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//! Sort expressions
use crate::PhysicalExpr;
use arrow::compute::kernels::sort::{SortColumn, SortOptions};
use arrow::record_batch::RecordBatch;
use datafusion_common::{DataFusionError, Result};
use datafusion_expr::ColumnarValue;
use std::sync::Arc;
/// Represents Sort operation for a column in a RecordBatch
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PhysicalSortExpr {
/// Physical expression representing the column to sort
pub expr: Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>,
/// Option to specify how the given column should be sorted
pub options: SortOptions,
impl PartialEq for PhysicalSortExpr {
fn eq(&self, other: &PhysicalSortExpr) -> bool {
self.options == other.options && self.expr.eq(&other.expr)
impl std::fmt::Display for PhysicalSortExpr {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{} {}", self.expr, to_str(&self.options))
impl PhysicalSortExpr {
/// evaluate the sort expression into SortColumn that can be passed into arrow sort kernel
pub fn evaluate_to_sort_column(&self, batch: &RecordBatch) -> Result<SortColumn> {
let value_to_sort = self.expr.evaluate(batch)?;
let array_to_sort = match value_to_sort {
ColumnarValue::Array(array) => array,
ColumnarValue::Scalar(scalar) => {
return Err(DataFusionError::Plan(format!(
"Sort operation is not applicable to scalar value {scalar}"
Ok(SortColumn {
values: array_to_sort,
options: Some(self.options),
/// Check whether sort expression satisfies [`PhysicalSortRequirement`].
/// If sort options is Some in `PhysicalSortRequirement`, `expr`
/// and `options` field are compared for equality.
/// If sort options is None in `PhysicalSortRequirement`, only
/// `expr` is compared for equality.
pub fn satisfy(&self, requirement: &PhysicalSortRequirement) -> bool {
&& requirement
.map_or(true, |opts| self.options == opts)
/// Represents sort requirement associated with a plan
/// If the requirement incudes [`SortOptions`] then both the
/// expression *and* the sort options must match.
/// If the requirement does not include [`SortOptions`]) then only the
/// expressions must match.
/// # Examples
/// With sort options (`A`, `DESC NULLS FIRST`):
/// * `ORDER BY A ASC NULLS FIRST` does not match (`ASC` vs `DESC`)
/// * `ORDER BY B DESC NULLS FIRST` does not match (different expr)
/// Without sort options (`A`, None):
/// * `ORDER BY A ASC NULLS FIRST` matches (`ASC` and `NULL` options ignored)
/// * `ORDER BY B DESC NULLS FIRST` does not match (different expr)
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PhysicalSortRequirement {
/// Physical expression representing the column to sort
expr: Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>,
/// Option to specify how the given column should be sorted.
/// If unspecified, there are no constraints on sort options.
options: Option<SortOptions>,
impl From<PhysicalSortRequirement> for PhysicalSortExpr {
fn from(value: PhysicalSortRequirement) -> Self {
impl From<PhysicalSortExpr> for PhysicalSortRequirement {
fn from(value: PhysicalSortExpr) -> Self {
PhysicalSortRequirement::new(value.expr, Some(value.options))
impl PartialEq for PhysicalSortRequirement {
fn eq(&self, other: &PhysicalSortRequirement) -> bool {
self.options == other.options && self.expr.eq(&other.expr)
impl std::fmt::Display for PhysicalSortRequirement {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
let opts_string = self.options.as_ref().map_or("NA", to_str);
write!(f, "{} {}", self.expr, opts_string)
impl PhysicalSortRequirement {
/// Creates a new requirement.
/// If `options` is `Some(..)`, creates an `exact` requirement,
/// which must match both `options` and `expr`.
/// If `options` is `None`, Creates a new `expr_only` requirement,
/// which must match only `expr`.
/// See [`PhysicalSortRequirement`] for examples.
pub fn new(expr: Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>, options: Option<SortOptions>) -> Self {
Self { expr, options }
/// Replace the required expression for this requirement with the new one
pub fn with_expr(mut self, expr: Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>) -> Self {
self.expr = expr;
/// Converts the `PhysicalSortRequirement` to `PhysicalSortExpr`.
/// If required ordering is `None` for an entry, the default
/// ordering `ASC, NULLS LAST` is used.
/// The default is picked to be consistent with
/// PostgreSQL: <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/queries-order.html>
pub fn into_sort_expr(self) -> PhysicalSortExpr {
let Self { expr, options } = self;
let options = options.unwrap_or(SortOptions {
descending: false,
nulls_first: false,
PhysicalSortExpr { expr, options }
/// Returns whether this requirement is equal or more specific than `other`.
pub fn compatible(&self, other: &PhysicalSortRequirement) -> bool {
&& other.options.map_or(true, |other_opts| {
self.options.map_or(false, |opts| opts == other_opts)
/// Returns [`PhysicalSortRequirement`] that requires the exact
/// sort of the [`PhysicalSortExpr`]s in `ordering`
/// This method takes `&'a PhysicalSortExpr` to make it easy to
/// use implementing [`ExecutionPlan::required_input_ordering`].
/// [`ExecutionPlan::required_input_ordering`]: https://docs.rs/datafusion/latest/datafusion/physical_plan/trait.ExecutionPlan.html#method.required_input_ordering
pub fn from_sort_exprs<'a>(
ordering: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a PhysicalSortExpr>,
) -> Vec<PhysicalSortRequirement> {
/// Converts an iterator of [`PhysicalSortRequirement`] into a Vec
/// of [`PhysicalSortExpr`]s.
/// This function converts `PhysicalSortRequirement` to `PhysicalSortExpr`
/// for each entry in the input. If required ordering is None for an entry
/// default ordering `ASC, NULLS LAST` if given (see [`Self::into_sort_expr`])
pub fn to_sort_exprs(
requirements: impl IntoIterator<Item = PhysicalSortRequirement>,
) -> Vec<PhysicalSortExpr> {
/// Returns the expr for this requirement
pub fn expr(&self) -> &Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr> {
/// Returns the required options, for this requirement
pub fn options(&self) -> Option<SortOptions> {
/// Returns the SQL string representation of the given [SortOptions] object.
fn to_str(options: &SortOptions) -> &str {
match (options.descending, options.nulls_first) {
(true, true) => "DESC",
(true, false) => "DESC NULLS LAST",
(false, true) => "ASC",
(false, false) => "ASC NULLS LAST",