
1// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
2// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
3// distributed with this work for additional information
4// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
5// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
6// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
7// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
11// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
12// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
14// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
15// specific language governing permissions and limitations
16// under the License.
18// Some of these functions reference the Postgres documentation
19// or implementation to ensure compatibility and are subject to
20// the Postgres license.
22//! The Union operator combines multiple inputs with the same schema
24use std::borrow::Borrow;
25use std::pin::Pin;
26use std::task::{Context, Poll};
27use std::{any::Any, sync::Arc};
29use super::{
30    metrics::{ExecutionPlanMetricsSet, MetricsSet},
31    ColumnStatistics, DisplayAs, DisplayFormatType, ExecutionPlan,
32    ExecutionPlanProperties, Partitioning, PlanProperties, RecordBatchStream,
33    SendableRecordBatchStream, Statistics,
35use crate::execution_plan::{
36    boundedness_from_children, emission_type_from_children, InvariantLevel,
38use crate::metrics::BaselineMetrics;
39use crate::projection::{make_with_child, ProjectionExec};
40use crate::stream::ObservedStream;
42use arrow::datatypes::{Field, Schema, SchemaRef};
43use arrow::record_batch::RecordBatch;
44use datafusion_common::stats::Precision;
45use datafusion_common::{exec_err, internal_err, DataFusionError, Result};
46use datafusion_execution::TaskContext;
47use datafusion_physical_expr::{calculate_union, EquivalenceProperties};
49use futures::Stream;
50use itertools::Itertools;
51use log::{debug, trace, warn};
52use tokio::macros::support::thread_rng_n;
54/// `UnionExec`: `UNION ALL` execution plan.
56/// `UnionExec` combines multiple inputs with the same schema by
57/// concatenating the partitions.  It does not mix or copy data within
58/// or across partitions. Thus if the input partitions are sorted, the
59/// output partitions of the union are also sorted.
61/// For example, given a `UnionExec` of two inputs, with `N`
62/// partitions, and `M` partitions, there will be `N+M` output
63/// partitions. The first `N` output partitions are from Input 1
64/// partitions, and then next `M` output partitions are from Input 2.
66/// ```text
67///                       ▲       ▲           ▲         ▲
68///                       │       │           │         │
69///     Output            │  ...  │           │         │
70///   Partitions          │0      │N-1        │ N       │N+M-1
71///(passes through   ┌────┴───────┴───────────┴─────────┴───┐
72/// the N+M input    │              UnionExec               │
73///  partitions)     │                                      │
74///                  └──────────────────────────────────────┘
75///                                      ▲
76///                                      │
77///                                      │
78///       Input           ┌────────┬─────┴────┬──────────┐
79///     Partitions        │ ...    │          │     ...  │
80///                    0  │        │ N-1      │ 0        │  M-1
81///                  ┌────┴────────┴───┐  ┌───┴──────────┴───┐
82///                  │                 │  │                  │
83///                  │                 │  │                  │
84///                  │                 │  │                  │
85///                  │                 │  │                  │
86///                  │                 │  │                  │
87///                  │                 │  │                  │
88///                  │Input 1          │  │Input 2           │
89///                  └─────────────────┘  └──────────────────┘
90/// ```
91#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
92pub struct UnionExec {
93    /// Input execution plan
94    inputs: Vec<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>>,
95    /// Execution metrics
96    metrics: ExecutionPlanMetricsSet,
97    /// Cache holding plan properties like equivalences, output partitioning etc.
98    cache: PlanProperties,
101impl UnionExec {
102    /// Create a new UnionExec
103    pub fn new(inputs: Vec<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>>) -> Self {
104        let schema = union_schema(&inputs);
105        // The schema of the inputs and the union schema is consistent when:
106        // - They have the same number of fields, and
107        // - Their fields have same types at the same indices.
108        // Here, we know that schemas are consistent and the call below can
109        // not return an error.
110        let cache = Self::compute_properties(&inputs, schema).unwrap();
111        UnionExec {
112            inputs,
113            metrics: ExecutionPlanMetricsSet::new(),
114            cache,
115        }
116    }
118    /// Get inputs of the execution plan
119    pub fn inputs(&self) -> &Vec<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
120        &self.inputs
121    }
123    /// This function creates the cache object that stores the plan properties such as schema, equivalence properties, ordering, partitioning, etc.
