macro_rules! config_namespace {
$(#[doc = $struct_d:tt])* // Struct-level documentation attributes
$(#[deprecated($($struct_depr:tt)*)])? // Optional struct-level deprecated attribute
$vis:vis struct $struct_name:ident {
$(#[doc = $d:tt])* // Field-level documentation attributes
$(#[deprecated($($field_depr:tt)*)])? // Optional field-level deprecated attribute
$field_vis:vis $field_name:ident : $field_type:ty,
$(warn = $warn:expr,)?
$(transform = $transform:expr,)?
default = $default:expr
) => { ... };
Expand description
A macro that wraps a configuration struct and automatically derives
and ConfigField
for it, allowing it to be used
in the ConfigOptions
configuration tree.
is used to normalize values before parsing.
For example,
config_namespace! {
/// Amazing config
pub struct MyConfig {
/// Field 1 doc
field1: String, transform = str::to_lowercase, default = "".to_string()
/// Field 2 doc
field2: usize, default = 232
/// Field 3 doc
field3: Option<usize>, default = None
Will generate
/// Amazing config
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct MyConfig {
/// Field 1 doc
field1: String,
/// Field 2 doc
field2: usize,
/// Field 3 doc
field3: Option<usize>,
impl ConfigField for MyConfig {
fn set(&mut self, key: &str, value: &str) -> Result<()> {
let (key, rem) = key.split_once('.').unwrap_or((key, ""));
match key {
"field1" => {
let value = str::to_lowercase(value);
self.field1.set(rem, value.as_ref())
"field2" => self.field2.set(rem, value.as_ref()),
"field3" => self.field3.set(rem, value.as_ref()),
_ => _internal_err!(
"Config value \"{}\" not found on MyConfig",
fn visit<V: Visit>(&self, v: &mut V, key_prefix: &str, _description: &'static str) {
let key = format!("{}.field1", key_prefix);
let desc = "Field 1 doc";
self.field1.visit(v, key.as_str(), desc);
let key = format!("{}.field2", key_prefix);
let desc = "Field 2 doc";
self.field2.visit(v, key.as_str(), desc);
let key = format!("{}.field3", key_prefix);
let desc = "Field 3 doc";
self.field3.visit(v, key.as_str(), desc);
impl Default for MyConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
field1: "".to_string(),
field2: 232,
field3: None,
NB: Misplaced commas may result in nonsensical errors