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use crate::{BreakpointValue, ExecutorError};
pub struct CompilationOptions {
pub gas_limit: u64,
pub unmetered_locals: usize,
pub max_memory_grow: usize,
pub max_memory_grow_delta: usize,
pub opcode_trace: bool,
pub metering: bool,
pub runtime_breakpoints: bool,
/// The argument type for dealing with executor memory pointers.
pub type MemPtr = isize;
/// The argument type for dealing with lengths of slices of the executor memory.
pub type MemLength = isize;
pub trait Instance {
/// Calls an exported function of a WebAssembly instance by `name`.
fn call(&self, func_name: &str) -> Result<(), String>;
/// Checks that all public module functions (SC endpoints) have no arguments or results.
fn check_signatures(&self) -> bool;
/// Checks whether SC has an endpoint with given name.
fn has_function(&self, func_name: &str) -> bool;
/// Required to be able to extract all SC endpoint names.
fn get_exported_function_names(&self) -> Vec<String>;
/// Sets the number of points(gas) limit for the given instance.
fn set_points_limit(&self, limit: u64) -> Result<(), String>;
/// Sets the number of points(gas) for the given instance.
fn set_points_used(&self, points: u64) -> Result<(), String>;
/// Returns the number of points(gas) used by the given instance.
fn get_points_used(&self) -> Result<u64, String>;
/// Gets the size in bytes of the memory data.
fn memory_length(&self) -> Result<u64, String>;
/// Gets a pointer to the beginning of the contiguous memory data bytes.
fn memory_ptr(&self) -> Result<*mut u8, String>;
/// Loads data from executor memory.
fn memory_load(&self, mem_ptr: MemPtr, mem_length: MemLength) -> Result<&[u8], ExecutorError>;
/// Loads data from executor memory.
fn memory_store(&self, mem_ptr: MemPtr, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), ExecutorError>;
/// Grows a memory by the given number of pages (of 65Kb each).
fn memory_grow(&self, by_num_pages: u32) -> Result<u32, ExecutorError>;
/// Sets the runtime breakpoint value for the given instance.
fn set_breakpoint_value(&self, value: BreakpointValue) -> Result<(), String>;
/// Returns the runtime breakpoint value from the given instance.
fn get_breakpoint_value(&self) -> Result<BreakpointValue, String>;
/// Resets an instance, cleaning memories and globals.
fn reset(&self) -> Result<(), String>;
/// Caches an instance.
fn cache(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, String>;