strpos.rsuse std::any::Any;
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::utils::{make_scalar_function, utf8_to_int_type};
use arrow::array::{
ArrayRef, ArrowPrimitiveType, AsArray, PrimitiveArray, StringArrayType,
use arrow::datatypes::{ArrowNativeType, DataType, Int32Type, Int64Type};
use datafusion_common::{exec_err, Result};
use datafusion_expr::{
ColumnarValue, Documentation, ScalarUDFImpl, Signature, Volatility,
use datafusion_macros::user_doc;
doc_section(label = "String Functions"),
description = "Returns the starting position of a specified substring in a string. Positions begin at 1. If the substring does not exist in the string, the function returns 0.",
syntax_example = "strpos(str, substr)",
alternative_syntax = "position(substr in origstr)",
sql_example = r#"```sql
> select strpos('datafusion', 'fus');
| strpos(Utf8("datafusion"),Utf8("fus")) |
| 5 |
standard_argument(name = "str", prefix = "String"),
argument(name = "substr", description = "Substring expression to search for.")
pub struct StrposFunc {
signature: Signature,
aliases: Vec<String>,
impl Default for StrposFunc {
fn default() -> Self {
impl StrposFunc {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
signature: Signature::string(2, Volatility::Immutable),
aliases: vec![String::from("instr"), String::from("position")],
impl ScalarUDFImpl for StrposFunc {
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn name(&self) -> &str {
fn signature(&self) -> &Signature {
fn return_type(&self, arg_types: &[DataType]) -> Result<DataType> {
utf8_to_int_type(&arg_types[0], "strpos/instr/position")
fn invoke_batch(
args: &[ColumnarValue],
_number_rows: usize,
) -> Result<ColumnarValue> {
make_scalar_function(strpos, vec![])(args)
fn aliases(&self) -> &[String] {
fn documentation(&self) -> Option<&Documentation> {
fn strpos(args: &[ArrayRef]) -> Result<ArrayRef> {
match (args[0].data_type(), args[1].data_type()) {
(DataType::Utf8, DataType::Utf8) => {
let string_array = args[0].as_string::<i32>();
let substring_array = args[1].as_string::<i32>();
calculate_strpos::<_, _, Int32Type>(string_array, substring_array)
(DataType::Utf8, DataType::LargeUtf8) => {
let string_array = args[0].as_string::<i32>();
let substring_array = args[1].as_string::<i64>();
calculate_strpos::<_, _, Int32Type>(string_array, substring_array)
(DataType::LargeUtf8, DataType::Utf8) => {
let string_array = args[0].as_string::<i64>();
let substring_array = args[1].as_string::<i32>();
calculate_strpos::<_, _, Int64Type>(string_array, substring_array)
(DataType::LargeUtf8, DataType::LargeUtf8) => {
let string_array = args[0].as_string::<i64>();
let substring_array = args[1].as_string::<i64>();
calculate_strpos::<_, _, Int64Type>(string_array, substring_array)
(DataType::Utf8View, DataType::Utf8View) => {
let string_array = args[0].as_string_view();
let substring_array = args[1].as_string_view();
calculate_strpos::<_, _, Int32Type>(string_array, substring_array)
(DataType::Utf8View, DataType::Utf8) => {
let string_array = args[0].as_string_view();
let substring_array = args[1].as_string::<i32>();
calculate_strpos::<_, _, Int32Type>(string_array, substring_array)
(DataType::Utf8View, DataType::LargeUtf8) => {
let string_array = args[0].as_string_view();
let substring_array = args[1].as_string::<i64>();
calculate_strpos::<_, _, Int32Type>(string_array, substring_array)
other => {
exec_err!("Unsupported data type combination {other:?} for function strpos")
fn calculate_strpos<'a, V1, V2, T: ArrowPrimitiveType>(
string_array: V1,
substring_array: V2,
) -> Result<ArrayRef>
V1: StringArrayType<'a, Item = &'a str>,
V2: StringArrayType<'a, Item = &'a str>,
let ascii_only = substring_array.is_ascii() && string_array.is_ascii();
let string_iter = string_array.iter();
let substring_iter = substring_array.iter();
let result = string_iter
.map(|(string, substring)| match (string, substring) {
(Some(string), Some(substring)) => {
if ascii_only {
if substring.is_empty() {
} else {
.position(|w| w == substring.as_bytes())
.map(|x| x + 1)
} else {
.map(|x| string[..x].chars().count() + 1)
_ => None,
Ok(Arc::new(result) as ArrayRef)
mod tests {
use arrow::array::{Array, Int32Array, Int64Array};
use arrow::datatypes::DataType::{Int32, Int64};
use datafusion_common::{Result, ScalarValue};
use datafusion_expr::{ColumnarValue, ScalarUDFImpl};
