
1#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg, doc_auto_cfg))]
2//! Diesel-async provides async variants of diesel related query functionality
4//! diesel-async is an extension to diesel itself. It is designed to be used together
5//! with the main diesel crate. It only provides async variants of core diesel traits,
6//! that perform actual io-work.
7//! This includes async counterparts the following traits:
8//! * [`diesel::prelude::RunQueryDsl`](https://docs.diesel.rs/2.0.x/diesel/prelude/trait.RunQueryDsl.html)
9//!    -> [`diesel_async::RunQueryDsl`](crate::RunQueryDsl)
10//! * [`diesel::connection::Connection`](https://docs.diesel.rs/2.0.x/diesel/connection/trait.Connection.html)
11//!    -> [`diesel_async::AsyncConnection`](crate::AsyncConnection)
12//! * [`diesel::query_dsl::UpdateAndFetchResults`](https://docs.diesel.rs/2.0.x/diesel/query_dsl/trait.UpdateAndFetchResults.html)
13//!    -> [`diesel_async::UpdateAndFetchResults`](crate::UpdateAndFetchResults)
15//! These traits closely mirror their diesel counter parts while providing async functionality.
17//! In addition to these core traits 3 fully async connection implementations are provided
18//! by diesel-async:
20//! * [`AsyncMysqlConnection`] (enabled by the `mysql` feature)
21//! * [`AsyncPgConnection`] (enabled by the `postgres` feature)
22//! * [`SyncConnectionWrapper`] (enabled by the `sync-connection-wrapper`/`sqlite` feature)
24//! Ordinary usage of `diesel-async` assumes that you just replace the corresponding sync trait
25//! method calls and connections with their async counterparts.
27//! ```rust
28//! # include!("./doctest_setup.rs");
29//! #
30//! use diesel::prelude::*;
31//! use diesel_async::{RunQueryDsl, AsyncConnection};
33//! diesel::table! {
34//!    users(id) {
35//!        id -> Integer,
36//!        name -> Text,
37//!    }
38//! }
39//! #
40//! # #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
41//! # async fn main() {
42//! #     run_test().await;
43//! # }
44//! #
45//! # async fn run_test() -> QueryResult<()> {
47//! use crate::users::dsl::*;
49//! # let mut connection = establish_connection().await;
50//! # /*
51//! let mut connection = AsyncPgConnection::establish(std::env::var("DATABASE_URL")?).await?;
52//! # */
53//! let data = users
54//!     // use ordinary diesel query dsl here
55//!     .filter(id.gt(0))
56//!     // execute the query via the provided
57//!     // async variant of `diesel_async::RunQueryDsl`
58//!     .load::<(i32, String)>(&mut connection)
59//!     .await?;
60//! let expected_data = vec![
61//!     (1, String::from("Sean")),
62//!     (2, String::from("Tess")),
63//! ];
64//! assert_eq!(expected_data, data);
65//! #     Ok(())
66//! # }
67//! ```
70    missing_docs,
71    clippy::cast_possible_wrap,
72    clippy::cast_possible_truncation,
73    clippy::cast_sign_loss
76use diesel::backend::Backend;
77use diesel::connection::Instrumentation;
78use diesel::query_builder::{AsQuery, QueryFragment, QueryId};
79use diesel::result::Error;
80use diesel::row::Row;
81use diesel::{ConnectionResult, QueryResult};
82use futures_util::{Future, Stream};
83use std::fmt::Debug;
85pub use scoped_futures;
86use scoped_futures::{ScopedBoxFuture, ScopedFutureExt};
88#[cfg(feature = "async-connection-wrapper")]
89pub mod async_connection_wrapper;
90#[cfg(feature = "mysql")]
91mod mysql;
92#[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
93pub mod pg;
94#[cfg(feature = "pool")]
95pub mod pooled_connection;
96mod run_query_dsl;
97#[cfg(any(feature = "postgres", feature = "mysql"))]
98mod stmt_cache;
99#[cfg(feature = "sync-connection-wrapper")]
100pub mod sync_connection_wrapper;
101mod transaction_manager;
103#[cfg(feature = "mysql")]
105pub use self::mysql::AsyncMysqlConnection;
106#[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
108pub use self::pg::AsyncPgConnection;
110pub use self::run_query_dsl::*;
113pub use self::transaction_manager::{AnsiTransactionManager, TransactionManager};
115/// Perform simple operations on a backend.
117/// You should likely use [`AsyncConnection`] instead.
119pub trait SimpleAsyncConnection {
120    /// Execute multiple SQL statements within the same string.
121    ///
122    /// This function is used to execute migrations,
123    /// which may contain more than one SQL statement.
