Crate darwin_libproc

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Idiomatic and safe wrappers for libproc of macOS.



  • proc_pid_rusage can return different versioned rusage_info_v* structs.


  • Fetch pids for all processes running in system.
  • Fetch process name for pid provided.
  • Fetch pids for processes running in system in a given group.
  • Fetch current working directory for process with pid provided.
  • Fetch executable absolute path for process with pid provided.
  • Return resource usage information for the given pid, which can be a live process or a zombie.
  • Fetch pids for processes running in system with the given PPID.
  • Fetch pids for processes running in system with the given RUID.
  • Returns filled proc_taskallinfo struct for pid given.
  • Returns filled proc_taskinfo struct for pid given.
  • Fetch pids for processes running in system attached to a given TTY.
  • Fetch pids for processes running in system with the given UID.
  • Returns the libproc version as a tuple of (major, minor) parts.
  • Returns filled proc_vnodepathinfo struct for pid given.