
50                        return Err(Error::new(Span::call_site(), msg));
51                    }
52                }
53                self.repr = Some(new_repr);
54            }
55            (Some(prev), Some(repr)) if prev != repr => {
56                let msg = format!("expected {}, found {}", prev, repr);
57                return Err(Error::new(Span::call_site(), msg));
58            }
59            _ => {}
60        }
61        insert(self, discriminant)
62    }
64    pub(crate) fn insert_next(&mut self) -> Result<Discriminant> {
65        let discriminant = match self.previous {
66            None => Discriminant::zero(),
67            Some(mut discriminant) => match discriminant.sign {
68                Sign::Negative => {
69                    discriminant.magnitude -= 1;
70                    if discriminant.magnitude == 0 {
71                        discriminant.sign = Sign::Positive;
72                    }
73                    discriminant
74                }
75                Sign::Positive => {
76                    if discriminant.magnitude == u64::MAX {
77                        let msg = format!("discriminant overflow on value after {}", u64::MAX);
78                        return Err(Error::new(Span::call_site(), msg));
79                    }
80                    discriminant.magnitude += 1;
81                    discriminant
82                }
83            },
84        };
85        insert(self, discriminant)
86    }
88    pub(crate) fn inferred_repr(&self) -> Result<Atom> {
89        if let Some(repr) = self.repr {
90            return Ok(repr);
91        }
92        if self.values.is_empty() {
93            return Ok(U8);
94        }
95        let min = *self.values.iter().next().unwrap();
96        let max = *self.values.iter().next_back().unwrap();
97        for limits in &LIMITS {
98            if limits.min <= min && max <= limits.max {
99                return Ok(limits.repr);
100            }
101        }
102        let msg = "these discriminant values do not fit in any supported enum repr type";
103        Err(Error::new(Span::call_site(), msg))
104    }
107fn expr_to_discriminant(expr: &Expr) -> Result<(Discriminant, Option<Atom>)> {
108    match expr {
109        Expr::Lit(expr) => {
110            if let Lit::Int(lit) = &expr.lit {
111                let discriminant = lit.base10_parse::<Discriminant>()?;
112                let repr = parse_int_suffix(lit.suffix())?;
113                return Ok((discriminant, repr));
114            }
115        }
116        Expr::Unary(unary) => {
117            if let UnOp::Neg(_) = unary.op {
118                let (mut discriminant, repr) = expr_to_discriminant(&unary.expr)?;
119                discriminant.sign = match discriminant.sign {
120                    Sign::Positive => Sign::Negative,
121                    Sign::Negative => Sign::Positive,
122                };
123                return Ok((discriminant, repr));
124            }
125        }
126        _ => {}
127    }
128    Err(Error::new_spanned(
129        expr,
130        "enums with non-integer literal discriminants are not supported yet",
131    ))
134fn insert(set: &mut DiscriminantSet, discriminant: Discriminant) -> Result<Discriminant> {
135    if let Some(expected_repr) = set.repr {
136        if let Some(limits) = Limits::of(expected_repr) {
137            if discriminant < limits.min || limits.max < discriminant {
138                let msg = format!(
139                    "discriminant value `{}` is outside the limits of {}",
140                    discriminant, expected_repr,
141                );
142                return Err(Error::new(Span::call_site(), msg));
143            }
144        }
145    }
146    set.values.insert(discriminant);
147    set.previous = Some(discriminant);
148    Ok(discriminant)
151impl Discriminant {
152    pub(crate) const fn zero() -> Self {
153        Discriminant {
154            sign: Sign::Positive,
155            magnitude: 0,
156        }
157    }
159    const fn pos(u: u64) -> Self {
160        Discriminant {
161            sign: Sign::Positive,
162            magnitude: u,
163        }
164    }
166    const fn neg(i: i64) -> Self {
167        Discriminant {
168            sign: if i < 0 {
169                Sign::Negative
170            } else {
171                Sign::Positive
172            },
173            // This is `i.abs() as u64` but without overflow on MIN. Uses the
174            // fact that MIN.wrapping_abs() wraps back to MIN whose binary
175            // representation is 1<<63, and thus the `as u64` conversion
176            // produces 1<<63 too which happens to be the correct unsigned
177            // magnitude.
