length.rsuse crate::utils::make_scalar_function;
use arrow_array::{
Array, ArrayRef, Int64Array, LargeListArray, ListArray, OffsetSizeTrait, UInt64Array,
use arrow_schema::DataType;
use arrow_schema::DataType::{FixedSizeList, LargeList, List, UInt64};
use datafusion_common::cast::{as_generic_list_array, as_int64_array};
use datafusion_common::{exec_err, internal_datafusion_err, plan_err, Result};
use datafusion_expr::{
ColumnarValue, Documentation, ScalarUDFImpl, Signature, Volatility,
use datafusion_functions::{downcast_arg, downcast_named_arg};
use datafusion_macros::user_doc;
use std::any::Any;
use std::sync::Arc;
"returns the length of the array dimension.",
doc_section(label = "Array Functions"),
description = "Returns the length of the array dimension.",
syntax_example = "array_length(array, dimension)",
sql_example = r#"```sql
> select array_length([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 1);
| array_length(List([1,2,3,4,5]), 1) |
| 5 |
name = "array",
description = "Array expression. Can be a constant, column, or function, and any combination of array operators."
argument(name = "dimension", description = "Array dimension.")
pub struct ArrayLength {
signature: Signature,
aliases: Vec<String>,
impl Default for ArrayLength {
fn default() -> Self {
impl ArrayLength {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
signature: Signature::variadic_any(Volatility::Immutable),
aliases: vec![String::from("list_length")],
impl ScalarUDFImpl for ArrayLength {
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn name(&self) -> &str {
fn signature(&self) -> &Signature {
fn return_type(&self, arg_types: &[DataType]) -> Result<DataType> {
Ok(match arg_types[0] {
List(_) | LargeList(_) | FixedSizeList(_, _) => UInt64,
_ => {
return plan_err!("The array_length function can only accept List/LargeList/FixedSizeList.");
fn invoke_batch(
args: &[ColumnarValue],
_number_rows: usize,
) -> Result<ColumnarValue> {
fn aliases(&self) -> &[String] {
fn documentation(&self) -> Option<&Documentation> {
pub fn array_length_inner(args: &[ArrayRef]) -> Result<ArrayRef> {
if args.len() != 1 && args.len() != 2 {
return exec_err!("array_length expects one or two arguments");
match &args[0].data_type() {
List(_) => general_array_length::<i32>(args),
LargeList(_) => general_array_length::<i64>(args),
array_type => exec_err!("array_length does not support type '{array_type:?}'"),
fn general_array_length<O: OffsetSizeTrait>(array: &[ArrayRef]) -> Result<ArrayRef> {
let list_array = as_generic_list_array::<O>(&array[0])?;
let dimension = if array.len() == 2 {
} else {
Int64Array::from_value(1, list_array.len())
let result = list_array
.map(|(arr, dim)| compute_array_length(arr, dim))
Ok(Arc::new(result) as ArrayRef)
fn compute_array_length(
arr: Option<ArrayRef>,
dimension: Option<i64>,
) -> Result<Option<u64>> {
let mut current_dimension: i64 = 1;
let mut value = match arr {
Some(arr) => arr,
None => return Ok(None),
let dimension = match dimension {
Some(value) => {
if value < 1 {
return Ok(None);
None => return Ok(None),
loop {
if current_dimension == dimension {
return Ok(Some(value.len() as u64));
match value.data_type() {
List(..) => {
value = downcast_arg!(value, ListArray).value(0);
current_dimension += 1;
LargeList(..) => {
value = downcast_arg!(value, LargeListArray).value(0);
current_dimension += 1;
_ => return Ok(None),