124    fn compute_properties(
125        inputs: &[Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>],
126        schema: SchemaRef,
127    ) -> Result<PlanProperties> {
128        // Calculate equivalence properties:
129        let children_eqps = inputs
130            .iter()
131            .map(|child| child.equivalence_properties().clone())
132            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
133        let eq_properties = calculate_union(children_eqps, schema)?;
135        // Calculate output partitioning; i.e. sum output partitions of the inputs.
136        let num_partitions = inputs
137            .iter()
138            .map(|plan| plan.output_partitioning().partition_count())
139            .sum();
140        let output_partitioning = Partitioning::UnknownPartitioning(num_partitions);
141        Ok(PlanProperties::new(
142            eq_properties,
143            output_partitioning,
144            emission_type_from_children(inputs),
145            boundedness_from_children(inputs),
146        ))
147    }
150impl DisplayAs for UnionExec {
151    fn fmt_as(
152        &self,
153        t: DisplayFormatType,
154        f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter,
155    ) -> std::fmt::Result {
156        match t {
157            DisplayFormatType::Default | DisplayFormatType::Verbose => {
158                write!(f, "UnionExec")
159            }
160        }
161    }
164impl ExecutionPlan for UnionExec {
165    fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
166        "UnionExec"
167    }
169    /// Return a reference to Any that can be used for downcasting
170    fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
171        self
172    }
174    fn properties(&self) -> &PlanProperties {
175        &self.cache
176    }
178    fn check_invariants(&self, _check: InvariantLevel) -> Result<()> {
179        (self.inputs().len() >= 2)
180            .then_some(())
181            .ok_or(DataFusionError::Internal(
182                "UnionExec should have at least 2 children".into(),
183            ))
184    }
186    fn children(&self) -> Vec<&Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
187        self.inputs.iter().collect()
188    }
190    fn maintains_input_order(&self) -> Vec<bool> {
191        // If the Union has an output ordering, it maintains at least one
192        // child's ordering (i.e. the meet).
193        // For instance, assume that the first child is SortExpr('a','b','c'),
194        // the second child is SortExpr('a','b') and the third child is
195        // SortExpr('a','b'). The output ordering would be SortExpr('a','b'),
196        // which is the "meet" of all input orderings. In this example, this
197        // function will return vec![false, true, true], indicating that we
198        // preserve the orderings for the 2nd and the 3rd children.
199        if let Some(output_ordering) = {
200            self.inputs()
201                .iter()
202                .map(|child| {
203                    if let Some(child_ordering) = child.output_ordering() {
204                        output_ordering.len() == child_ordering.len()
205                    } else {
206                        false
207                    }
208                })
209                .collect()
210        } else {
211            vec![false; self.inputs().len()]
212        }
213    }
215    fn with_new_children(
216        self: Arc<Self>,
217        children: Vec<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>>,
218    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
219        Ok(Arc::new(UnionExec::new(children)))
220    }
222    fn execute(
223        &self,
224        mut partition: usize,
225        context: Arc<TaskContext>,
226    ) -> Result<SendableRecordBatchStream> {
227        trace!("Start UnionExec::execute for partition {} of context session_id {} and task_id {:?}", partition, context.session_id(), context.task_id());
228        let baseline_metrics = BaselineMetrics::new(&self.metrics, partition);
229        // record the tiny amount of work done in this function so
230        // elapsed_compute is reported as non zero
231        let elapsed_compute = baseline_metrics.elapsed_compute().clone();
232        let _timer = elapsed_compute.timer(); // record on drop
234        // find partition to execute
235        for input in self.inputs.iter() {
236            // Calculate whether partition belongs to the current partition
237            if partition < input.output_partitioning().partition_count() {
238                let stream = input.execute(partition, context)?;
239                debug!("Found a Union partition to execute");
240                return Ok(Box::pin(ObservedStream::new(
241                    stream,
242                    baseline_metrics,
243                    None,
244                )));
245            } else {
246                partition -= input.output_partitioning().partition_count();
247            }
248        }
250        warn!("Error in Union: Partition {} not found", partition);
252        exec_err!("Partition {partition} not found in Union")
253    }
255    fn metrics(&self) -> Option<MetricsSet> {
256        Some(self.metrics.clone_inner())
257    }
259    fn statistics(&self) -> Result<Statistics> {
260        let stats = self
261            .inputs
262            .iter()
263            .map(|stat| stat.statistics())
264            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
266        Ok(stats
267            .into_iter()
268            .reduce(stats_union)
269            .unwrap_or_else(|| Statistics::new_unknown(&self.schema())))
270    }
272    fn benefits_from_input_partitioning(&self) -> Vec<bool> {
273        vec![false; self.children().len()]
274    }
276    fn supports_limit_pushdown(&self) -> bool {
277        true
278    }
280    /// Tries to push `projection` down through `union`. If possible, performs the
281    /// pushdown and returns a new [`UnionExec`] as the top plan which has projections
282    /// as its children. Otherwise, returns `None`.
