
1// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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18//! "string" DataFusion functions
20use std::sync::Arc;
22use datafusion_expr::ScalarUDF;
24pub mod ascii;
25pub mod bit_length;
26pub mod btrim;
27pub mod chr;
28pub mod common;
29pub mod concat;
30pub mod concat_ws;
31pub mod contains;
32pub mod ends_with;
33pub mod levenshtein;
34pub mod lower;
35pub mod ltrim;
36pub mod octet_length;
37pub mod overlay;
38pub mod repeat;
39pub mod replace;
40pub mod rtrim;
41pub mod split_part;
42pub mod starts_with;
43pub mod to_hex;
44pub mod upper;
45pub mod uuid;
46// create UDFs
47make_udf_function!(ascii::AsciiFunc, ascii);
48make_udf_function!(bit_length::BitLengthFunc, bit_length);
49make_udf_function!(btrim::BTrimFunc, btrim);
50make_udf_function!(chr::ChrFunc, chr);
51make_udf_function!(concat::ConcatFunc, concat);
52make_udf_function!(concat_ws::ConcatWsFunc, concat_ws);
53make_udf_function!(ends_with::EndsWithFunc, ends_with);
54make_udf_function!(levenshtein::LevenshteinFunc, levenshtein);
55make_udf_function!(ltrim::LtrimFunc, ltrim);
56make_udf_function!(lower::LowerFunc, lower);
57make_udf_function!(octet_length::OctetLengthFunc, octet_length);
58make_udf_function!(overlay::OverlayFunc, overlay);
59make_udf_function!(repeat::RepeatFunc, repeat);
60make_udf_function!(replace::ReplaceFunc, replace);
61make_udf_function!(rtrim::RtrimFunc, rtrim);
62make_udf_function!(starts_with::StartsWithFunc, starts_with);
63make_udf_function!(split_part::SplitPartFunc, split_part);
64make_udf_function!(to_hex::ToHexFunc, to_hex);
65make_udf_function!(upper::UpperFunc, upper);
66make_udf_function!(uuid::UuidFunc, uuid);
67make_udf_function!(contains::ContainsFunc, contains);
68pub mod expr_fn {
69    use datafusion_expr::Expr;
71    export_functions!((
72        ascii,
73        "Returns the numeric code of the first character of the argument.",
74        arg1
75    ),(
76        bit_length,
77        "Returns the number of bits in the `string`",
78        arg1
79    ),(
80        btrim,
81        "Removes all characters, spaces by default, from both sides of a string",
82        args,
83    ),(
84        chr,
85        "Converts the Unicode code point to a UTF8 character",
86        arg1
87    ),(
88        concat,
89        "Concatenates the text representations of all the arguments. NULL arguments are ignored",
90        args,
91    ),(
92        ends_with,
93        "Returns true if the `string` ends with the `suffix`, false otherwise.",
94        string suffix
95    ),(
96        levenshtein,
97        "Returns the Levenshtein distance between the two given strings",
98        arg1 arg2
99    ),(
100        lower,
101        "Converts a string to lowercase.",
102        arg1
103    ),(
104        ltrim,
105        "Removes all characters, spaces by default, from the beginning of a string",
106        args,
107    ),(
108        octet_length,
109        "returns the number of bytes of a string",
110        args
111    ),(
112        overlay,
113        "replace the substring of string that starts at the start'th character and extends for count characters with new substring",
114        args,
115    ),(
116        repeat,
117        "Repeats the `string` to `n` times",
118        string n
119    ),(
120        replace,
121        "Replaces all occurrences of `from` with `to` in the `string`",
122        string from to
123    ),(
124        rtrim,
125        "Removes all characters, spaces by default, from the end of a string",
126        args,
127    ),(
128        split_part,
129        "Splits a string based on a delimiter and picks out the desired field based on the index.",
130        string delimiter index
131    ),(
132        starts_with,
133        "Returns true if string starts with prefix.",
134        arg1 arg2
135    ),(
136        to_hex,
137        "Converts an integer to a hexadecimal string.",
138        arg1
139    ),(
140        upper,
141        "Converts a string to uppercase.",
142        arg1
143    ),(
144        uuid,
145        "returns uuid v4 as a string value",
146    ), (
147        contains,
148        "Return true if search_string is found within string.",
149    ));
151    #[doc = "Removes all characters, spaces by default, from both sides of a string"]
152    pub fn trim(args: Vec<Expr>) -> Expr {
153        super::btrim().call(args)
154    }
156    #[doc = "Concatenates all but the first argument, with separators. The first argument is used as the separator string, and should not be NULL. Other NULL arguments are ignored."]
157    pub fn concat_ws(delimiter: Expr, args: Vec<Expr>) -> Expr {
158        let mut args = args;
159        args.insert(0, delimiter);
160        super::concat_ws().call(args)
161    }
164/// Returns all DataFusion functions defined in this package
165pub fn functions() -> Vec<Arc<ScalarUDF>> {
166    vec![
167        ascii(),
168        bit_length(),
169        btrim(),
170        chr(),
171        concat(),
172        concat_ws(),
173        ends_with(),
174        levenshtein(),
175        lower(),
176        ltrim(),
177        octet_length(),
178        repeat(),
179        replace(),
180        rtrim(),
181        split_part(),
182        starts_with(),
183        to_hex(),
184        upper(),
185        uuid(),
186        contains(),
187    ]