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#![doc(html_logo_url = "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/79236386")]
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//! Parse the root tokens in the rsx! { } macro
//! =========================================
//! This parsing path emerges directly from the macro call, with `RsxRender` being the primary entrance into parsing.
//! This feature must support:
//! - [x] Optionally rendering if the `in XYZ` pattern is present
//! - [x] Fragments as top-level element (through ambiguous)
//! - [x] Components as top-level element (through ambiguous)
//! - [x] Tags as top-level elements (through ambiguous)
//! - [x] Good errors if parsing fails
//! Any errors in using rsx! will likely occur when people start using it, so the first errors must be really helpful.
//! # Completions
//! Rust analyzer completes macros by looking at the expansion of the macro and trying to match the start of identifiers in the macro to identifiers in the current scope
//! Eg, if a macro expands to this:
//! ```rust, ignore
//! struct MyStruct;
//! // macro expansion
//! My
//! ```
//! Then the analyzer will try to match the start of the identifier "My" to an identifier in the current scope (MyStruct in this case).
//! In dioxus, our macros expand to the completions module if we know the identifier is incomplete:
//! ```rust, ignore
//! // In the root of the macro, identifiers must be elements
//! // rsx! { di }
//! dioxus_elements::elements::di
//! // Before the first child element, every following identifier is either an attribute or an element
//! // rsx! { div { ta } }
//! // Isolate completions scope
//! mod completions__ {
//! // import both the attributes and elements this could complete to
//! use dioxus_elements::elements::div::*;
//! use dioxus_elements::elements::*;
//! fn complete() {
//! ta;
//! }
//! }
//! // After the first child element, every following identifier is another element
//! // rsx! { div { attribute: value, child {} di } }
//! dioxus_elements::elements::di
//! ```
mod assign_dyn_ids;
mod attribute;
mod component;
mod element;
mod forloop;
mod ifchain;
mod node;
mod raw_expr;
mod rsx_block;
mod rsx_call;
mod template_body;
mod text_node;
mod diagnostics;
mod expr_node;
mod ifmt;
mod literal;
mod location;
mod partial_closure;
mod util;
// Re-export the namespaces into each other
pub use diagnostics::Diagnostics;
pub use ifmt::*;
pub use node::*;
pub use partial_closure::PartialClosure;
pub use rsx_call::*;
pub use template_body::TemplateBody;
use quote::{quote, ToTokens, TokenStreamExt};
use syn::{
parse::{Parse, ParseStream},
Result, Token,
pub use innerlude::*;
pub(crate) mod innerlude {
pub use crate::attribute::*;
pub use crate::component::*;
pub use crate::element::*;
pub use crate::expr_node::*;
pub use crate::forloop::*;
pub use crate::ifchain::*;
pub use crate::location::*;
pub use crate::node::*;
pub use crate::raw_expr::*;
pub use crate::rsx_block::*;
pub use crate::template_body::*;
pub use crate::text_node::*;
pub use crate::diagnostics::*;
pub use crate::ifmt::*;
pub use crate::literal::*;
pub use crate::util::*;