178            magnitude: i.wrapping_abs() as u64,
179        }
180    }
182    #[cfg(feature = "experimental-enum-variants-from-header")]
183    pub(crate) const fn checked_succ(self) -> Option<Self> {
184        match self.sign {
185            Sign::Negative => {
186                if self.magnitude == 1 {
187                    Some(Discriminant::zero())
188                } else {
189                    Some(Discriminant {
190                        sign: Sign::Negative,
191                        magnitude: self.magnitude - 1,
192                    })
193                }
194            }
195            Sign::Positive => match self.magnitude.checked_add(1) {
196                Some(magnitude) => Some(Discriminant {
197                    sign: Sign::Positive,
198                    magnitude,
199                }),
200                None => None,
201            },
202        }
203    }
206impl Display for Discriminant {
207    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
208        if self.sign == Sign::Negative {
209            f.write_str("-")?;
210        }
211        write!(f, "{}", self.magnitude)
212    }
215impl ToTokens for Discriminant {
216    fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
217        if self.sign == Sign::Negative {
218            Token![-](Span::call_site()).to_tokens(tokens);
219        }
220        Literal::u64_unsuffixed(self.magnitude).to_tokens(tokens);
221    }
224impl FromStr for Discriminant {
225    type Err = Error;
227    fn from_str(mut s: &str) -> Result<Self> {
228        let sign = if s.starts_with('-') {
229            s = &s[1..];
230            Sign::Negative
231        } else {
232            Sign::Positive
233        };
234        match s.parse::<u64>() {
235            Ok(magnitude) => Ok(Discriminant { sign, magnitude }),
236            Err(_) => Err(Error::new(
237                Span::call_site(),
238                "discriminant value outside of supported range",
239            )),
240        }
241    }
244impl Ord for Discriminant {
245    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
246        use self::Sign::{Negative, Positive};
247        match (self.sign, other.sign) {
248            (Negative, Negative) => self.magnitude.cmp(&other.magnitude).reverse(),
249            (Negative, Positive) => Ordering::Less, // negative < positive
250            (Positive, Negative) => Ordering::Greater, // positive > negative
251            (Positive, Positive) => self.magnitude.cmp(&other.magnitude),
252        }
253    }
256impl PartialOrd for Discriminant {
257    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
258        Some(self.cmp(other))
259    }
262fn parse_int_suffix(suffix: &str) -> Result<Option<Atom>> {
263    if suffix.is_empty() {
264        return Ok(None);
265    }
266    if let Some(atom) = Atom::from_str(suffix) {
267        match atom {
268            U8 | U16 | U32 | U64 | Usize | I8 | I16 | I32 | I64 | Isize => return Ok(Some(atom)),
269            _ => {}
270        }
271    }
272    let msg = format!("unrecognized integer suffix: `{}`", suffix);
273    Err(Error::new(Span::call_site(), msg))
276#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
277struct Limits {
278    repr: Atom,
279    min: Discriminant,
280    max: Discriminant,
283impl Limits {
284    fn of(repr: Atom) -> Option<Limits> {
285        for limits in &LIMITS {
286            if limits.repr == repr {
287                return Some(*limits);
288            }
289        }
290        None
291    }
294const LIMITS: [Limits; 8] = [
295    Limits {
296        repr: U8,
297        min: Discriminant::zero(),
298        max: Discriminant::pos(u8::MAX as u64),
299    },
300    Limits {
301        repr: I8,
302        min: Discriminant::neg(i8::MIN as i64),
303        max: Discriminant::pos(i8::MAX as u64),
304    },
305    Limits {
306        repr: U16,
307        min: Discriminant::zero(),
308        max: Discriminant::pos(u16::MAX as u64),
309    },
310    Limits {
311        repr: I16,
312        min: Discriminant::neg(i16::MIN as i64),
313        max: Discriminant::pos(i16::MAX as u64),
314    },
315    Limits {
316        repr: U32,
317        min: Discriminant::zero(),
318        max: Discriminant::pos(u32::MAX as u64),
319    },
320    Limits {
321        repr: I32,
322        min: Discriminant::neg(i32::MIN as i64),
323        max: Discriminant::pos(i32::MAX as u64),
324    },
325    Limits {
326        repr: U64,
327        min: Discriminant::zero(),
328        max: Discriminant::pos(u64::MAX),
329    },
330    Limits {
331        repr: I64,
332        min: Discriminant::neg(i64::MIN),
333        max: Discriminant::pos(i64::MAX as u64),
334    },