
1// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
2// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
3// distributed with this work for additional information
4// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
5// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
6// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
7// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
11// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
12// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
14// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
15// specific language governing permissions and limitations
16// under the License.
18//! Window frame module
20//! The frame-spec determines which output rows are read by an aggregate window function. The frame-spec consists of four parts:
21//! - A frame type - either ROWS, RANGE or GROUPS,
22//! - A starting frame boundary,
23//! - An ending frame boundary,
24//! - An EXCLUDE clause.
26use crate::{expr::Sort, lit};
27use arrow::datatypes::DataType;
28use std::fmt::{self, Formatter};
29use std::hash::Hash;
31use datafusion_common::{plan_err, sql_err, DataFusionError, Result, ScalarValue};
32use sqlparser::ast;
33use sqlparser::parser::ParserError::ParserError;
35/// The frame specification determines which output rows are read by an aggregate
36/// window function. The ending frame boundary can be omitted if the `BETWEEN`
37/// and `AND` keywords that surround the starting frame boundary are also omitted,
38/// in which case the ending frame boundary defaults to `CURRENT ROW`.
39#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Hash)]
40pub struct WindowFrame {
41    /// Frame type - either `ROWS`, `RANGE` or `GROUPS`
42    pub units: WindowFrameUnits,
43    /// Starting frame boundary
44    pub start_bound: WindowFrameBound,
45    /// Ending frame boundary
46    pub end_bound: WindowFrameBound,
47    /// Flag indicating whether the frame is causal (i.e. computing the result
48    /// for the current row doesn't depend on any subsequent rows).
49    ///
50    /// Example causal window frames:
51    /// ```text
52    ///                +--------------+
53    ///      Future    |              |
54    ///         |      |              |
55    ///         |      |              |
56    ///    Current Row |+------------+|  ---
57    ///         |      |              |   |
58    ///         |      |              |   |
59    ///         |      |              |   |  Window Frame 1
60    ///       Past     |              |   |
61    ///                |              |   |
62    ///                |              |  ---
63    ///                +--------------+
64    ///
65    ///                +--------------+
66    ///      Future    |              |
67    ///         |      |              |
68    ///         |      |              |
69    ///    Current Row |+------------+|
70    ///         |      |              |
71    ///         |      |              | ---
72    ///         |      |              |  |
73    ///       Past     |              |  |  Window Frame 2
74    ///                |              |  |
75    ///                |              | ---
76    ///                +--------------+
77    /// ```
78    /// Example non-causal window frame:
79    /// ```text
80    ///                +--------------+
81    ///      Future    |              |
82    ///         |      |              |
83    ///         |      |              | ---
84    ///    Current Row |+------------+|  |
85    ///         |      |              |  |  Window Frame 3
86    ///         |      |              |  |
87    ///         |      |              | ---
88    ///       Past     |              |
89    ///                |              |
90    ///                |              |
91    ///                +--------------+
92    /// ```
93    causal: bool,
96impl fmt::Display for WindowFrame {
97    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
98        write!(
99            f,
100            "{} BETWEEN {} AND {}",
101            self.units, self.start_bound, self.end_bound
102        )?;
103        Ok(())
104    }
107impl fmt::Debug for WindowFrame {
108    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
109        write!(
110            f,
111            "WindowFrame {{ units: {:?}, start_bound: {:?}, end_bound: {:?}, is_causal: {:?} }}",
112            self.units, self.start_bound, self.end_bound, self.causal
113        )?;
114        Ok(())
115    }
118impl TryFrom<ast::WindowFrame> for WindowFrame {
119    type Error = DataFusionError;
121    fn try_from(value: ast::WindowFrame) -> Result<Self> {
122        let start_bound = WindowFrameBound::try_parse(value.start_bound, &value.units)?;
123        let end_bound = match value.end_bound {
124            Some(bound) => WindowFrameBound::try_parse(bound, &value.units)?,
125            None => WindowFrameBound::CurrentRow,
126        };
128        if let WindowFrameBound::Following(val) = &start_bound {
129            if val.is_null() {
130                plan_err!(
131                    "Invalid window frame: start bound cannot be UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING"
132                )?
133            }
134        } else if let WindowFrameBound::Preceding(val) = &end_bound {
135            if val.is_null() {
136                plan_err!(
137                    "Invalid window frame: end bound cannot be UNBOUNDED PRECEDING"
138                )?