283    fn try_swapping_with_projection(
284        &self,
285        projection: &ProjectionExec,
286    ) -> Result<Option<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>>> {
287        // If the projection doesn't narrow the schema, we shouldn't try to push it down.
288        if projection.expr().len() >= projection.input().schema().fields().len() {
289            return Ok(None);
290        }
292        let new_children = self
293            .children()
294            .into_iter()
295            .map(|child| make_with_child(projection, child))
296            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
298        Ok(Some(Arc::new(UnionExec::new(new_children))))
299    }
302/// Combines multiple input streams by interleaving them.
304/// This only works if all inputs have the same hash-partitioning.
306/// # Data Flow
307/// ```text
308/// +---------+
309/// |         |---+
310/// | Input 1 |   |
311/// |         |-------------+
312/// +---------+   |         |
313///               |         |         +---------+
314///               +------------------>|         |
315///                 +---------------->| Combine |-->
316///                 | +-------------->|         |
317///                 | |     |         +---------+
318/// +---------+     | |     |
319/// |         |-----+ |     |
320/// | Input 2 |       |     |
321/// |         |---------------+
322/// +---------+       |     | |
323///                   |     | |       +---------+
324///                   |     +-------->|         |
325///                   |       +------>| Combine |-->
326///                   |         +---->|         |
327///                   |         |     +---------+
328/// +---------+       |         |
329/// |         |-------+         |
330/// | Input 3 |                 |
331/// |         |-----------------+
332/// +---------+
333/// ```
334#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
335pub struct InterleaveExec {
336    /// Input execution plan
337    inputs: Vec<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>>,
338    /// Execution metrics
339    metrics: ExecutionPlanMetricsSet,
340    /// Cache holding plan properties like equivalences, output partitioning etc.
341    cache: PlanProperties,
344impl InterleaveExec {
345    /// Create a new InterleaveExec
346    pub fn try_new(inputs: Vec<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>>) -> Result<Self> {
347        if !can_interleave(inputs.iter()) {
348            return internal_err!(
349                "Not all InterleaveExec children have a consistent hash partitioning"
350            );
351        }
352        let cache = Self::compute_properties(&inputs);
353        Ok(InterleaveExec {
354            inputs,
355            metrics: ExecutionPlanMetricsSet::new(),
356            cache,
357        })
358    }
360    /// Get inputs of the execution plan
361    pub fn inputs(&self) -> &Vec<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
362        &self.inputs
363    }
365    /// This function creates the cache object that stores the plan properties such as schema, equivalence properties, ordering, partitioning, etc.
366    fn compute_properties(inputs: &[Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>]) -> PlanProperties {
367        let schema = union_schema(inputs);
368        let eq_properties = EquivalenceProperties::new(schema);
369        // Get output partitioning:
370        let output_partitioning = inputs[0].output_partitioning().clone();
371        PlanProperties::new(
372            eq_properties,
373            output_partitioning,
374            emission_type_from_children(inputs),
375            boundedness_from_children(inputs),
376        )
377    }
380impl DisplayAs for InterleaveExec {
381    fn fmt_as(
382        &self,
383        t: DisplayFormatType,
384        f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter,
385    ) -> std::fmt::Result {
386        match t {
387            DisplayFormatType::Default | DisplayFormatType::Verbose => {
388                write!(f, "InterleaveExec")
389            }
390        }
391    }
394impl ExecutionPlan for InterleaveExec {
395    fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
396        "InterleaveExec"
397    }
399    /// Return a reference to Any that can be used for downcasting
400    fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
401        self
402    }
404    fn properties(&self) -> &PlanProperties {
405        &self.cache
406    }
408    fn children(&self) -> Vec<&Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
409        self.inputs.iter().collect()
410    }
412    fn maintains_input_order(&self) -> Vec<bool> {
413        vec![false; self.inputs().len()]
414    }
416    fn with_new_children(
417        self: Arc<Self>,
418        children: Vec<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>>,
419    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
420        // New children are no longer interleavable, which might be a bug of optimization rewrite.
