Function eval

pub fn eval(script: &str) -> Eval
Expand description

Evaluate some javascript in the current document

§Communicating with JavaScript

You can use the eval function to execute JavaScript code in your application with the desktop, mobile, web or liveview renderers. Eval takes a block of JavaScript code (that may be asynchronous) and returns a Eval object that you can use to send data to the JavaScript code and receive data from it.


Please be careful when executing JavaScript code with eval. You should only execute code that you trust. This applies especially to web targets, where the JavaScript context has access to most, if not all of your application data. Running untrusted code can lead to a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability.

use dioxus::prelude::*;

fn App() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        button {
            onclick: move |_| async move {
                // Eval is a global function you can use anywhere inside Dioxus. It will execute the given JavaScript code.
                let result = document::eval(r#"console.log("Hello World");
                return "Hello World";"#);

                // You can use the `await` keyword to wait for the result of the JavaScript code.
                println!("{:?}", result.await);
            "Log Hello World"

§Sending data to JavaScript

When you execute JavaScript code with eval, you can pass data to it by formatting the value into the JavaScript code or sending values to the Eval channel.

use dioxus::prelude::*;

fn app() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        button {
            onclick: move |_| {
                // You can pass initial data to the eval function by formatting it into the JavaScript code.
                const LOOP_COUNT: usize = 10;
                let eval = document::eval(&format!(r#"for(let i = 0; i < {LOOP_COUNT}; i++) {{
                    // You can receive values asynchronously with the the `await dioxus.recv()` method.
                    let value = await dioxus.recv();
                    console.log("Received", value);

                // You can send values from rust to the JavaScript code with the `send` method on the object returned by `eval`.
                for i in 0..LOOP_COUNT {
            "Log Count"

§Sending data from JavaScript

The Eval struct also contains methods for receiving values you send from JavaScript. You can use the dioxus.send() method to send values to the JavaScript code and the Eval::recv() method to receive values from the JavaScript code.

use dioxus::prelude::*;

fn app() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        button {
            onclick: move |_| async move {
                // You can send values from rust to the JavaScript code by using the `send` method on the object returned by `eval`.
                let mut eval = document::eval(r#"for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                    // You can send values asynchronously with the `dioxus.send()` method.

                // You can receive values from the JavaScript code with the `recv` method on the object returned by `eval`.
                for _ in 0..10 {
                    let value: i32 = eval.recv().await.unwrap();
                    println!("Received {}", value);
            "Log Count"

§Interacting with the DOM with Eval

You can also use the eval function to execute JavaScript code that reads or modifies the DOM. If you want to interact with the mounted DOM, you need to use eval inside the [dioxus_hooks::use_effect] hook which runs after the component has been mounted.

use dioxus::prelude::*;

const SCRIPT: &str = r#"
    let element = document.getElementById("my-element");
    element.innerHTML = "Hello World";
    return element.getAttribute("data-count");

fn app() -> Element {
    // ❌ You shouldn't run eval in the body of a component. This will run before the component has been mounted
    // document::eval(SCRIPT);

    // ✅ You should run eval inside an effect or event. This will run after the component has been mounted
    use_effect(move || {
        spawn(async {
            let count = document::eval(SCRIPT).await;
            println!("Count is {:?}", count);

    rsx! {
        div {
            id: "my-element",
            "data-count": "123",