124    async fn batch_execute(&mut self, query: &str) -> QueryResult<()>;
127/// An async connection to a database
129/// This trait represents a n async database connection. It can be used to query the database through
130/// the query dsl provided by diesel, custom extensions or raw sql queries. It essentially mirrors
131/// the sync diesel [`Connection`](diesel::connection::Connection) implementation
133pub trait AsyncConnection: SimpleAsyncConnection + Sized + Send {
134    /// The future returned by `AsyncConnection::execute`
135    type ExecuteFuture<'conn, 'query>: Future<Output = QueryResult<usize>> + Send;
136    /// The future returned by `AsyncConnection::load`
137    type LoadFuture<'conn, 'query>: Future<Output = QueryResult<Self::Stream<'conn, 'query>>> + Send;
138    /// The inner stream returned by `AsyncConnection::load`
139    type Stream<'conn, 'query>: Stream<Item = QueryResult<Self::Row<'conn, 'query>>> + Send;
140    /// The row type used by the stream returned by `AsyncConnection::load`
141    type Row<'conn, 'query>: Row<'conn, Self::Backend>;
143    /// The backend this type connects to
144    type Backend: Backend;
146    #[doc(hidden)]
147    type TransactionManager: TransactionManager<Self>;
149    /// Establishes a new connection to the database
150    ///
151    /// The argument to this method and the method's behavior varies by backend.
152    /// See the documentation for that backend's connection class
153    /// for details about what it accepts and how it behaves.
154    async fn establish(database_url: &str) -> ConnectionResult<Self>;
156    /// Executes the given function inside of a database transaction
157    ///
158    /// This function executes the provided closure `f` inside a database
159    /// transaction. If there is already an open transaction for the current
160    /// connection savepoints will be used instead. The connection is committed if
161    /// the closure returns `Ok(_)`, it will be rolled back if it returns `Err(_)`.
162    /// For both cases the original result value will be returned from this function.
163    ///
164    /// If the transaction fails to commit due to a `SerializationFailure` or a
165    /// `ReadOnlyTransaction` a rollback will be attempted.
166    /// If the rollback fails, the error will be returned in a
167    /// [`Error::RollbackErrorOnCommit`](diesel::result::Error::RollbackErrorOnCommit),
168    /// from which you will be able to extract both the original commit error and
169    /// the rollback error.
170    /// In addition, the connection will be considered broken
171    /// as it contains a uncommitted unabortable open transaction. Any further
172    /// interaction with the transaction system will result in an returned error
173    /// in this case.
174    ///
175    /// If the closure returns an `Err(_)` and the rollback fails the function
176    /// will return that rollback error directly, and the transaction manager will
177    /// be marked as broken as it contains a uncommitted unabortable open transaction.
178    ///
179    /// If a nested transaction fails to release the corresponding savepoint
180    /// the error will be returned directly.
181    ///
182    /// **WARNING:** Canceling the returned future does currently **not**
183    /// close an already open transaction. You may end up with a connection
184    /// containing a dangling transaction.
185    ///
186    /// # Example
187    ///
188    /// ```rust
189    /// # include!("doctest_setup.rs");
190    /// use diesel::result::Error;
191    /// use scoped_futures::ScopedFutureExt;
192    /// use diesel_async::{RunQueryDsl, AsyncConnection};
193    ///
194    /// # #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
195    /// # async fn main() {
196    /// #     run_test().await.unwrap();
197    /// # }
198    /// #
199    /// # async fn run_test() -> QueryResult<()> {
200    /// #     use schema::users::dsl::*;
201    /// #     let conn = &mut establish_connection().await;
202    /// conn.transaction::<_, Error, _>(|conn| async move {
203    ///     diesel::insert_into(users)
204    ///         .values(name.eq("Ruby"))
205    ///         .execute(conn)
206    ///         .await?;
207    ///
208    ///     let all_names = users.select(name).load::<String>(conn).await?;
209    ///     assert_eq!(vec!["Sean", "Tess", "Ruby"], all_names);
210    ///
211    ///     Ok(())
212    /// }.scope_boxed()).await?;
213    ///
214    /// conn.transaction::<(), _, _>(|conn| async move {
215    ///     diesel::insert_into(users)
216    ///         .values(name.eq("Pascal"))
217    ///         .execute(conn)
218    ///         .await?;
219    ///
220    ///     let all_names = users.select(name).load::<String>(conn).await?;
221    ///     assert_eq!(vec!["Sean", "Tess", "Ruby", "Pascal"], all_names);
222    ///
223    ///     // If we want to roll back the transaction, but don't have an
224    ///     // actual error to return, we can return `RollbackTransaction`.