139            }
140        };
142        let units = value.units.into();
143        Ok(Self::new_bounds(units, start_bound, end_bound))
144    }
147impl WindowFrame {
148    /// Creates a new, default window frame (with the meaning of default
149    /// depending on whether the frame contains an `ORDER BY` clause and this
150    /// ordering is strict (i.e. no ties).
151    pub fn new(order_by: Option<bool>) -> Self {
152        if let Some(strict) = order_by {
153            // This window frame covers the table (or partition if `PARTITION BY`
154            // is used) from beginning to the `CURRENT ROW` (with same rank). It
155            // is used when the `OVER` clause contains an `ORDER BY` clause but
156            // no frame.
157            Self {
158                units: if strict {
159                    WindowFrameUnits::Rows
160                } else {
161                    WindowFrameUnits::Range
162                },
163                start_bound: WindowFrameBound::Preceding(ScalarValue::Null),
164                end_bound: WindowFrameBound::CurrentRow,
165                causal: strict,
166            }
167        } else {
168            // This window frame covers the whole table (or partition if `PARTITION BY`
169            // is used). It is used when the `OVER` clause does not contain an
170            // `ORDER BY` clause and there is no frame.
171            Self {
172                units: WindowFrameUnits::Rows,
173                start_bound: WindowFrameBound::Preceding(ScalarValue::UInt64(None)),
174                end_bound: WindowFrameBound::Following(ScalarValue::UInt64(None)),
175                causal: false,
176            }
177        }
178    }
180    /// Get reversed window frame. For example
183    pub fn reverse(&self) -> Self {
184        let start_bound = match &self.end_bound {
185            WindowFrameBound::Preceding(value) => {
186                WindowFrameBound::Following(value.clone())
187            }
188            WindowFrameBound::Following(value) => {
189                WindowFrameBound::Preceding(value.clone())
190            }
191            WindowFrameBound::CurrentRow => WindowFrameBound::CurrentRow,
192        };
193        let end_bound = match &self.start_bound {
194            WindowFrameBound::Preceding(value) => {
195                WindowFrameBound::Following(value.clone())
196            }
197            WindowFrameBound::Following(value) => {
198                WindowFrameBound::Preceding(value.clone())
199            }
200            WindowFrameBound::CurrentRow => WindowFrameBound::CurrentRow,
201        };
202        Self::new_bounds(self.units, start_bound, end_bound)
203    }
205    /// Get whether window frame is causal
206    pub fn is_causal(&self) -> bool {
207        self.causal
208    }
210    /// Initializes window frame from units (type), start bound and end bound.
211    pub fn new_bounds(
212        units: WindowFrameUnits,
213        start_bound: WindowFrameBound,
214        end_bound: WindowFrameBound,
215    ) -> Self {
216        let causal = match units {
217            WindowFrameUnits::Rows => match &end_bound {
218                WindowFrameBound::Following(value) => {
219                    if value.is_null() {
220                        // Unbounded following
221                        false
222                    } else {
223                        let zero = ScalarValue::new_zero(&value.data_type());
224              |zero| value.eq(&zero)).unwrap_or(false)
225                    }
226                }
227                _ => true,
228            },
229            WindowFrameUnits::Range | WindowFrameUnits::Groups => match &end_bound {
230                WindowFrameBound::Preceding(value) => {
231                    if value.is_null() {
232                        // Unbounded preceding
233                        true
234                    } else {
235                        let zero = ScalarValue::new_zero(&value.data_type());
236              |zero|
237                    }
238                }
239                _ => false,
240            },
241        };
242        Self {
243            units,
244            start_bound,
245            end_bound,
246            causal,
247        }
248    }
250    /// Regularizes the ORDER BY clause of the window frame.
251    pub fn regularize_order_bys(&self, order_by: &mut Vec<Sort>) -> Result<()> {
252        match self.units {
253            // Normally, RANGE frames require an ORDER BY clause with exactly
254            // one column. However, an ORDER BY clause may be absent or have
255            // more than one column when the start/end bounds are UNBOUNDED or
256            // CURRENT ROW.
257            WindowFrameUnits::Range if self.free_range() => {
258                // If an ORDER BY clause is absent, it is equivalent to an
259                // ORDER BY clause with constant value as sort key. If an
260                // ORDER BY clause is present but has more than one column,
261                // it is unchanged. Note that this follows PostgreSQL behavior.
