Module projection

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Defines the projection execution plan. A projection determines which columns or expressions are returned from a query. The SQL statement SELECT a, b, a+b FROM t1 is an example of a projection on table t1 where the expressions a, b, and a+b are the projection expressions. SELECT without FROM will only evaluate expressions.


Execution plan for a projection




Given the expression set of a projection, checks if the projection causes any renaming or constructs a non-Column physical expression.
Returns true if all the expressions in the argument are Columns.
Checks three conditions for pushing a projection down through a join:
Returns the last index before encountering a column coming from the right table when traveling through the projection from left to right, and the last index before encountering a column coming from the left table when traveling through the projection from right to left. If there is no column in the projection coming from the left side, it returns (-1, …), if there is no column in the projection coming from the right side, it returns (…, projection length).
Creates a new ProjectionExec instance with the given child plan and projected expressions.
If pushing down the projection over this join’s children seems possible, this function constructs the new ProjectionExecs that will come on top of the original children of the join.
Updates a source provider’s projected columns according to the given projection operator’s expressions. To use this function safely, one must ensure that all expressions are Column expressions without aliases.
Downcasts all the expressions in exprs to Columns. If any of the given expressions is not a Column, returns None.
This function checks if plan is a ProjectionExec, and inspects its input(s) to test whether it can push plan under its input(s). This function will operate on the entire tree and may ultimately remove plan entirely by leveraging source providers with built-in projection capabilities.
Some projection can’t be pushed down left input or right input of hash join because filter or on need may need some columns that won’t be used in later. By embed those projection to hash join, we can reduce the cost of build_batch_from_indices in hash join (build_batch_from_indices need to can compute::take() for each column) and avoid unnecessary output creation.
The function operates in two modes:
Tries to update the column indices of a JoinFilter as if the input of the join was replaced by a projection.
Tries to update the equi-join Column’s of a join as if the input of the join was replaced by a projection.

Type Aliases§

The on clause of the join, as vector of (left, right) columns.
Reference for JoinOn.