1use std::any::Any;
21use std::sync::Arc;
23use super::power::PowerFunc;
25use arrow::array::{ArrayRef, AsArray};
26use arrow::datatypes::{DataType, Float32Type, Float64Type};
27use datafusion_common::{
28 exec_err, internal_err, plan_datafusion_err, plan_err, Result, ScalarValue,
30use datafusion_expr::expr::ScalarFunction;
31use datafusion_expr::simplify::{ExprSimplifyResult, SimplifyInfo};
32use datafusion_expr::sort_properties::{ExprProperties, SortProperties};
33use datafusion_expr::{
34 lit, ColumnarValue, Documentation, Expr, ScalarFunctionArgs, ScalarUDF,
35 TypeSignature::*,
37use datafusion_expr::{ScalarUDFImpl, Signature, Volatility};
38use datafusion_macros::user_doc;
41 doc_section(label = "Math Functions"),
42 description = "Returns the base-x logarithm of a number. Can either provide a specified base, or if omitted then takes the base-10 of a number.",
43 syntax_example = r#"log(base, numeric_expression)
45 standard_argument(name = "base", prefix = "Base numeric"),
46 standard_argument(name = "numeric_expression", prefix = "Numeric")
49pub struct LogFunc {
50 signature: Signature,
53impl Default for LogFunc {
54 fn default() -> Self {
55 Self::new()
56 }
59impl LogFunc {
60 pub fn new() -> Self {
61 use DataType::*;
62 Self {
63 signature: Signature::one_of(
64 vec![
65 Exact(vec![Float32]),
66 Exact(vec![Float64]),
67 Exact(vec![Float32, Float32]),
68 Exact(vec![Float64, Float64]),
69 ],
70 Volatility::Immutable,
71 ),
72 }
73 }
76impl ScalarUDFImpl for LogFunc {
77 fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
78 self
79 }
80 fn name(&self) -> &str {
81 "log"
82 }
84 fn signature(&self) -> &Signature {
85 &self.signature
86 }
88 fn return_type(&self, arg_types: &[DataType]) -> Result<DataType> {
89 match &arg_types[0] {
90 DataType::Float32 => Ok(DataType::Float32),
91 _ => Ok(DataType::Float64),
92 }
93 }
95 fn output_ordering(&self, input: &[ExprProperties]) -> Result<SortProperties> {
96 let (base_sort_properties, num_sort_properties) = if input.len() == 1 {
97 (SortProperties::Singleton, input[0].sort_properties)
99 } else {
100 (input[0].sort_properties, input[1].sort_properties)
101 };
102 match (num_sort_properties, base_sort_properties) {
103 (first @ SortProperties::Ordered(num), SortProperties::Ordered(base))
104 if num.descending != base.descending
105 && num.nulls_first == base.nulls_first =>
106 {
107 Ok(first)
108 }
109 (
110 first @ (SortProperties::Ordered(_) | SortProperties::Singleton),
111 SortProperties::Singleton,
112 ) => Ok(first),
113 (SortProperties::Singleton, second @ SortProperties::Ordered(_)) => {
114 Ok(-second)
115 }
116 _ => Ok(SortProperties::Unordered),
117 }
118 }
120 fn invoke_with_args(&self, args: ScalarFunctionArgs) -> Result<ColumnarValue> {
122 let args = ColumnarValue::values_to_arrays(&args.args)?;
124 let mut base = ColumnarValue::Scalar(ScalarValue::Float32(Some(10.0)));
126 let mut x = &args[0];
127 if args.len() == 2 {
128 x = &args[1];
129 base = ColumnarValue::Array(Arc::clone(&args[0]));
130 }
131 let arr: ArrayRef = match args[0].data_type() {
133 DataType::Float64 => match base {
134 ColumnarValue::Scalar(ScalarValue::Float32(Some(base))) => {
135 Arc::new(x.as_primitive::<Float64Type>().unary::<_, Float64Type>(
136 |value: f64| f64::log(value, base as f64),
137 ))
138 }
139 ColumnarValue::Array(base) => {
140 let x = x.as_primitive::<Float64Type>();
141 let base = base.as_primitive::<Float64Type>();
