
Module physical_expr

Expand description

re-export of datafusion_physical_expr crate



  • The shared context used during the analysis of an expression. Includes the boundaries for all known columns.
  • A structure representing a expression known to be constant in a physical execution plan.
  • A EquivalenceProperties object stores information known about the output of a plan node, that can be used to optimize the plan.
  • Represents the boundaries (e.g. min and max values) of a particular column
  • An adapter that implements GroupsAccumulator for any Accumulator
  • LexOrdering contains a Vec<PhysicalSortExpr>, which represents a lexicographical ordering.
  • LexRequirement is an struct containing a Vec<PhysicalSortRequirement>, which represents a lexicographical ordering requirement.
  • Track the accumulator null state per row: if any values for that group were null and if any values have been seen at all for that group.
  • Represents Sort operation for a column in a RecordBatch
  • Represents sort requirement associated with a plan
  • Physical expression of a scalar function




  • Attempts to refine column boundaries and compute a selectivity value.
  • Calculates the union (in the sense of UnionExec) EquivalenceProperties of the given EquivalenceProperties in eqps according to the given output schema (which need not be the same with those of lhs and rhs as details such as nullability may be different).
  • PhysicalExpr evaluate DataFusion expressions such as A + 1, or CAST(c1 AS int).
  • Create vector of Physical Expression from a vector of logical expression
  • Checks whether the given physical expression slices are equal in the sense of bags (multi-sets), disregarding their orderings.
  • This function is similar to the contains method of Vec. It finds whether expr is among physical_exprs.
  • Checks whether the given physical expression slices are equal.
  • Reverses the ORDER BY expression, which is useful during equivalent window expression construction. For instance, ‘ORDER BY a ASC, NULLS LAST’ turns into ‘ORDER BY a DESC, NULLS FIRST’.
  • Assume the predicate is in the form of CNF, split the predicate to a Vec of PhysicalExprs.

Type Aliases§

  • LexOrderingRef is an alias for the type &[PhysicalSortExpr], which represents a reference to a lexicographical ordering.
  • LexRequirementRef is an alias for the type &[PhysicalSortRequirement], which represents a reference to a lexicographical ordering requirement.
  • Shared PhysicalExpr.