mod class;
mod ordering;
mod projection;
mod properties;
use crate::expressions::Column;
use crate::{LexRequirement, PhysicalExpr, PhysicalSortRequirement};
pub use class::{EquivalenceClass, EquivalenceGroup};
use datafusion_common::tree_node::{Transformed, TreeNode};
pub use ordering::OrderingEquivalenceClass;
pub use projection::ProjectionMapping;
pub use properties::{join_equivalence_properties, EquivalenceProperties};
use std::sync::Arc;
pub fn collapse_lex_req(input: LexRequirement) -> LexRequirement {
let mut output = Vec::<PhysicalSortRequirement>::new();
for item in input {
if !output.iter().any(|req| req.expr.eq(&item.expr)) {
pub fn add_offset_to_expr(
expr: Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>,
offset: usize,
) -> Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr> {
expr.transform_down(&|e| match e.as_any().downcast_ref::<Column>() {
Some(col) => Ok(Transformed::Yes(Arc::new(Column::new(,
offset + col.index(),
None => Ok(Transformed::No(e)),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::expressions::{col, Column};
use crate::PhysicalSortExpr;
use arrow::compute::{lexsort_to_indices, SortColumn};
use arrow::datatypes::{DataType, Field, Schema};
use arrow_array::{ArrayRef, Float64Array, RecordBatch, UInt32Array};
use arrow_schema::{SchemaRef, SortOptions};
use datafusion_common::{plan_datafusion_err, DataFusionError, Result};
use itertools::izip;
use rand::rngs::StdRng;
use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
use std::sync::Arc;
pub fn output_schema(
mapping: &ProjectionMapping,
input_schema: &Arc<Schema>,
) -> Result<SchemaRef> {
let fields: Result<Vec<Field>> = mapping
.map(|(source, target)| {
let name = target
.ok_or_else(|| plan_datafusion_err!("Expects to have column"))?
let field = Field::new(
let output_schema = Arc::new(Schema::new_with_metadata(
pub fn create_test_schema() -> Result<SchemaRef> {
let a = Field::new("a", DataType::Int32, true);
let b = Field::new("b", DataType::Int32, true);
let c = Field::new("c", DataType::Int32, true);
let d = Field::new("d", DataType::Int32, true);
let e = Field::new("e", DataType::Int32, true);
let f = Field::new("f", DataType::Int32, true);
let g = Field::new("g", DataType::Int32, true);
let h = Field::new("h", DataType::Int32, true);
let schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(vec![a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]));
pub fn create_test_params() -> Result<(SchemaRef, EquivalenceProperties)> {
let test_schema = create_test_schema()?;
let col_a = &col("a", &test_schema)?;
let col_b = &col("b", &test_schema)?;
let col_c = &col("c", &test_schema)?;
let col_d = &col("d", &test_schema)?;
let col_e = &col("e", &test_schema)?;
let col_f = &col("f", &test_schema)?;
let col_g = &col("g", &test_schema)?;
let mut eq_properties = EquivalenceProperties::new(test_schema.clone());
eq_properties.add_equal_conditions(col_a, col_c);
let option_asc = SortOptions {
descending: false,
nulls_first: false,
let option_desc = SortOptions {
descending: true,
nulls_first: true,
let orderings = vec![
vec![(col_a, option_asc)],
vec![(col_d, option_asc), (col_b, option_asc)],
(col_e, option_desc),
(col_f, option_asc),
(col_g, option_asc),
let orderings = convert_to_orderings(&orderings);
Ok((test_schema, eq_properties))
fn create_test_schema_2() -> Result<SchemaRef> {
let a = Field::new("a", DataType::Float64, true);
let b = Field::new("b", DataType::Float64, true);
let c = Field::new("c", DataType::Float64, true);
let d = Field::new("d", DataType::Float64, true);
let e = Field::new("e", DataType::Float64, true);
let f = Field::new("f", DataType::Float64, true);
let schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(vec![a, b, c, d, e, f]));
pub fn create_random_schema(seed: u64) -> Result<(SchemaRef, EquivalenceProperties)> {
let test_schema = create_test_schema_2()?;
let col_a = &col("a", &test_schema)?;
let col_b = &col("b", &test_schema)?;
