server.rsuse std::cell::RefCell;
use dioxus_lib::{document::*, prelude::*};
use dioxus_ssr::Renderer;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use parking_lot::RwLock;
static RENDERER: Lazy<RwLock<Renderer>> = Lazy::new(|| RwLock::new(Renderer::new()));
struct ServerDocumentInner {
streaming: bool,
title: Option<String>,
meta: Vec<Element>,
link: Vec<Element>,
script: Vec<Element>,
pub struct ServerDocument(RefCell<ServerDocumentInner>);
impl ServerDocument {
pub(crate) fn title(&self) -> Option<String> {
let myself = self.0.borrow();
myself.title.as_ref().map(|title| {
.render_element(rsx! { title { "{title}" } })
pub(crate) fn render(&self, to: &mut impl std::fmt::Write) -> std::fmt::Result {
let myself = self.0.borrow();
let element = rsx! {
{myself.meta.iter().map(|m| rsx! { {m} })}
{myself.link.iter().map(|l| rsx! { {l} })}
{myself.script.iter().map(|s| rsx! { {s} })}
RENDERER.write().render_element_to(to, element)?;
pub(crate) fn start_streaming(&self) {
self.0.borrow_mut().streaming = true;
pub(crate) fn warn_if_streaming(&self) {
if self.0.borrow().streaming {
tracing::warn!("Attempted to insert content into the head after the initial streaming frame. Inserting content into the head only works during the initial render of SSR outside before resolving any suspense boundaries.");
pub(crate) fn serialize_for_hydration(&self) {
#[cfg(feature = "document")]
let serialize = crate::html_storage::serialize_context();
serialize.push(&!self.0.borrow().streaming, std::panic::Location::caller());
impl Document for ServerDocument {
fn eval(&self, js: String) -> Eval {
fn set_title(&self, title: String) {
self.0.borrow_mut().title = Some(title);
fn create_meta(&self, props: MetaProps) {
self.0.borrow_mut().meta.push(rsx! {
meta {
name: props.name,
charset: props.charset,
http_equiv: props.http_equiv,
content: props.content,
property: props.property,
fn create_script(&self, props: ScriptProps) {
let children = props.script_contents().ok();
self.0.borrow_mut().script.push(rsx! {
script {
src: props.src,
defer: props.defer,
crossorigin: props.crossorigin,
fetchpriority: props.fetchpriority,
integrity: props.integrity,
nomodule: props.nomodule,
nonce: props.nonce,
referrerpolicy: props.referrerpolicy,
r#type: props.r#type,
fn create_style(&self, props: StyleProps) {
let contents = props.style_contents().ok();
self.0.borrow_mut().script.push(rsx! {
style {
media: props.media,
nonce: props.nonce,
title: props.title,
fn create_link(&self, props: LinkProps) {
self.0.borrow_mut().link.push(rsx! {
link {
rel: props.rel,
media: props.media,
title: props.title,
disabled: props.disabled,
r#as: props.r#as,
sizes: props.sizes,
href: props.href,
crossorigin: props.crossorigin,
referrerpolicy: props.referrerpolicy,
fetchpriority: props.fetchpriority,
hreflang: props.hreflang,
integrity: props.integrity,
r#type: props.r#type,
blocking: props.blocking,
fn create_head_component(&self) -> bool {