421        if !can_interleave(children.iter()) {
422            return internal_err!(
423                "Can not create InterleaveExec: new children can not be interleaved"
424            );
425        }
426        Ok(Arc::new(InterleaveExec::try_new(children)?))
427    }
429    fn execute(
430        &self,
431        partition: usize,
432        context: Arc<TaskContext>,
433    ) -> Result<SendableRecordBatchStream> {
434        trace!("Start InterleaveExec::execute for partition {} of context session_id {} and task_id {:?}", partition, context.session_id(), context.task_id());
435        let baseline_metrics = BaselineMetrics::new(&self.metrics, partition);
436        // record the tiny amount of work done in this function so
437        // elapsed_compute is reported as non zero
438        let elapsed_compute = baseline_metrics.elapsed_compute().clone();
439        let _timer = elapsed_compute.timer(); // record on drop
441        let mut input_stream_vec = vec![];
442        for input in self.inputs.iter() {
443            if partition < input.output_partitioning().partition_count() {
444                input_stream_vec.push(input.execute(partition, Arc::clone(&context))?);
445            } else {
446                // Do not find a partition to execute
447                break;
448            }
449        }
450        if input_stream_vec.len() == self.inputs.len() {
451            let stream = Box::pin(CombinedRecordBatchStream::new(
452                self.schema(),
453                input_stream_vec,
454            ));
455            return Ok(Box::pin(ObservedStream::new(
456                stream,
457                baseline_metrics,
458                None,
459            )));
460        }
462        warn!("Error in InterleaveExec: Partition {} not found", partition);
464        exec_err!("Partition {partition} not found in InterleaveExec")
465    }
467    fn metrics(&self) -> Option<MetricsSet> {
468        Some(self.metrics.clone_inner())
469    }
471    fn statistics(&self) -> Result<Statistics> {
472        let stats = self
473            .inputs
474            .iter()
475            .map(|stat| stat.statistics())
476            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
478        Ok(stats
479            .into_iter()
480            .reduce(stats_union)
481            .unwrap_or_else(|| Statistics::new_unknown(&self.schema())))
482    }
484    fn benefits_from_input_partitioning(&self) -> Vec<bool> {
485        vec![false; self.children().len()]
486    }
489/// If all the input partitions have the same Hash partition spec with the first_input_partition
490/// The InterleaveExec is partition aware.
492/// It might be too strict here in the case that the input partition specs are compatible but not exactly the same.
493/// For example one input partition has the partition spec Hash('a','b','c') and
494/// other has the partition spec Hash('a'), It is safe to derive the out partition with the spec Hash('a','b','c').
495pub fn can_interleave<T: Borrow<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>>>(
496    mut inputs: impl Iterator<Item = T>,
497) -> bool {
498    let Some(first) = else {
499        return false;
500    };
502    let reference = first.borrow().output_partitioning();
503    matches!(reference, Partitioning::Hash(_, _))
504        && inputs
505            .map(|plan| plan.borrow().output_partitioning().clone())
506            .all(|partition| partition == *reference)
509fn union_schema(inputs: &[Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>]) -> SchemaRef {
510    let first_schema = inputs[0].schema();
512    let fields = (0..first_schema.fields().len())
513        .map(|i| {
514            inputs
515                .iter()
516                .enumerate()
517                .map(|(input_idx, input)| {
518                    let field = input.schema().field(i).clone();
519                    let mut metadata = field.metadata().clone();
521                    let other_metadatas = inputs
522                        .iter()
523                        .enumerate()
524                        .filter(|(other_idx, _)| *other_idx != input_idx)
525                        .flat_map(|(_, other_input)| {
526                            other_input.schema().field(i).metadata().clone().into_iter()
527                        });
529                    metadata.extend(other_metadatas);
530                    field.with_metadata(metadata)
531                })
532                .find_or_first(Field::is_nullable)
533                // We can unwrap this because if inputs was empty, this would've already panic'ed when we
534                // indexed into inputs[0].