262                if order_by.is_empty() {
263                    order_by.push(lit(1u64).sort(true, false));
264                }
265            }
266            WindowFrameUnits::Range if order_by.len() != 1 => {
267                return plan_err!("RANGE requires exactly one ORDER BY column");
268            }
269            WindowFrameUnits::Groups if order_by.is_empty() => {
270                return plan_err!("GROUPS requires an ORDER BY clause");
271            }
272            _ => {}
273        }
274        Ok(())
275    }
277    /// Returns whether the window frame can accept multiple ORDER BY expressions.
278    pub fn can_accept_multi_orderby(&self) -> bool {
279        match self.units {
280            WindowFrameUnits::Rows => true,
281            WindowFrameUnits::Range => self.free_range(),
282            WindowFrameUnits::Groups => true,
283        }
284    }
286    /// Returns whether the window frame is "free range"; i.e. its start/end
287    /// bounds are UNBOUNDED or CURRENT ROW.
288    fn free_range(&self) -> bool {
289        (self.start_bound.is_unbounded()
290            || self.start_bound == WindowFrameBound::CurrentRow)
291            && (self.end_bound.is_unbounded()
292                || self.end_bound == WindowFrameBound::CurrentRow)
293    }
295    /// Is the window frame ever-expanding (it always grows in the superset sense).
296    /// Useful when understanding if set-monotonicity properties of functions can
297    /// be exploited.
298    pub fn is_ever_expanding(&self) -> bool {
299        self.start_bound.is_unbounded()
300    }
303/// There are five ways to describe starting and ending frame boundaries:
306/// 2. `<expr>` PRECEDING
307/// 3. CURRENT ROW
308/// 4. `<expr>` FOLLOWING
311#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Hash)]
312pub enum WindowFrameBound {
314    ///    The frame boundary is the first row in the partition.
315    ///
316    /// 2. `<expr>` PRECEDING
317    ///    `<expr>` must be a non-negative constant numeric expression. The boundary is a row that
318    ///    is `<expr>` "units" prior to the current row.
319    Preceding(ScalarValue),
320    /// 3. The current row.
321    ///
322    /// For RANGE and GROUPS frame types, peers of the current row are also
323    /// included in the frame, unless specifically excluded by the EXCLUDE clause.
324    /// This is true regardless of whether CURRENT ROW is used as the starting or ending frame
325    /// boundary.
326    CurrentRow,
327    /// 4. This is the same as "`<expr>` PRECEDING" except that the boundary is `<expr>` units after the
328    ///    current rather than before the current row.
329    ///
331    ///    The frame boundary is the last row in the partition.
332    Following(ScalarValue),
335impl WindowFrameBound {
336    pub fn is_unbounded(&self) -> bool {
337        match self {
338            WindowFrameBound::Preceding(elem) => elem.is_null(),
339            WindowFrameBound::CurrentRow => false,
340            WindowFrameBound::Following(elem) => elem.is_null(),
341        }
342    }
345impl WindowFrameBound {
346    fn try_parse(
347        value: ast::WindowFrameBound,
348        units: &ast::WindowFrameUnits,
349    ) -> Result<Self> {
350        Ok(match value {
351            ast::WindowFrameBound::Preceding(Some(v)) => {
352                Self::Preceding(convert_frame_bound_to_scalar_value(*v, units)?)
353            }
354            ast::WindowFrameBound::Preceding(None) => Self::Preceding(ScalarValue::Null),
355            ast::WindowFrameBound::Following(Some(v)) => {
356                Self::Following(convert_frame_bound_to_scalar_value(*v, units)?)
357            }
358            ast::WindowFrameBound::Following(None) => Self::Following(ScalarValue::Null),
359            ast::WindowFrameBound::CurrentRow => Self::CurrentRow,
360        })
361    }
364fn convert_frame_bound_to_scalar_value(
365    v: ast::Expr,
366    units: &ast::WindowFrameUnits,
367) -> Result<ScalarValue> {
368    match units {
369        // For ROWS and GROUPS we are sure that the ScalarValue must be a non-negative integer ...
