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//! Suspense allows you to render a placeholder while nodes are waiting for data in the background
//! During suspense on the server:
//! - Rebuild once
//! - Send page with loading placeholders down to the client
//! - loop
//! - Poll (only) suspended futures
//! - If a scope is marked as dirty and that scope is a suspense boundary, under a suspended boundary, or the suspense placeholder, rerun the scope
//! - If it is a different scope, ignore it and warn the user
//! - Rerender the scope on the server and send down the nodes under a hidden div with serialized data
//! During suspense on the web:
//! - Rebuild once without running server futures
//! - Rehydrate the placeholders that were initially sent down. At this point, no suspense nodes are resolved so the client and server pages should be the same
//! - loop
//! - Wait for work or suspense data
//! - If suspense data comes in
//! - replace the suspense placeholder
//! - get any data associated with the suspense placeholder and rebuild nodes under the suspense that was resolved
//! - rehydrate the suspense placeholders that were at that node
//! - If work comes in
//! - Just do the work; this may remove suspense placeholders that the server hasn't yet resolved. If we see new data come in from the server about that node, ignore it
//! Generally suspense placeholders should not be stateful because they are driven from the server. If they are stateful and the client renders something different, hydration will fail.
mod component;
pub use component::*;
use crate::innerlude::*;
use std::{
cell::{Cell, Ref, RefCell},
/// A task that has been suspended which may have an optional loading placeholder
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct SuspendedFuture {
origin: ScopeId,
task: Task,
pub(crate) placeholder: VNode,
impl SuspendedFuture {
/// Create a new suspended future
pub fn new(task: Task) -> Self {
Self {
origin: current_scope_id().unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("{}", e)),
placeholder: VNode::placeholder(),
/// Get a placeholder to display while the future is suspended
pub fn suspense_placeholder(&self) -> Option<VNode> {
if self.placeholder == VNode::placeholder() {
} else {
/// Set a new placeholder the SuspenseBoundary may use to display while the future is suspended
pub fn with_placeholder(mut self, placeholder: VNode) -> Self {
self.placeholder = placeholder;
/// Get the task that was suspended
pub fn task(&self) -> Task {
/// Create a deep clone of this suspended future
pub(crate) fn deep_clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
task: self.task,
placeholder: self.placeholder.deep_clone(),
origin: self.origin,
/// A context with information about suspended components
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SuspenseContext {
inner: Rc<SuspenseBoundaryInner>,
impl PartialEq for SuspenseContext {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
Rc::ptr_eq(&self.inner, &other.inner)
impl SuspenseContext {
/// Create a new suspense boundary in a specific scope
pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
Self {
inner: Rc::new(SuspenseBoundaryInner {
suspended_tasks: RefCell::new(vec![]),
id: Cell::new(ScopeId::ROOT),
suspended_nodes: Default::default(),
frozen: Default::default(),
/// Mount the context in a specific scope
pub(crate) fn mount(&self, scope: ScopeId) {
/// Get the suspense boundary's suspended nodes
pub fn suspended_nodes(&self) -> Option<VNode> {
.map(|node| node.clone())
/// Set the suspense boundary's suspended nodes
pub(crate) fn set_suspended_nodes(&self, suspended_nodes: VNode) {
/// Take the suspense boundary's suspended nodes
pub(crate) fn take_suspended_nodes(&self) -> Option<VNode> {
/// Check if the suspense boundary is resolved and frozen
pub fn frozen(&self) -> bool {
/// Resolve the suspense boundary on the server and freeze it to prevent future reruns of any child nodes of the suspense boundary
pub fn freeze(&self) {
/// Check if there are any suspended tasks
pub fn has_suspended_tasks(&self) -> bool {
/// Check if the suspense boundary is currently rendered as suspended
pub fn is_suspended(&self) -> bool {
/// Add a suspended task
pub(crate) fn add_suspended_task(&self, task: SuspendedFuture) {
/// Remove a suspended task
pub(crate) fn remove_suspended_task(&self, task: Task) {
.retain(|t| t.task != task);
/// Get all suspended tasks
pub fn suspended_futures(&self) -> Ref<[SuspendedFuture]> {
Ref::map(self.inner.suspended_tasks.borrow(), |tasks| {
/// Get the first suspended task with a loading placeholder
pub fn suspense_placeholder(&self) -> Option<Element> {
.find_map(|task| task.suspense_placeholder())
/// A boundary that will capture any errors from child components
pub struct SuspenseBoundaryInner {
suspended_tasks: RefCell<Vec<SuspendedFuture>>,
id: Cell<ScopeId>,
/// The nodes that are suspended under this boundary
suspended_nodes: RefCell<Option<VNode>>,
/// On the server, you can only resolve a suspense boundary once. This is used to track if the suspense boundary has been resolved and if it should be frozen
frozen: Cell<bool>,
/// Provides context methods to [`Result<T, RenderError>`] to show loading indicators for suspended results
/// This trait is sealed and cannot be implemented outside of dioxus-core
pub trait SuspenseExtension<T>: private::Sealed {
/// Add a loading indicator if the result is suspended
fn with_loading_placeholder(
display_placeholder: impl FnOnce() -> Element,
) -> std::result::Result<T, RenderError>;
impl<T> SuspenseExtension<T> for std::result::Result<T, RenderError> {
fn with_loading_placeholder(
display_placeholder: impl FnOnce() -> Element,
) -> std::result::Result<T, RenderError> {
if let Err(RenderError::Suspended(suspense)) = self {
} else {
pub(crate) mod private {
use super::*;
pub trait Sealed {}
impl<T> Sealed for std::result::Result<T, RenderError> {}