535                .unwrap()
536        })
537        .collect::<Vec<_>>();
539    let all_metadata_merged = inputs
540        .iter()
541        .flat_map(|i| i.schema().metadata().clone().into_iter())
542        .collect();
544    Arc::new(Schema::new_with_metadata(fields, all_metadata_merged))
547/// CombinedRecordBatchStream can be used to combine a Vec of SendableRecordBatchStreams into one
548struct CombinedRecordBatchStream {
549    /// Schema wrapped by Arc
550    schema: SchemaRef,
551    /// Stream entries
552    entries: Vec<SendableRecordBatchStream>,
555impl CombinedRecordBatchStream {
556    /// Create an CombinedRecordBatchStream
557    pub fn new(schema: SchemaRef, entries: Vec<SendableRecordBatchStream>) -> Self {
558        Self { schema, entries }
559    }
562impl RecordBatchStream for CombinedRecordBatchStream {
563    fn schema(&self) -> SchemaRef {
564        Arc::clone(&self.schema)
565    }
568impl Stream for CombinedRecordBatchStream {
569    type Item = Result<RecordBatch>;
571    fn poll_next(
572        mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
573        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
574    ) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
575        use Poll::*;
577        let start = thread_rng_n(self.entries.len() as u32) as usize;
578        let mut idx = start;
580        for _ in 0..self.entries.len() {
581            let stream = self.entries.get_mut(idx).unwrap();
583            match Pin::new(stream).poll_next(cx) {
584                Ready(Some(val)) => return Ready(Some(val)),
585                Ready(None) => {
586                    // Remove the entry
587                    self.entries.swap_remove(idx);
589                    // Check if this was the last entry, if so the cursor needs
590                    // to wrap
591                    if idx == self.entries.len() {
592                        idx = 0;
593                    } else if idx < start && start <= self.entries.len() {
594                        // The stream being swapped into the current index has
595                        // already been polled, so skip it.
596                        idx = idx.wrapping_add(1) % self.entries.len();
597                    }
598                }
599                Pending => {
600                    idx = idx.wrapping_add(1) % self.entries.len();
601                }
602            }
603        }
605        // If the map is empty, then the stream is complete.
606        if self.entries.is_empty() {
607            Ready(None)
608        } else {
609            Pending
610        }
611    }
614fn col_stats_union(
615    mut left: ColumnStatistics,
616    right: ColumnStatistics,
617) -> ColumnStatistics {
618    left.distinct_count = Precision::Absent;
619    left.min_value = left.min_value.min(&right.min_value);
620    left.max_value = left.max_value.max(&right.max_value);
621    left.sum_value = left.sum_value.add(&right.sum_value);
622    left.null_count = left.null_count.add(&right.null_count);
624    left
627fn stats_union(mut left: Statistics, right: Statistics) -> Statistics {
628    left.num_rows = left.num_rows.add(&right.num_rows);
629    left.total_byte_size = left.total_byte_size.add(&right.total_byte_size);
630    left.column_statistics = left
631        .column_statistics
632        .into_iter()
633        .zip(right.column_statistics)
634        .map(|(a, b)| col_stats_union(a, b))
635        .collect::<Vec<_>>();
636    left
640mod tests {
641    use super::*;
642    use crate::collect;
643    use crate::test;
644    use crate::test::TestMemoryExec;
646    use arrow::compute::SortOptions;
647    use arrow::datatypes::DataType;
648    use datafusion_common::ScalarValue;
649    use datafusion_physical_expr::expressions::col;
650    use datafusion_physical_expr::{PhysicalExpr, PhysicalSortExpr};
651    use datafusion_physical_expr_common::sort_expr::LexOrdering;
653    // Generate a schema which consists of 7 columns (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
654    fn create_test_schema() -> Result<SchemaRef> {
655        let a = Field::new("a", DataType::Int32, true);
656        let b = Field::new("b", DataType::Int32, true);
657        let c = Field::new("c", DataType::Int32, true);
658        let d = Field::new("d", DataType::Int32, true);
659        let e = Field::new("e", DataType::Int32, true);
660        let f = Field::new("f", DataType::Int32, true);
661        let g = Field::new("g", DataType::Int32, true);
662        let schema = Arc::new(Schema::new(vec![a, b, c, d, e, f, g]));
664        Ok(schema)
665    }
667    // Convert each tuple to PhysicalSortExpr
668    fn convert_to_sort_exprs(
669        in_data: &[(&Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>, SortOptions)],
670    ) -> LexOrdering {
671        in_data
672            .iter()
673            .map(|(expr, options)| PhysicalSortExpr {