370        ast::WindowFrameUnits::Rows | ast::WindowFrameUnits::Groups => match v {
371            ast::Expr::Value(ast::Value::Number(value, false)) => {
372                Ok(ScalarValue::try_from_string(value, &DataType::UInt64)?)
373            },
374            ast::Expr::Interval(ast::Interval {
375                value,
376                leading_field: None,
377                leading_precision: None,
378                last_field: None,
379                fractional_seconds_precision: None,
380            }) => {
381                let value = match *value {
382                    ast::Expr::Value(ast::Value::SingleQuotedString(item)) => item,
383                    e => {
384                        return sql_err!(ParserError(format!(
385                            "INTERVAL expression cannot be {e:?}"
386                        )));
387                    }
388                };
389                Ok(ScalarValue::try_from_string(value, &DataType::UInt64)?)
390            }
391            _ => plan_err!(
392                "Invalid window frame: frame offsets for ROWS / GROUPS must be non negative integers"
393            ),
394        },
395        // ... instead for RANGE it could be anything depending on the type of the ORDER BY clause,
396        // so we use a ScalarValue::Utf8.
397        ast::WindowFrameUnits::Range => Ok(ScalarValue::Utf8(Some(match v {
398            ast::Expr::Value(ast::Value::Number(value, false)) => value,
399            ast::Expr::Interval(ast::Interval {
400                value,
401                leading_field,
402                ..
403            }) => {
404                let result = match *value {
405                    ast::Expr::Value(ast::Value::SingleQuotedString(item)) => item,
406                    e => {
407                        return sql_err!(ParserError(format!(
408                            "INTERVAL expression cannot be {e:?}"
409                        )));
410                    }
411                };
412                if let Some(leading_field) = leading_field {
413                    format!("{result} {leading_field}")
414                } else {
415                    result
416                }
417            }
418            _ => plan_err!(
419                "Invalid window frame: frame offsets for RANGE must be either a numeric value, a string value or an interval"
420            )?,
421        }))),
422    }
425impl fmt::Display for WindowFrameBound {
426    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
427        match self {
428            WindowFrameBound::Preceding(n) => {
429                if n.is_null() {
430                    f.write_str("UNBOUNDED PRECEDING")
431                } else {
432                    write!(f, "{n} PRECEDING")
433                }
434            }
435            WindowFrameBound::CurrentRow => f.write_str("CURRENT ROW"),
436            WindowFrameBound::Following(n) => {
437                if n.is_null() {
438                    f.write_str("UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING")
439                } else {
440                    write!(f, "{n} FOLLOWING")
441                }
442            }
443        }
444    }
447/// There are three frame types: ROWS, GROUPS, and RANGE. The frame type determines how the
448/// starting and ending boundaries of the frame are measured.
449#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Hash)]
450pub enum WindowFrameUnits {
451    /// The ROWS frame type means that the starting and ending boundaries for the frame are
452    /// determined by counting individual rows relative to the current row.
453    Rows,
454    /// The RANGE frame type requires that the ORDER BY clause of the window have exactly one
455    /// term. Call that term "X". With the RANGE frame type, the elements of the frame are
456    /// determined by computing the value of expression X for all rows in the partition and framing
457    /// those rows for which the value of X is within a certain range of the value of X for the
458    /// current row.
459    Range,
460    /// The GROUPS frame type means that the starting and ending boundaries are determine
461    /// by counting "groups" relative to the current group. A "group" is a set of rows that all have
462    /// equivalent values for all all terms of the window ORDER BY clause.