142 let result = arrow::compute::binary::<_, _, _, Float64Type>(
143 x,
144 base,
145 f64::log,
146 )?;
147 Arc::new(result) as _
148 }
149 _ => {
150 return exec_err!("log function requires a scalar or array for base")
151 }
152 },
154 DataType::Float32 => match base {
155 ColumnarValue::Scalar(ScalarValue::Float32(Some(base))) => Arc::new(
156 x.as_primitive::<Float32Type>()
157 .unary::<_, Float32Type>(|value: f32| f32::log(value, base)),
158 ),
159 ColumnarValue::Array(base) => {
160 let x = x.as_primitive::<Float32Type>();
161 let base = base.as_primitive::<Float32Type>();
162 let result = arrow::compute::binary::<_, _, _, Float32Type>(
163 x,
164 base,
165 f32::log,
166 )?;
167 Arc::new(result) as _
168 }
169 _ => {
170 return exec_err!("log function requires a scalar or array for base")
171 }
172 },
173 other => {
174 return exec_err!("Unsupported data type {other:?} for function log")
175 }
176 };
178 Ok(ColumnarValue::Array(arr))
179 }
181 fn documentation(&self) -> Option<&Documentation> {
182 self.doc()
183 }
185 fn simplify(
190 &self,
191 mut args: Vec<Expr>,
192 info: &dyn SimplifyInfo,
193 ) -> Result<ExprSimplifyResult> {
194 let num_args = args.len();
198 if num_args > 2 {
199 return plan_err!("Expected log to have 1 or 2 arguments, got {num_args}");
200 }
201 let number = args.pop().ok_or_else(|| {
202 plan_datafusion_err!("Expected log to have 1 or 2 arguments, got 0")
203 })?;
204 let number_datatype = info.get_data_type(&number)?;
205 let base = if let Some(base) = args.pop() {
207 base
208 } else {
209 lit(ScalarValue::new_ten(&number_datatype)?)
210 };
212 match number {
213 Expr::Literal(value) if value == ScalarValue::new_one(&number_datatype)? => {
214 Ok(ExprSimplifyResult::Simplified(lit(ScalarValue::new_zero(
215 &info.get_data_type(&base)?,
216 )?)))
217 }
218 Expr::ScalarFunction(ScalarFunction { func, mut args })
219 if is_pow(&func) && args.len() == 2 && base == args[0] =>
220 {
221 let b = args.pop().unwrap(); Ok(ExprSimplifyResult::Simplified(b))
223 }
224 number => {
225 if number == base {
226 Ok(ExprSimplifyResult::Simplified(lit(ScalarValue::new_one(
227 &number_datatype,
228 )?)))
229 } else {
230 let args = match num_args {
231 1 => vec![number],
232 2 => vec![base, number],
233 _ => {
234 return internal_err!(
235 "Unexpected number of arguments in log::simplify"
236 )
237 }
238 };
239 Ok(ExprSimplifyResult::Original(args))
240 }
241 }
242 }
243 }
246fn is_pow(func: &ScalarUDF) -> bool {
248 func.inner().as_any().downcast_ref::<PowerFunc>().is_some()
252mod tests {
253 use std::collections::HashMap;
255 use super::*;
257 use arrow::array::{Float32Array, Float64Array, Int64Array};
258 use arrow::compute::SortOptions;
259 use datafusion_common::cast::{as_float32_array, as_float64_array};
260 use datafusion_common::DFSchema;
261 use datafusion_expr::execution_props::ExecutionProps;
262 use datafusion_expr::simplify::SimplifyContext;
264 #[test]
265 #[should_panic]
266 fn test_log_invalid_base_type() {
267 let args = ScalarFunctionArgs {
268 args: vec![
269 ColumnarValue::Array(Arc::new(Float64Array::from(vec![
270 10.0, 100.0, 1000.0, 10000.0,
271 ]))), ColumnarValue::Array(Arc::new(Int64Array::from(vec![5, 10, 15, 20]))),
273 ],
274 number_rows: 4,
275 return_type: &DataType::Float64,
276 };
277 let _ = LogFunc::new().invoke_with_args(args);
278 }
280 #[test]
281 fn test_log_invalid_value() {
282 let args = ScalarFunctionArgs {
283 args: vec![
