Function plan_to_sql

pub fn plan_to_sql(plan: &LogicalPlan) -> Result<Statement>
Expand description

Convert a DataFusion LogicalPlan to ast::Statement

This function is the opposite of SqlToRel::sql_statement_to_plan and can be used to, among other things, to convert LogicalPlans to SQL strings.


This function returns an error if the plan cannot be converted to SQL.

§See Also


use arrow::datatypes::{DataType, Field, Schema};
use datafusion_expr::{col, logical_plan::table_scan};
use datafusion_sql::unparser::plan_to_sql;
let schema = Schema::new(vec![
    Field::new("id", DataType::Utf8, false),
    Field::new("value", DataType::Utf8, false),
// Scan 'table' and select columns 'id' and 'value'
let plan = table_scan(Some("table"), &schema, None)
    .project(vec![col("id"), col("value")])
let sql = plan_to_sql(&plan).unwrap(); // convert to AST
// use the Display impl to convert to SQL text
assert_eq!(sql.to_string(), "SELECT \"table\".id, \"table\".\"value\" FROM \"table\"")