
  • Represents a collection of EquivalentClass (equivalences between columns in relations)
  • EquivalentClass is a set of Columns or PhysicalSortExprs that are known to have the same value in all tuples in a relation. EquivalentClass<Column> is generated by equality predicates, typically equijoin conditions and equality conditions in filters. EquivalentClass<PhysicalSortExpr> is generated by the ROW_NUMBER window function.
  • This is a builder object facilitating incremental construction for ordering equivalences.
  • OrderingEquivalenceProperties keeps track of columns that describe the global ordering of the schema. These columns are not necessarily same; e.g.


Type Aliases

  • LexOrdering stores the lexicographical ordering for a schema. OrderingEquivalentClass keeps track of different alternative orderings than can describe the schema. For instance, for the table below |a|b|c|d| |1|4|3|1| |2|3|3|2| |3|1|2|2| |3|2|1|3| both vec![a ASC, b ASC] and vec![c DESC, d ASC] describe the ordering of the table. For this case, we say that vec![a ASC, b ASC], and vec![c DESC, d ASC] are ordering equivalent.