284 ColumnarValue::Array(Arc::new(Int64Array::from(vec![10]))), ],
286 number_rows: 1,
287 return_type: &DataType::Float64,
288 };
290 let result = LogFunc::new().invoke_with_args(args);
291 result.expect_err("expected error");
292 }
294 #[test]
295 fn test_log_scalar_f32_unary() {
296 let args = ScalarFunctionArgs {
297 args: vec![
298 ColumnarValue::Scalar(ScalarValue::Float32(Some(10.0))), ],
300 number_rows: 1,
301 return_type: &DataType::Float32,
302 };
303 let result = LogFunc::new()
304 .invoke_with_args(args)
305 .expect("failed to initialize function log");
307 match result {
308 ColumnarValue::Array(arr) => {
309 let floats = as_float32_array(&arr)
310 .expect("failed to convert result to a Float32Array");
312 assert_eq!(floats.len(), 1);
313 assert!((floats.value(0) - 1.0).abs() < 1e-10);
314 }
315 ColumnarValue::Scalar(_) => {
316 panic!("Expected an array value")
317 }
318 }
319 }
321 #[test]
322 fn test_log_scalar_f64_unary() {
323 let args = ScalarFunctionArgs {
324 args: vec![
325 ColumnarValue::Scalar(ScalarValue::Float64(Some(10.0))), ],
327 number_rows: 1,
328 return_type: &DataType::Float64,
329 };
330 let result = LogFunc::new()
331 .invoke_with_args(args)
332 .expect("failed to initialize function log");
334 match result {
335 ColumnarValue::Array(arr) => {
336 let floats = as_float64_array(&arr)
337 .expect("failed to convert result to a Float64Array");
339 assert_eq!(floats.len(), 1);
340 assert!((floats.value(0) - 1.0).abs() < 1e-10);
341 }
342 ColumnarValue::Scalar(_) => {
343 panic!("Expected an array value")
344 }
345 }
346 }
348 #[test]
349 fn test_log_scalar_f32() {
350 let args = ScalarFunctionArgs {
351 args: vec![
352 ColumnarValue::Scalar(ScalarValue::Float32(Some(2.0))), ColumnarValue::Scalar(ScalarValue::Float32(Some(32.0))), ],
355 number_rows: 1,
356 return_type: &DataType::Float32,
357 };
358 let result = LogFunc::new()
359 .invoke_with_args(args)
360 .expect("failed to initialize function log");
362 match result {
363 ColumnarValue::Array(arr) => {
364 let floats = as_float32_array(&arr)
365 .expect("failed to convert result to a Float32Array");
367 assert_eq!(floats.len(), 1);
368 assert!((floats.value(0) - 5.0).abs() < 1e-10);
369 }
370 ColumnarValue::Scalar(_) => {
371 panic!("Expected an array value")
372 }
373 }
374 }
376 #[test]
377 fn test_log_scalar_f64() {
378 let args = ScalarFunctionArgs {
379 args: vec![
380 ColumnarValue::Scalar(ScalarValue::Float64(Some(2.0))), ColumnarValue::Scalar(ScalarValue::Float64(Some(64.0))), ],
383 number_rows: 1,
384 return_type: &DataType::Float64,
385 };
386 let result = LogFunc::new()
387 .invoke_with_args(args)
388 .expect("failed to initialize function log");
390 match result {
391 ColumnarValue::Array(arr) => {
392 let floats = as_float64_array(&arr)
393 .expect("failed to convert result to a Float64Array");
395 assert_eq!(floats.len(), 1);
396 assert!((floats.value(0) - 6.0).abs() < 1e-10);
397 }
398 ColumnarValue::Scalar(_) => {
399 panic!("Expected an array value")
400 }
401 }
402 }
404 #[test]
405 fn test_log_f64_unary() {
406 let args = ScalarFunctionArgs {
407 args: vec![
408 ColumnarValue::Array(Arc::new(Float64Array::from(vec![
409 10.0, 100.0, 1000.0, 10000.0,
410 ]))), ],
412 number_rows: 4,
413 return_type: &DataType::Float64,
414 };
415 let result = LogFunc::new()
416 .invoke_with_args(args)
417 .expect("failed to initialize function log");
419 match result {
420 ColumnarValue::Array(arr) => {