674                expr: Arc::clone(*expr),
675                options: *options,
676            })
677            .collect::<LexOrdering>()
678    }
680    #[tokio::test]
681    async fn test_union_partitions() -> Result<()> {
682        let task_ctx = Arc::new(TaskContext::default());
684        // Create inputs with different partitioning
685        let csv = test::scan_partitioned(4);
686        let csv2 = test::scan_partitioned(5);
688        let union_exec = Arc::new(UnionExec::new(vec![csv, csv2]));
690        // Should have 9 partitions and 9 output batches
691        assert_eq!(
692            union_exec
693                .properties()
694                .output_partitioning()
695                .partition_count(),
696            9
697        );
699        let result: Vec<RecordBatch> = collect(union_exec, task_ctx).await?;
700        assert_eq!(result.len(), 9);
702        Ok(())
703    }
705    #[tokio::test]
706    async fn test_stats_union() {
707        let left = Statistics {
708            num_rows: Precision::Exact(5),
709            total_byte_size: Precision::Exact(23),
710            column_statistics: vec![
711                ColumnStatistics {
712                    distinct_count: Precision::Exact(5),
713                    max_value: Precision::Exact(ScalarValue::Int64(Some(21))),
714                    min_value: Precision::Exact(ScalarValue::Int64(Some(-4))),
715                    sum_value: Precision::Exact(ScalarValue::Int64(Some(42))),
716                    null_count: Precision::Exact(0),
717                },
718                ColumnStatistics {
719                    distinct_count: Precision::Exact(1),
720                    max_value: Precision::Exact(ScalarValue::from("x")),
721                    min_value: Precision::Exact(ScalarValue::from("a")),
722                    sum_value: Precision::Absent,
723                    null_count: Precision::Exact(3),
724                },
725                ColumnStatistics {
726                    distinct_count: Precision::Absent,
727                    max_value: Precision::Exact(ScalarValue::Float32(Some(1.1))),
728                    min_value: Precision::Exact(ScalarValue::Float32(Some(0.1))),
729                    sum_value: Precision::Exact(ScalarValue::Float32(Some(42.0))),
730                    null_count: Precision::Absent,
731                },
732            ],
733        };
735        let right = Statistics {
736            num_rows: Precision::Exact(7),
737            total_byte_size: Precision::Exact(29),
738            column_statistics: vec![
739                ColumnStatistics {
740                    distinct_count: Precision::Exact(3),
741                    max_value: Precision::Exact(ScalarValue::Int64(Some(34))),
742                    min_value: Precision::Exact(ScalarValue::Int64(Some(1))),
743                    sum_value: Precision::Exact(ScalarValue::Int64(Some(42))),
744                    null_count: Precision::Exact(1),
745                },
746                ColumnStatistics {
747                    distinct_count: Precision::Absent,
748                    max_value: Precision::Exact(ScalarValue::from("c")),
749                    min_value: Precision::Exact(ScalarValue::from("b")),
750                    sum_value: Precision::Absent,
751                    null_count: Precision::Absent,
752                },
753                ColumnStatistics {
754                    distinct_count: Precision::Absent,
755                    max_value: Precision::Absent,
756                    min_value: Precision::Absent,
757                    sum_value: Precision::Absent,
758                    null_count: Precision::Absent,
759                },
760            ],
761        };
763        let result = stats_union(left, right);
764        let expected = Statistics {
765            num_rows: Precision::Exact(12),
766            total_byte_size: Precision::Exact(52),
767            column_statistics: vec![
768                ColumnStatistics {
769                    distinct_count: Precision::Absent,
770                    max_value: Precision::Exact(ScalarValue::Int64(Some(34))),
771                    min_value: Precision::Exact(ScalarValue::Int64(Some(-4))),
772                    sum_value: Precision::Exact(ScalarValue::Int64(Some(84))),
773                    null_count: Precision::Exact(1),
774                },
775                ColumnStatistics {
776                    distinct_count: Precision::Absent,
777                    max_value: Precision::Exact(ScalarValue::from("x")),
778                    min_value: Precision::Exact(ScalarValue::from("a")),
779                    sum_value: Precision::Absent,
780                    null_count: Precision::Absent,
781                },
782                ColumnStatistics {
783                    distinct_count: Precision::Absent,
784                    max_value: Precision::Absent,