225    ///     Err(Error::RollbackTransaction)
226    /// }.scope_boxed()).await;
227    ///
228    /// let all_names = users.select(name).load::<String>(conn).await?;
229    /// assert_eq!(vec!["Sean", "Tess", "Ruby"], all_names);
230    /// #     Ok(())
231    /// # }
232    /// ```
233    async fn transaction<'a, R, E, F>(&mut self, callback: F) -> Result<R, E>
234    where
235        F: for<'r> FnOnce(&'r mut Self) -> ScopedBoxFuture<'a, 'r, Result<R, E>> + Send + 'a,
236        E: From<diesel::result::Error> + Send + 'a,
237        R: Send + 'a,
238    {
239        Self::TransactionManager::transaction(self, callback).await
240    }
242    /// Creates a transaction that will never be committed. This is useful for
243    /// tests. Panics if called while inside of a transaction or
244    /// if called with a connection containing a broken transaction
245    async fn begin_test_transaction(&mut self) -> QueryResult<()> {
246        use diesel::connection::TransactionManagerStatus;
248        match Self::TransactionManager::transaction_manager_status_mut(self) {
249            TransactionManagerStatus::Valid(valid_status) => {
250                assert_eq!(None, valid_status.transaction_depth())
251            }
252            TransactionManagerStatus::InError => panic!("Transaction manager in error"),
253        };
254        Self::TransactionManager::begin_transaction(self).await?;
255        // set the test transaction flag
256        // to prevent that this connection gets dropped in connection pools
257        // Tests commonly set the poolsize to 1 and use `begin_test_transaction`
258        // to prevent modifications to the schema
259        Self::TransactionManager::transaction_manager_status_mut(self).set_test_transaction_flag();
260        Ok(())
261    }
263    /// Executes the given function inside a transaction, but does not commit
264    /// it. Panics if the given function returns an error.
265    ///
266    /// # Example
267    ///
268    /// ```rust
269    /// # include!("doctest_setup.rs");
270    /// use diesel::result::Error;
271    /// use scoped_futures::ScopedFutureExt;
272    /// use diesel_async::{RunQueryDsl, AsyncConnection};
273    ///
274    /// # #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
275    /// # async fn main() {
276    /// #     run_test().await.unwrap();
277    /// # }
278    /// #
279    /// # async fn run_test() -> QueryResult<()> {
280    /// #     use schema::users::dsl::*;
281    /// #     let conn = &mut establish_connection().await;
282    /// conn.test_transaction::<_, Error, _>(|conn| async move {
283    ///     diesel::insert_into(users)
284    ///         .values(name.eq("Ruby"))
285    ///         .execute(conn)
286    ///         .await?;
287    ///
288    ///     let all_names = users.select(name).load::<String>(conn).await?;
289    ///     assert_eq!(vec!["Sean", "Tess", "Ruby"], all_names);
290    ///
291    ///     Ok(())
292    /// }.scope_boxed()).await;
293    ///
294    /// // Even though we returned `Ok`, the transaction wasn't committed.
295    /// let all_names = users.select(name).load::<String>(conn).await?;
296    /// assert_eq!(vec!["Sean", "Tess"], all_names);
297    /// #     Ok(())
298    /// # }
299    /// ```
300    async fn test_transaction<'a, R, E, F>(&'a mut self, f: F) -> R
301    where
302        F: for<'r> FnOnce(&'r mut Self) -> ScopedBoxFuture<'a, 'r, Result<R, E>> + Send + 'a,
303        E: Debug + Send + 'a,
304        R: Send + 'a,
305        Self: 'a,
306    {
307        use futures_util::TryFutureExt;
309        let mut user_result = None;
310        let _ = self
311            .transaction::<R, _, _>(|c| {
312                f(c).map_err(|_| Error::RollbackTransaction)
313                    .and_then(|r| {
314                        user_result = Some(r);
315                        futures_util::future::ready(Err(Error::RollbackTransaction))
316                    })
317                    .scope_boxed()
318            })
319            .await;
320        user_result.expect("Transaction did not succeed")
321    }
323    #[doc(hidden)]
324    fn load<'conn, 'query, T>(&'conn mut self, source: T) -> Self::LoadFuture<'conn, 'query>
325    where
326        T: AsQuery + 'query,
327        T::Query: QueryFragment<Self::Backend> + QueryId + 'query;
329    #[doc(hidden)]
330    fn execute_returning_count<'conn, 'query, T>(
331        &'conn mut self,
332        source: T,
333    ) -> Self::ExecuteFuture<'conn, 'query>
334    where
335        T: QueryFragment<Self::Backend> + QueryId + 'query;
337    #[doc(hidden)]
338    fn transaction_state(
339        &mut self,
340    ) -> &mut <Self::TransactionManager as TransactionManager<Self>>::TransactionStateData;
342    // These functions allow the associated types (`ExecuteFuture`, `LoadFuture`, etc.) to
343    // compile without a `where Self: '_` clause. This is needed the because bound causes
344    // lifetime issues when using `transaction()` with generic `AsyncConnection`s.
345    //
346    // See: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/87479
347    #[doc(hidden)]
348    fn _silence_lint_on_execute_future(_: Self::ExecuteFuture<'_, '_>) {}
349    #[doc(hidden)]
350    fn _silence_lint_on_load_future(_: Self::LoadFuture<'_, '_>) {}
352    #[doc(hidden)]
353    fn instrumentation(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Instrumentation;
355    /// Set a specific [`Instrumentation`] implementation for this connection
356    fn set_instrumentation(&mut self, instrumentation: impl Instrumentation);