421 let floats = as_float64_array(&arr)
422 .expect("failed to convert result to a Float64Array");
424 assert_eq!(floats.len(), 4);
425 assert!((floats.value(0) - 1.0).abs() < 1e-10);
426 assert!((floats.value(1) - 2.0).abs() < 1e-10);
427 assert!((floats.value(2) - 3.0).abs() < 1e-10);
428 assert!((floats.value(3) - 4.0).abs() < 1e-10);
429 }
430 ColumnarValue::Scalar(_) => {
431 panic!("Expected an array value")
432 }
433 }
434 }
436 #[test]
437 fn test_log_f32_unary() {
438 let args = ScalarFunctionArgs {
439 args: vec![
440 ColumnarValue::Array(Arc::new(Float32Array::from(vec![
441 10.0, 100.0, 1000.0, 10000.0,
442 ]))), ],
444 number_rows: 4,
445 return_type: &DataType::Float32,
446 };
447 let result = LogFunc::new()
448 .invoke_with_args(args)
449 .expect("failed to initialize function log");
451 match result {
452 ColumnarValue::Array(arr) => {
453 let floats = as_float32_array(&arr)
454 .expect("failed to convert result to a Float64Array");
456 assert_eq!(floats.len(), 4);
457 assert!((floats.value(0) - 1.0).abs() < 1e-10);
458 assert!((floats.value(1) - 2.0).abs() < 1e-10);
459 assert!((floats.value(2) - 3.0).abs() < 1e-10);
460 assert!((floats.value(3) - 4.0).abs() < 1e-10);
461 }
462 ColumnarValue::Scalar(_) => {
463 panic!("Expected an array value")
464 }
465 }
466 }
468 #[test]
469 fn test_log_f64() {
470 let args = ScalarFunctionArgs {
471 args: vec![
472 ColumnarValue::Array(Arc::new(Float64Array::from(vec![
473 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0,
474 ]))), ColumnarValue::Array(Arc::new(Float64Array::from(vec![
476 8.0, 4.0, 81.0, 625.0,
477 ]))), ],
479 number_rows: 4,
480 return_type: &DataType::Float64,
481 };
482 let result = LogFunc::new()
483 .invoke_with_args(args)
484 .expect("failed to initialize function log");
486 match result {
487 ColumnarValue::Array(arr) => {
488 let floats = as_float64_array(&arr)
489 .expect("failed to convert result to a Float64Array");
491 assert_eq!(floats.len(), 4);
492 assert!((floats.value(0) - 3.0).abs() < 1e-10);
493 assert!((floats.value(1) - 2.0).abs() < 1e-10);
494 assert!((floats.value(2) - 4.0).abs() < 1e-10);
495 assert!((floats.value(3) - 4.0).abs() < 1e-10);
496 }
497 ColumnarValue::Scalar(_) => {
498 panic!("Expected an array value")
499 }
500 }
501 }
503 #[test]
504 fn test_log_f32() {
505 let args = ScalarFunctionArgs {
506 args: vec![
507 ColumnarValue::Array(Arc::new(Float32Array::from(vec![
508 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0,
509 ]))), ColumnarValue::Array(Arc::new(Float32Array::from(vec![
511 8.0, 4.0, 81.0, 625.0,
512 ]))), ],
514 number_rows: 4,
515 return_type: &DataType::Float32,
516 };
517 let result = LogFunc::new()
518 .invoke_with_args(args)
519 .expect("failed to initialize function log");
521 match result {
522 ColumnarValue::Array(arr) => {
523 let floats = as_float32_array(&arr)
524 .expect("failed to convert result to a Float32Array");
526 assert_eq!(floats.len(), 4);
527 assert!((floats.value(0) - 3.0).abs() < f32::EPSILON);
528 assert!((floats.value(1) - 2.0).abs() < f32::EPSILON);
529 assert!((floats.value(2) - 4.0).abs() < f32::EPSILON);
530 assert!((floats.value(3) - 4.0).abs() < f32::EPSILON);
531 }
532 ColumnarValue::Scalar(_) => {
533 panic!("Expected an array value")
534 }
535 }
536 }
537 #[test]
538 fn test_log_simplify_errors() {
540 let props = ExecutionProps::new();
541 let schema =
542 Arc::new(DFSchema::new_with_metadata(vec![], HashMap::new()).unwrap());