let col_c = &col("c", &test_schema)?;
let col_d = &col("d", &test_schema)?;
let col_e = &col("e", &test_schema)?;
let col_f = &col("f", &test_schema)?;
let col_exprs = [col_a, col_b, col_c, col_d, col_e, col_f];
let mut eq_properties = EquivalenceProperties::new(test_schema.clone());
eq_properties.add_equal_conditions(col_a, col_f);
eq_properties = eq_properties.add_constants([col_e.clone()]);
let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(seed);
let mut remaining_exprs = col_exprs[0..4].to_vec(); let options_asc = SortOptions {
descending: false,
nulls_first: false,
while !remaining_exprs.is_empty() {
let n_sort_expr = rng.gen_range(0..remaining_exprs.len() + 1);
remaining_exprs.shuffle(&mut rng);
let ordering = remaining_exprs
.map(|expr| PhysicalSortExpr {
expr: expr.clone(),
options: options_asc,
Ok((test_schema, eq_properties))
pub fn convert_to_sort_reqs(
in_data: &[(&Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>, Option<SortOptions>)],
) -> Vec<PhysicalSortRequirement> {
.map(|(expr, options)| {
PhysicalSortRequirement::new((*expr).clone(), *options)
pub fn convert_to_sort_exprs(
in_data: &[(&Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>, SortOptions)],
) -> Vec<PhysicalSortExpr> {
.map(|(expr, options)| PhysicalSortExpr {
expr: (*expr).clone(),
options: *options,
pub fn convert_to_orderings(
orderings: &[Vec<(&Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>, SortOptions)>],
) -> Vec<Vec<PhysicalSortExpr>> {
.map(|sort_exprs| convert_to_sort_exprs(sort_exprs))
pub fn convert_to_sort_exprs_owned(
in_data: &[(Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>, SortOptions)],
) -> Vec<PhysicalSortExpr> {
.map(|(expr, options)| PhysicalSortExpr {
expr: (*expr).clone(),
options: *options,
pub fn convert_to_orderings_owned(
orderings: &[Vec<(Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>, SortOptions)>],
) -> Vec<Vec<PhysicalSortExpr>> {
.map(|sort_exprs| convert_to_sort_exprs_owned(sort_exprs))
pub fn apply_projection(
proj_exprs: Vec<(Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>, String)>,
input_data: &RecordBatch,
input_eq_properties: &EquivalenceProperties,
) -> Result<(RecordBatch, EquivalenceProperties)> {
let input_schema = input_data.schema();
let projection_mapping = ProjectionMapping::try_new(&proj_exprs, &input_schema)?;
let output_schema = output_schema(&projection_mapping, &input_schema)?;
let num_rows = input_data.num_rows();
let projected_values = projection_mapping
.map(|(source, _target)| source.evaluate(input_data)?.into_array(num_rows))
let projected_batch = if projected_values.is_empty() {
} else {
RecordBatch::try_new(output_schema.clone(), projected_values)?
let projected_eq =
input_eq_properties.project(&projection_mapping, output_schema);
Ok((projected_batch, projected_eq))
fn add_equal_conditions_test() -> Result<()> {
let schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("a", DataType::Int64, true),
Field::new("b", DataType::Int64, true),
Field::new("c", DataType::Int64, true),
Field::new("x", DataType::Int64, true),
Field::new("y", DataType::Int64, true),
let mut eq_properties = EquivalenceProperties::new(schema);
let col_a_expr = Arc::new(Column::new("a", 0)) as Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>;
let col_b_expr = Arc::new(Column::new("b", 1)) as Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>;
let col_c_expr = Arc::new(Column::new("c", 2)) as Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>;
let col_x_expr = Arc::new(Column::new("x", 3)) as Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>;
let col_y_expr = Arc::new(Column::new("y", 4)) as Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>;
eq_properties.add_equal_conditions(&col_a_expr, &col_b_expr);
assert_eq!(eq_properties.eq_group().len(), 1);
eq_properties.add_equal_conditions(&col_b_expr, &col_a_expr);
assert_eq!(eq_properties.eq_group().len(), 1);
let eq_groups = &eq_properties.eq_group().classes[0];