785                    min_value: Precision::Absent,
786                    sum_value: Precision::Absent,
787                    null_count: Precision::Absent,
788                },
789            ],
790        };
792        assert_eq!(result, expected);
793    }
795    #[tokio::test]
796    async fn test_union_equivalence_properties() -> Result<()> {
797        let schema = create_test_schema()?;
798        let col_a = &col("a", &schema)?;
799        let col_b = &col("b", &schema)?;
800        let col_c = &col("c", &schema)?;
801        let col_d = &col("d", &schema)?;
802        let col_e = &col("e", &schema)?;
803        let col_f = &col("f", &schema)?;
804        let options = SortOptions::default();
805        let test_cases = [
806            //-----------TEST CASE 1----------//
807            (
808                // First child orderings
809                vec![
810                    // [a ASC, b ASC, f ASC]
811                    vec![(col_a, options), (col_b, options), (col_f, options)],
812                ],
813                // Second child orderings
814                vec![
815                    // [a ASC, b ASC, c ASC]
816                    vec![(col_a, options), (col_b, options), (col_c, options)],
817                    // [a ASC, b ASC, f ASC]
818                    vec![(col_a, options), (col_b, options), (col_f, options)],
819                ],
820                // Union output orderings
821                vec![
822                    // [a ASC, b ASC, f ASC]
823                    vec![(col_a, options), (col_b, options), (col_f, options)],
824                ],
825            ),
826            //-----------TEST CASE 2----------//
827            (
828                // First child orderings
829                vec![
830                    // [a ASC, b ASC, f ASC]
831                    vec![(col_a, options), (col_b, options), (col_f, options)],
832                    // d ASC
833                    vec![(col_d, options)],
834                ],
835                // Second child orderings
836                vec![
837                    // [a ASC, b ASC, c ASC]
838                    vec![(col_a, options), (col_b, options), (col_c, options)],
839                    // [e ASC]
840                    vec![(col_e, options)],
841                ],
842                // Union output orderings
843                vec![
844                    // [a ASC, b ASC]
845                    vec![(col_a, options), (col_b, options)],
846                ],
847            ),
848        ];
850        for (
851            test_idx,
852            (first_child_orderings, second_child_orderings, union_orderings),
853        ) in test_cases.iter().enumerate()
854        {
855            let first_orderings = first_child_orderings
856                .iter()
857                .map(|ordering| convert_to_sort_exprs(ordering))
858                .collect::<Vec<_>>();
859            let second_orderings = second_child_orderings
860                .iter()
861                .map(|ordering| convert_to_sort_exprs(ordering))
862                .collect::<Vec<_>>();
863            let union_expected_orderings = union_orderings
864                .iter()
865                .map(|ordering| convert_to_sort_exprs(ordering))
866                .collect::<Vec<_>>();
867            let child1 = Arc::new(TestMemoryExec::update_cache(Arc::new(
868                TestMemoryExec::try_new(&[], Arc::clone(&schema), None)?
869                    .try_with_sort_information(first_orderings)?,
870            )));
871            let child2 = Arc::new(TestMemoryExec::update_cache(Arc::new(
872                TestMemoryExec::try_new(&[], Arc::clone(&schema), None)?
873                    .try_with_sort_information(second_orderings)?,
874            )));
876            let mut union_expected_eq = EquivalenceProperties::new(Arc::clone(&schema));
877            union_expected_eq.add_new_orderings(union_expected_orderings);
879            let union = UnionExec::new(vec![child1, child2]);
880            let union_eq_properties =;
881            let err_msg = format!(
882                "Error in test id: {:?}, test case: {:?}",
883                test_idx, test_cases[test_idx]
884            );
885            assert_eq_properties_same(union_eq_properties, &union_expected_eq, err_msg);
886        }
887        Ok(())
888    }
890    fn assert_eq_properties_same(
891        lhs: &EquivalenceProperties,
892        rhs: &EquivalenceProperties,
893        err_msg: String,
894    ) {
895        // Check whether orderings are same.
896        let lhs_orderings = lhs.oeq_class();
897        let rhs_orderings = rhs.oeq_class();
898        assert_eq!(lhs_orderings.len(), rhs_orderings.len(), "{}", err_msg);
899        for rhs_ordering in rhs_orderings.iter() {
900            assert!(lhs_orderings.contains(rhs_ordering), "{}", err_msg);
901        }
902    }