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Encodings for arguments and results. The serialization/deserialization process for server functions consists of a series of steps, each of which is represented by a different trait:

  1. IntoReq: The client serializes the ServerFn argument type into an HTTP request.
  2. The Client sends the request to the server.
  3. FromReq: The server deserializes the HTTP request back into the ServerFn type.
  4. The server calls calls ServerFn::run_body on the data.
  5. IntoRes: The server serializes the ServerFn::Output type into an HTTP response.
  6. The server integration applies any middleware from ServerFn::middlewares and responds to the request.
  7. FromRes: The client deserializes the response back into the ServerFn::Output type.

Rather than a limited number of encodings, this crate allows you to define server functions that mix and match the input encoding and output encoding. To define a new encoding, you simply implement an input combination (IntoReq and FromReq) and/or an output encoding (IntoRes and FromRes). This genuinely is an and/or: while some encodings can be used for both input and output (Json, Cbor, Rkyv), others can only be used for input (GetUrl, MultipartData).


A stream of bytes.
Pass arguments as a URL-encoded query string of a GET request.
Pass arguments and receive responses as JSON in the body of a POST request.
A stream of typed data encoded as JSON.
Pass arguments as the URL-encoded body of a POST request.
An encoding that represents a stream of bytes.
An encoding that represents a stream of JSON data.
An encoding that represents a stream of text.
A stream of text.


Defines a particular encoding format, which can be used for serializing or deserializing data.
Deserializes an HTTP request into the data type, on the server.
Deserializes the data type from an HTTP response.
Serializes a data type into an HTTP request, on the client.
Serializes the data type into an HTTP response.