assert_eq!(eq_groups.len(), 2);
eq_properties.add_equal_conditions(&col_b_expr, &col_c_expr);
assert_eq!(eq_properties.eq_group().len(), 1);
let eq_groups = &eq_properties.eq_group().classes[0];
assert_eq!(eq_groups.len(), 3);
eq_properties.add_equal_conditions(&col_x_expr, &col_y_expr);
assert_eq!(eq_properties.eq_group().len(), 2);
eq_properties.add_equal_conditions(&col_x_expr, &col_a_expr);
assert_eq!(eq_properties.eq_group().len(), 1);
let eq_groups = &eq_properties.eq_group().classes[0];
assert_eq!(eq_groups.len(), 5);
pub fn is_table_same_after_sort(
mut required_ordering: Vec<PhysicalSortExpr>,
batch: RecordBatch,
) -> Result<bool> {
let original_schema = batch.schema();
let mut columns = batch.columns().to_vec();
let n_row = batch.num_rows();
let vals: Vec<usize> = (0..n_row).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let vals: Vec<f64> = vals.into_iter().map(|val| val as f64).collect();
let unique_col = Arc::new(Float64Array::from_iter_values(vals)) as ArrayRef;
let unique_col_name = "unique";
let unique_field =
Arc::new(Field::new(unique_col_name, DataType::Float64, false));
let fields: Vec<_> = original_schema
let schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(fields));
let new_batch = RecordBatch::try_new(schema.clone(), columns)?;
required_ordering.push(PhysicalSortExpr {
expr: Arc::new(Column::new(unique_col_name, original_schema.fields().len())),
options: Default::default(),
let sort_columns = required_ordering
.map(|order_expr| {
let expr_result = order_expr.expr.evaluate(&new_batch)?;
let values = expr_result.into_array(new_batch.num_rows())?;
Ok(SortColumn {
options: Some(order_expr.options),
let sorted_indices = lexsort_to_indices(&sort_columns, None)?;
let original_indices = UInt32Array::from_iter_values(0..n_row as u32);
Ok(sorted_indices == original_indices)
fn get_representative_arr(
eq_group: &EquivalenceClass,
existing_vec: &[Option<ArrayRef>],
schema: SchemaRef,
) -> Option<ArrayRef> {
for expr in eq_group.iter() {
let col = expr.as_any().downcast_ref::<Column>().unwrap();
let (idx, _field) = schema.column_with_name(;
if let Some(res) = &existing_vec[idx] {
return Some(res.clone());
pub fn generate_table_for_eq_properties(
eq_properties: &EquivalenceProperties,
n_elem: usize,
n_distinct: usize,
) -> Result<RecordBatch> {
let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(23);
let schema = eq_properties.schema();
let mut schema_vec = vec![None; schema.fields.len()];
let mut generate_random_array = |num_elems: usize, max_val: usize| -> ArrayRef {
let values: Vec<f64> = (0..num_elems)
.map(|_| rng.gen_range(0..max_val) as f64 / 2.0)
for constant in &eq_properties.constants {
let col = constant.as_any().downcast_ref::<Column>().unwrap();
let (idx, _field) = schema.column_with_name(;
let arr = Arc::new(Float64Array::from_iter_values(vec![0 as f64; n_elem]))
as ArrayRef;
schema_vec[idx] = Some(arr);
for ordering in eq_properties.oeq_class.iter() {
let (sort_columns, indices): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = ordering
.map(|PhysicalSortExpr { expr, options }| {
let col = expr.as_any().downcast_ref::<Column>().unwrap();
let (idx, _field) = schema.column_with_name(;
let arr = generate_random_array(n_elem, n_distinct);
SortColumn {
values: arr,
options: Some(*options),
let sort_arrs = arrow::compute::lexsort(&sort_columns, None)?;
for (idx, arr) in izip!(indices, sort_arrs) {
schema_vec[idx] = Some(arr);
for eq_group in eq_properties.eq_group.iter() {
let representative_array =
get_representative_arr(eq_group, &schema_vec, schema.clone())
.unwrap_or_else(|| generate_random_array(n_elem, n_distinct));
for expr in eq_group.iter() {
let col = expr.as_any().downcast_ref::<Column>().unwrap();
let (idx, _field) = schema.column_with_name(;
schema_vec[idx] = Some(representative_array.clone());
let res: Vec<_> = schema_vec
.map(|(elem, field)| {
elem.unwrap_or_else(|| generate_random_array(n_elem, n_distinct)),