Attribute Macro drink_next::contract_bundle_provider

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Defines a contract bundle provider.


  • Your crate cannot be part of a cargo workspace.
  • Your crate must have drink in its dependencies (and it shouldn’t be renamed).
  • The attributed enum must not:
    • be generic
    • have variants
    • have any attributes conflicting with #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]


This macro is intended to be used as an attribute of some empty enum. It will build all contracts crates (with rules identical to those of #[drink::test]), and populate the decorated enum with variants, one per built contract.

If the current crate is a contract crate, the enum will receive a method local() that returns the contract bundle for the current crate.

Besides that, the enum will receive a method bundle(self) that returns the contract bundle for corresponding contract variant.

Both methods return DrinkResult<ContractBundle>.


enum BundleProvider {}

fn testcase() {
        .deploy_bundle_and(BundleProvider::local()?, "new", NO_ARGS, NO_SALT, NO_ENDOWMENT)
        .deploy_bundle_and(BundleProvider::AnotherContract.bundle()?, "new", NO_ARGS, NO_SALT, NO_ENDOWMENT)