diesel-wasm-sqlite 0.0.1

SQLite WebAssembly backend for Diesel
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Diesel Backend for SQLite and WASM

Use SQLite with Diesel ORM in your web apps!


add diesel-wasm-sqlite to your project. SQLite is automatically bundled with the library.

diesel = { version = "2.2" }
diesel-wasm-sqlite = { git = "https://github.com/xmtp/libxmtp", branch = "wasm-backend" }
wasm-bindgen = "0.2"
use diesel_wasm_sqlite::{connection::WasmSqliteConnection, WasmSqlite};
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;

pub const MIGRATIONS: EmbeddedMigrations = embed_migrations!("./tests/web/migrations/");

mod schema {
    diesel::table! {
        books {
            id -> Integer,
            title -> Text,
            author -> Nullable<Text>,

#[derive(Deserialize, Insertable, Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
#[diesel(table_name = books)]
pub struct BookForm {
    title: String,
    author: Option<String>,

// SQLite must be instantiated in a web-worker
// to take advantage of OPFS
async fn code_in_web_worker() -> Result<i32, diesel::QueryResult<usize>> {
    use schema::books::dsl::*;
    // `init_sqlite` sets up OPFS and SQLite. It must be ran before anything else, 
    // or we crash once we start trying to do queries.

    // create a new persistent SQLite database with OPFS
    let result = WasmSqliteConnection::establish(&format!("test-{}", rng));
    let query = insert_into(books).values(vec![
        BookForm {
                title: "Game of Thrones".into(),
                author: Some("George R.R".into()),
            BookForm {
                title: "The Hobbit".into(),
                author: Some("J.R.R. Tolkien".into()),

look in tests/web.rs for working example!


Install yarn dependencies

yarn install

Build the SQLite/OPFS BUndle

yarn run build

Build the rust code, and re-build package.json if it changed

cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

Run Tests

wasm-pack test --safari --features unsafe-debug-query

navigate to http://localhost:8000 to observe test output

Run Tests (headless)

wasm-pack test --safari --headless

Setting up the project in VSCode

rust-analyzer does not like crates with different targets in the same workspace. If you want this to work well with your LSP, open diesel-wasm-sqlite as it's own project in VSCode.