Derive Macro TryInto

    // Attributes available to this derive:
Available on crate feature try_into only.
Expand description

§What #[derive(TryInto)] generates

This derive allows you to convert enum variants into their corresponding variant types. One thing to note is that this derive doesn’t actually generate an implementation for the TryInto trait. Instead it derives TryFrom for each variant in the enum and thus has an indirect implementation of TryInto as recommended by the docs.

By using #[try_into(owned, ref, ref_mut)] it’s possible to derive a TryInto implementation for reference types as well. You can pick any combination of owned, ref and ref_mut. If that’s not provided the default is #[try_into(owned)].

With #[try_into] or #[try_into(ignore)] it’s possible to indicate which variants you want to derive TryInto for.

§Example usage

#[derive(TryInto, Clone, Debug)]
#[try_into(owned, ref, ref_mut)]
enum MixedData {

let mixed_string = MixedData::String("foo".to_string());
let mixed_int1 = MixedData::Int(123);
let mixed_int2 = mixed_int1.clone();
let mut mixed_int3 = mixed_int1.clone();

assert_eq!(123u32, mixed_int1.try_into().unwrap());

let int_ref : &u32 = (&mixed_int2).try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(&123u32, int_ref);

let int_ref_mut : &mut u32 = (&mut mixed_int3).try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(&mut 123u32, int_ref_mut);

assert_eq!("foo".to_string(), String::try_from(mixed_string.clone()).unwrap());



Deriving TryInto for structs is not supported because there is no failing mode. Use #[derive(Into)] instead. TryInto will automatically get a blanket implementation through TryFrom, automatically derived from From, which #[derive(Into)] produces.


When deriving TryInto for an enum, each enum variant gets its own TryFrom implementation. For instance, when deriving TryInto for an enum link this:

enum MixedInts {
    TwoSmallInts(i32, i32),
    NamedSmallInts { x: i64, y: i64 },

Code like this will be generated:

impl TryFrom<MixedInts> for (i32) {
    type Error = derive_more::TryIntoError<MixedInts>;
    fn try_from(value: MixedInts) -> Result<Self, derive_more::TryIntoError<MixedInts>> {
        match value {
            MixedInts::SmallInt(__0) => Ok(__0),
            _ => Err(derive_more::TryIntoError::new(value, "SmallInt", "i32")),
impl TryFrom<MixedInts> for (i64) {
    type Error = derive_more::TryIntoError<MixedInts>;
    fn try_from(value: MixedInts) -> Result<Self, derive_more::TryIntoError<MixedInts>> {
        match value {
            MixedInts::BigInt(__0) => Ok(__0),
            _ => Err(derive_more::TryIntoError::new(value, "BigInt", "i64")),
impl TryFrom<MixedInts> for (i32, i32) {
    type Error = derive_more::TryIntoError<MixedInts>;
    fn try_from(value: MixedInts) -> Result<Self, derive_more::TryIntoError<MixedInts>> {
        match value {
            MixedInts::TwoSmallInts(__0, __1) => Ok((__0, __1)),
            _ => Err(derive_more::TryIntoError::new(value, "TwoSmallInts", "(i32, i32)")),
impl TryFrom<MixedInts> for (i64, i64) {
    type Error = derive_more::TryIntoError<MixedInts>;
    fn try_from(value: MixedInts) -> Result<Self, derive_more::TryIntoError<MixedInts>> {
        match value {
            MixedInts::NamedSmallInts { x: __0, y: __1 } => Ok((__0, __1)),
            _ => Err(derive_more::TryIntoError::new(value, "NamedSmallInts", "(i64, i64)")),
impl TryFrom<MixedInts> for (u32) {
    type Error = derive_more::TryIntoError<MixedInts>;
    fn try_from(value: MixedInts) -> Result<Self, derive_more::TryIntoError<MixedInts>> {
        match value {
            MixedInts::UnsignedOne(__0) | MixedInts::UnsignedTwo(__0) => Ok(__0),
            _ => Err(derive_more::TryIntoError::new(value, "UnsignedOne", "u32")),

When deriving TryInto for an enum with Unit variants like this:

enum EnumWithUnit {

Code like this will be generated:

impl TryFrom<EnumWithUnit> for (i32) {
    type Error = derive_more::TryIntoError<EnumWithUnit>;
    fn try_from(value: EnumWithUnit) -> Result<Self, derive_more::TryIntoError<EnumWithUnit>> {
        match value {
            EnumWithUnit::SmallInt(__0) => Ok(__0),
            _ => Err(derive_more::TryIntoError::new(value, "SmallInt", "i32")),
impl TryFrom<EnumWithUnit> for () {
    type Error = derive_more::TryIntoError<EnumWithUnit>;
    fn try_from(value: EnumWithUnit) -> Result<Self, derive_more::TryIntoError<EnumWithUnit>> {
        match value {
            EnumWithUnit::Unit => Ok(()),
            _ => Err(derive_more::TryIntoError::new(value, "Unit", "()")),