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#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")]
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/// A helper macro for cloning multiple values at once
/// # Usage
/// ```
/// # use dioxus::prelude::*;
/// #
/// # #[derive(Props, PartialEq, Clone)]
/// # struct Props {
/// # prop: String,
/// # }
/// # fn Component(props: Props) -> Element {
/// let (data) = use_signal(|| {});
/// let handle_thing = move |_| {
/// to_owned![data, props.prop];
/// spawn(async move {
/// // do stuff
/// });
/// };
/// # handle_thing(());
/// # VNode::empty() }
/// ```
macro_rules! to_owned {
// Rule matching simple symbols without a path
($es:ident $(, $($rest:tt)*)?) => {
let mut $es = $es.to_owned();
$( to_owned![$($rest)*] )?
// We need to find the last element in a path, for this we need to unstack the path part by
// part using, separating what we have with a '@'
($($deref:ident).* $(, $($rest:tt)*)?) => {
to_owned![@ $($deref).* $(, $($rest)*)?]
// Take the head of the path and add it to the list of $deref
($($deref:ident)* @ $head:ident $( . $tail:ident)+ $(, $($rest:tt)*)?) => {
to_owned![$($deref)* $head @ $($tail).+ $(, $($rest)*)?]
// We have exhausted the path, use the last as a name
($($deref:ident)* @ $last:ident $(, $($rest:tt)*)? ) => {
let mut $last = $($deref .)* $last .to_owned();
mod use_callback;
pub use use_callback::*;
mod use_on_destroy;
pub use use_on_destroy::*;
mod use_context;
pub use use_context::*;
mod use_coroutine;
pub use use_coroutine::*;
mod use_future;
pub use use_future::*;
mod use_reactive;
pub use use_reactive::*;
// mod use_sorted;
// pub use use_sorted::*;
mod use_resource;
pub use use_resource::*;
mod use_effect;
pub use use_effect::*;
mod use_memo;
pub use use_memo::*;
mod use_root_context;
pub use use_root_context::*;
mod use_hook_did_run;
pub use use_hook_did_run::*;
mod use_signal;
pub use use_signal::*;
mod use_set_compare;
pub use use_set_compare::*;