use crate::unicode::strpos::StrposFunc;
use crate::utils::test::test_function;
macro_rules! test_strpos {
($lhs:literal, $rhs:literal -> $result:literal; $t1:ident $t2:ident $t3:ident $t4:ident $t5:ident) => {
fn test_strpos_functions() {
test_strpos!("alphabet", "ph" -> 3; Utf8 Utf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "a" -> 1; Utf8 Utf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "z" -> 0; Utf8 Utf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "" -> 1; Utf8 Utf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("", "a" -> 0; Utf8 Utf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("", "" -> 1; Utf8 Utf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("ДатаФусион数据融合📊🔥", "📊" -> 15; Utf8 Utf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "ph" -> 3; LargeUtf8 LargeUtf8 i64 Int64 Int64Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "a" -> 1; LargeUtf8 LargeUtf8 i64 Int64 Int64Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "z" -> 0; LargeUtf8 LargeUtf8 i64 Int64 Int64Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "" -> 1; LargeUtf8 LargeUtf8 i64 Int64 Int64Array);
test_strpos!("", "a" -> 0; LargeUtf8 LargeUtf8 i64 Int64 Int64Array);
test_strpos!("", "" -> 1; LargeUtf8 LargeUtf8 i64 Int64 Int64Array);
test_strpos!("ДатаФусион数据融合📊🔥", "📊" -> 15; LargeUtf8 LargeUtf8 i64 Int64 Int64Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "ph" -> 3; Utf8 LargeUtf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "a" -> 1; Utf8 LargeUtf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "z" -> 0; Utf8 LargeUtf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "" -> 1; Utf8 LargeUtf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("", "a" -> 0; Utf8 LargeUtf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("", "" -> 1; Utf8 LargeUtf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("ДатаФусион数据融合📊🔥", "📊" -> 15; Utf8 LargeUtf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "ph" -> 3; LargeUtf8 Utf8 i64 Int64 Int64Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "a" -> 1; LargeUtf8 Utf8 i64 Int64 Int64Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "z" -> 0; LargeUtf8 Utf8 i64 Int64 Int64Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "" -> 1; LargeUtf8 Utf8 i64 Int64 Int64Array);
test_strpos!("", "a" -> 0; LargeUtf8 Utf8 i64 Int64 Int64Array);
test_strpos!("", "" -> 1; LargeUtf8 Utf8 i64 Int64 Int64Array);
test_strpos!("ДатаФусион数据融合📊🔥", "📊" -> 15; LargeUtf8 Utf8 i64 Int64 Int64Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "ph" -> 3; Utf8View Utf8View i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "a" -> 1; Utf8View Utf8View i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "z" -> 0; Utf8View Utf8View i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "" -> 1; Utf8View Utf8View i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("", "a" -> 0; Utf8View Utf8View i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("", "" -> 1; Utf8View Utf8View i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("ДатаФусион数据融合📊🔥", "📊" -> 15; Utf8View Utf8View i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "ph" -> 3; Utf8View Utf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "a" -> 1; Utf8View Utf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "z" -> 0; Utf8View Utf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "" -> 1; Utf8View Utf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("", "a" -> 0; Utf8View Utf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("", "" -> 1; Utf8View Utf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("ДатаФусион数据融合📊🔥", "📊" -> 15; Utf8View Utf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "ph" -> 3; Utf8View LargeUtf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "a" -> 1; Utf8View LargeUtf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "z" -> 0; Utf8View LargeUtf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("alphabet", "" -> 1; Utf8View LargeUtf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("", "a" -> 0; Utf8View LargeUtf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("", "" -> 1; Utf8View LargeUtf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);
test_strpos!("ДатаФусион数据融合📊🔥", "📊" -> 15; Utf8View LargeUtf8 i32 Int32 Int32Array);