Expand description
Array expressions
- Array_append SQL function
- Array_concat/Array_cat SQL function
- Array_dims SQL function
- array_distinct SQL function example: from list [1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4] to [1, 2, 3, 4]
- array_element SQL function
- Array_empty SQL function
- Array_has SQL function
- Array_has_all SQL function
- Array_has_any SQL function
- array_intersect SQL function
- Array_length SQL function
- Array_ndims SQL function
- array_pop_back SQL function
- array_pop_front SQL function
- Array_position SQL function
- Array_positions SQL function
- Array_prepend SQL function
- Array_repeat SQL function
- array_slice SQL function
- Array_sort SQL function
- Array_to_string SQL function
- Array_union SQL function
- Cardinality SQL function
- Flatten SQL function
- Generates an array of integers from start to stop with a given step.
SQL function- Splits string at occurrences of delimiter and returns an array of parts string_to_array(‘abc~@
def@ghi’, ‘@~’) = ‘[“abc”, “def”, “ghi”]’