543 let context = SimplifyContext::new(&props).with_schema(schema);
544 let _ = LogFunc::new().simplify(vec![], &context).unwrap_err();
546 let _ = LogFunc::new()
548 .simplify(vec![lit(1), lit(2), lit(3)], &context)
549 .unwrap_err();
550 }
552 #[test]
553 fn test_log_simplify_original() {
555 let props = ExecutionProps::new();
556 let schema =
557 Arc::new(DFSchema::new_with_metadata(vec![], HashMap::new()).unwrap());
558 let context = SimplifyContext::new(&props).with_schema(schema);
559 let result = LogFunc::new().simplify(vec![lit(2)], &context).unwrap();
561 let ExprSimplifyResult::Original(args) = result else {
562 panic!("Expected ExprSimplifyResult::Original")
563 };
564 assert_eq!(args.len(), 1);
565 assert_eq!(args[0], lit(2));
566 let result = LogFunc::new()
568 .simplify(vec![lit(2), lit(3)], &context)
569 .unwrap();
570 let ExprSimplifyResult::Original(args) = result else {
571 panic!("Expected ExprSimplifyResult::Original")
572 };
573 assert_eq!(args.len(), 2);
574 assert_eq!(args[0], lit(2));
575 assert_eq!(args[1], lit(3));
576 }
578 #[test]
579 fn test_log_output_ordering() {
580 let orders = vec![
582 ExprProperties::new_unknown(),
583 ExprProperties::new_unknown().with_order(SortProperties::Ordered(
584 SortOptions {
585 descending: false,
586 nulls_first: true,
587 },
588 )),
589 ExprProperties::new_unknown().with_order(SortProperties::Ordered(
590 SortOptions {
591 descending: true,
592 nulls_first: true,
593 },
594 )),
595 ExprProperties::new_unknown().with_order(SortProperties::Singleton),
596 ];
598 let log = LogFunc::new();
600 for order in orders.iter().cloned() {
602 let result = log.output_ordering(&[order.clone()]).unwrap();
603 assert_eq!(result, order.sort_properties);
604 }
606 let mut results = Vec::with_capacity(orders.len() * orders.len());
608 for base_order in orders.iter() {
609 for num_order in orders.iter().cloned() {
610 let result = log
611 .output_ordering(&[base_order.clone(), num_order])
612 .unwrap();
613 results.push(result);
614 }
615 }
616 let expected = vec![
617 SortProperties::Unordered,
619 SortProperties::Unordered,
620 SortProperties::Unordered,
621 SortProperties::Unordered,
622 SortProperties::Unordered,
624 SortProperties::Unordered,
626 SortProperties::Ordered(SortOptions {
628 descending: true,
629 nulls_first: true,
630 }),
631 SortProperties::Ordered(SortOptions {
633 descending: true,
634 nulls_first: true,
635 }),
636 SortProperties::Unordered,
638 SortProperties::Ordered(SortOptions {
640 descending: false,
641 nulls_first: true,
642 }),
643 SortProperties::Unordered,
645 SortProperties::Ordered(SortOptions {
647 descending: false,
648 nulls_first: true,
649 }),
650 SortProperties::Unordered,
652 SortProperties::Ordered(SortOptions {
654 descending: false,
655 nulls_first: true,
656 }),
657 SortProperties::Ordered(SortOptions {
659 descending: true,
660 nulls_first: true,
661 }),
662 SortProperties::Singleton,
664 ];
665 assert_eq!(results, expected);
667 let base_order = ExprProperties::new_unknown().with_order(
669 SortProperties::Ordered(SortOptions {
670 descending: true,
671 nulls_first: true,
672 }),
673 );
674 let num_order = ExprProperties::new_unknown().with_order(
675 SortProperties::Ordered(SortOptions {
676 descending: false,
677 nulls_first: false,
678 }),
679 );
680 assert_eq!(
681 log.output_ordering(&[base_order, num_order]).unwrap(),
682 SortProperties::Unordered
683 );
684 }