- Default
Substrait Consumer - Default SubstraitConsumer for converting standard Substrait without user-defined extensions.
- Expr
Container - An ExprContainer is a container for a collection of expressions with a common input schema
- Substrait
Consumer - This trait is used to consume Substrait plans, converting them into DataFusion Logical Plans. It can be implemented by users to allow for custom handling of relations, expressions, etc.
- apply_
masking - from_
aggregate_ rel - from_
cast - from_
cross_ rel - from_
exchange_ rel - from_
fetch_ rel - from_
field_ reference - from_
filter_ rel - from_
if_ then - from_
join_ rel - from_
literal - from_
project_ rel - from_
read_ rel - from_
scalar_ function - from_
set_ rel - from_
singular_ or_ list - from_
sort_ rel - from_
subquery - from_
substrait_ agg_ func - Convert Substrait AggregateFunction to DataFusion Expr
- from_
substrait_ extended_ expr - Convert Substrait ExtendedExpression to ExprContainer
- from_
substrait_ func_ args - Convert Substrait FunctionArguments to DataFusion Exprs
- from_
substrait_ named_ struct - Convert Substrait NamedStruct to DataFusion DFSchemaRef
- from_
substrait_ plan - Convert Substrait Plan to DataFusion LogicalPlan
- from_
substrait_ plan_ with_ consumer - Convert Substrait Plan to DataFusion LogicalPlan using the given consumer
- from_
substrait_ rel - Convert Substrait Rel to DataFusion DataFrame
- from_
substrait_ rex - Convert Substrait Rex to DataFusion Expr
- from_
substrait_ rex_ vec - Convert Substrait Expressions to DataFusion Exprs
- from_
substrait_ sorts - Convert Substrait Sorts to DataFusion Exprs
- from_
window_ function - name_
to_ op - substrait_
fun_ name