463    Groups,
466impl fmt::Display for WindowFrameUnits {
467    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
468        f.write_str(match self {
469            WindowFrameUnits::Rows => "ROWS",
470            WindowFrameUnits::Range => "RANGE",
471            WindowFrameUnits::Groups => "GROUPS",
472        })
473    }
476impl From<ast::WindowFrameUnits> for WindowFrameUnits {
477    fn from(value: ast::WindowFrameUnits) -> Self {
478        match value {
479            ast::WindowFrameUnits::Range => Self::Range,
480            ast::WindowFrameUnits::Groups => Self::Groups,
481            ast::WindowFrameUnits::Rows => Self::Rows,
482        }
483    }
487mod tests {
488    use super::*;
490    #[test]
491    fn test_window_frame_creation() -> Result<()> {
492        let window_frame = ast::WindowFrame {
493            units: ast::WindowFrameUnits::Range,
494            start_bound: ast::WindowFrameBound::Following(None),
495            end_bound: None,
496        };
497        let err = WindowFrame::try_from(window_frame).unwrap_err();
498        assert_eq!(
499            err.strip_backtrace(),
500            "Error during planning: Invalid window frame: start bound cannot be UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING".to_owned()
501        );
503        let window_frame = ast::WindowFrame {
504            units: ast::WindowFrameUnits::Range,
505            start_bound: ast::WindowFrameBound::Preceding(None),
506            end_bound: Some(ast::WindowFrameBound::Preceding(None)),
507        };
508        let err = WindowFrame::try_from(window_frame).unwrap_err();
509        assert_eq!(
510            err.strip_backtrace(),
511            "Error during planning: Invalid window frame: end bound cannot be UNBOUNDED PRECEDING".to_owned()
512        );
514        let window_frame = ast::WindowFrame {
515            units: ast::WindowFrameUnits::Rows,
516            start_bound: ast::WindowFrameBound::Preceding(Some(Box::new(
517                ast::Expr::Value(ast::Value::Number("2".to_string(), false)),
518            ))),
519            end_bound: Some(ast::WindowFrameBound::Preceding(Some(Box::new(
520                ast::Expr::Value(ast::Value::Number("1".to_string(), false)),
521            )))),
522        };
524        let window_frame = WindowFrame::try_from(window_frame)?;
525        assert_eq!(window_frame.units, WindowFrameUnits::Rows);
526        assert_eq!(
527            window_frame.start_bound,
528            WindowFrameBound::Preceding(ScalarValue::UInt64(Some(2)))
529        );
530        assert_eq!(
531            window_frame.end_bound,
532            WindowFrameBound::Preceding(ScalarValue::UInt64(Some(1)))
533        );
535        Ok(())
536    }
538    macro_rules! test_bound {
539        ($unit:ident, $value:expr, $expected:expr) => {
540            let preceding = WindowFrameBound::try_parse(
541                ast::WindowFrameBound::Preceding($value),
542                &ast::WindowFrameUnits::$unit,
543            )?;
544            assert_eq!(preceding, WindowFrameBound::Preceding($expected));
545            let following = WindowFrameBound::try_parse(
546                ast::WindowFrameBound::Following($value),
547                &ast::WindowFrameUnits::$unit,
548            )?;
549            assert_eq!(following, WindowFrameBound::Following($expected));
550        };
551    }
553    macro_rules! test_bound_err {
554        ($unit:ident, $value:expr, $expected:expr) => {
555            let err = WindowFrameBound::try_parse(
556                ast::WindowFrameBound::Preceding($value),
557                &ast::WindowFrameUnits::$unit,
558            )
559            .unwrap_err();
560            assert_eq!(err.strip_backtrace(), $expected);
561            let err = WindowFrameBound::try_parse(
562                ast::WindowFrameBound::Following($value),
563                &ast::WindowFrameUnits::$unit,
564            )
565            .unwrap_err();
566            assert_eq!(err.strip_backtrace(), $expected);
567        };
568    }
570    #[test]
571    fn test_window_frame_bound_creation() -> Result<()> {
572        //  Unbounded
573        test_bound!(Rows, None, ScalarValue::Null);
574        test_bound!(Groups, None, ScalarValue::Null);
575        test_bound!(Range, None, ScalarValue::Null);
577        // Number
578        let number = Some(Box::new(ast::Expr::Value(ast::Value::Number(
579            "42".to_string(),
580            false,
581        ))));
582        test_bound!(Rows, number.clone(), ScalarValue::UInt64(Some(42)));
583        test_bound!(Groups, number.clone(), ScalarValue::UInt64(Some(42)));
584        test_bound!(
585            Range,
586            number.clone(),
587            ScalarValue::Utf8(Some("42".to_string()))
588        );
590        // Interval
591        let number = Some(Box::new(ast::Expr::Interval(ast::Interval {
592            value: Box::new(ast::Expr::Value(ast::Value::SingleQuotedString(
593                "1".to_string(),
594            ))),
595            leading_field: Some(ast::DateTimeField::Day),
596            fractional_seconds_precision: None,
597            last_field: None,
598            leading_precision: None,
599        })));
600        test_bound_err!(Rows, number.clone(), "Error during planning: Invalid window frame: frame offsets for ROWS / GROUPS must be non negative integers");
601        test_bound_err!(Groups, number.clone(), "Error during planning: Invalid window frame: frame offsets for ROWS / GROUPS must be non negative integers");
602        test_bound!(
603            Range,
604            number.clone(),
605            ScalarValue::Utf8(Some("1 DAY".to_string()))
606        );
608        Ok(())
609    }