
1use core::{
2    alloc::{Layout, LayoutError},
3    num::NonZeroUsize,
6/// Stack allocation requirements.
7#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
8pub struct StackReq {
9    align: Option<NonZeroUsize>,
10    size: usize,
13impl Default for StackReq {
14    #[inline]
15    fn default() -> Self {
16        Self::empty()
17    }
21const fn try_round_up_pow2(a: usize, b: usize) -> Option<usize> {
22    match a.checked_add(!b.wrapping_neg()) {
23        None => None,
24        Some(x) => Some(x & b.wrapping_neg()),
25    }
29const fn max(a: usize, b: usize) -> usize {
30    if a > b {
31        a
32    } else {
33        b
34    }
37impl StackReq {
38    /// Allocation requirements for an empty unaligned buffer.
39    pub const EMPTY: Self = Self {
40        align: unsafe { Some(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(1)) },
41        size: 0,
42    };
44    /// Unsatisfiable allocation requirements.
45    pub const OVERFLOW: Self = Self {
46        align: None,
47        size: 0,
48    };
50    /// Allocation requirements for an empty unaligned buffer.
51    #[inline]
52    pub const fn empty() -> StackReq {
53        Self::EMPTY
54    }
56    /// Allocation requirements sufficient for `n` elements of type `T`, overaligned with alignment
57    /// `align`.
58    ///
59    /// # Errors
60    ///
61    /// * if `align` is smaller than the minimum required alignment for an object of type `T`.
62    /// * if `align` is not a power of two.
63    /// * if the size computation overflows
64    #[inline]
65    pub const fn new_aligned<T>(n: usize, align: usize) -> StackReq {
66        if align >= core::mem::align_of::<T>() && align.is_power_of_two() {
67            StackReq {
68                align: unsafe { Some(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(align)) },
69                size: core::mem::size_of::<T>(),
70            }
71            .array(n)
72        } else {
73            StackReq {
74                align: None,
75                size: 0,
76            }
77        }
78    }
80    /// Allocation requirements sufficient for `n` elements of type `T`.
81    ///
82    /// # Errors
83    ///
84    /// * if the size computation overflows
85    #[inline]
86    pub const fn new<T>(n: usize) -> StackReq {
87        StackReq::new_aligned::<T>(n, core::mem::align_of::<T>())
88    }
90    /// The number of allocated bytes required, aligned to `self.align_bytes()`.
91    #[inline]
92    pub const fn size_bytes(&self) -> usize {
93        self.size
94    }
96    /// The alignment of allocated bytes required, or `0` if the size overflowed.
97    #[inline]
98    pub const fn align_bytes(&self) -> usize {
99        match self.align {
100            Some(align) => align.get(),
101            None => 0,
102        }
103    }
105    /// The number of allocated bytes required, with no alignment constraints, or `usize::MAX` in the case of overflow.
106    ///
107    /// # Panics
108    ///
109    /// * if the size computation overflowed
110    #[inline]
111    pub const fn unaligned_bytes_required(&self) -> usize {
112        match self.layout() {
113            Ok(layout) => layout.size() + (layout.align() - 1),
114            Err(_) => usize::MAX,
115        }
116    }
118    /// Returns the corresponding layout for the allocation size and alignment.
119    #[inline]
120    pub const fn layout(self) -> Result<Layout, LayoutError> {
121        Layout::from_size_align(self.size_bytes(), self.align_bytes())
122    }
124    /// The required allocation to allocate storage sufficient for both of `self` and `other`,
125    /// simultaneously and in any order.
126    ///
127    /// # Panics
128    ///
129    /// * if the allocation requirement computation overflows.
130    #[inline]
131    pub const fn and(self, other: StackReq) -> StackReq {
132        match (self.align, other.align) {
133            (Some(left), Some(right)) => {
134                let align = max(left.get(), right.get());
135                let left = try_round_up_pow2(self.size, align);
136                let right = try_round_up_pow2(other.size, align);
138                match (left, right) {
139                    (Some(left), Some(right)) => {
140                        match left.checked_add(right) {
141                            Some(size) => StackReq {
142                                // SAFETY: align is either self.align or other.align, both of which are non zero
143                                align: unsafe { Some(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(align)) },
144                                size,
145                            },
146                            _ => StackReq::OVERFLOW,
147                        }
148                    }
149                    _ => StackReq::OVERFLOW,
150                }
151            }
152            _ => StackReq::OVERFLOW,
153        }
154    }
156    /// The required allocation to allocate storage sufficient for all the requirements produced by
157    /// the given iterator, simultaneously and in any order.
158    ///
159    /// # Panics
160    ///
161    /// * if the allocation requirement computation overflows.
162    #[inline]
163    pub const fn all_of(reqs: &[Self]) -> Self {
164        let mut total = StackReq::EMPTY;
165        let mut reqs = reqs;
166        while let Some((req, next)) = reqs.split_first() {
167            total = total.and(*req);
168            reqs = next;
169        }
170        total
171    }
173    /// The required allocation to allocate storage sufficient for either of `self` and `other`,
174    /// with only one being active at a time.
175    ///
176    /// # Panics
177    ///
178    /// * if the allocation requirement computation overflows.
179    #[inline]
180    pub const fn or(self, other: StackReq) -> StackReq {
181        match (self.align, other.align) {
182            (Some(left), Some(right)) => {
183                let align = max(left.get(), right.get());
184                let left = try_round_up_pow2(self.size, align);
185                let right = try_round_up_pow2(other.size, align);
187                match (left, right) {
188                    (Some(left), Some(right)) => {
189                        let size = max(left, right);
190                        StackReq {
191                            // SAFETY: align is either self.align or other.align, both of which are non zero
192                            align: unsafe { Some(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(align)) },
193                            size,
194                        }
195                    }
196                    _ => StackReq::OVERFLOW,
197                }
198            }
199            _ => StackReq::OVERFLOW,
200        }
201    }
203    /// The required allocation to allocate storage sufficient for any of the requirements produced
204    /// by the given iterator, with at most one being active at a time.
205    ///
206    /// # Panics
207    ///
208    /// * if the allocation requirement computation overflows.
209    #[inline]
210    pub fn any_of(reqs: &[StackReq]) -> StackReq {
211        let mut total = StackReq::EMPTY;
212        let mut reqs = reqs;
213        while let Some((req, next)) = reqs.split_first() {
214            total = total.or(*req);
215            reqs = next;
216        }
217        total
218    }
220    /// Same as [`StackReq::and`] repeated `n` times.
221    #[inline]
222    pub const fn array(self, n: usize) -> StackReq {
223        match self.align {
224            Some(align) => {
225                let size = self.size.checked_mul(n);
226                match size {
227                    Some(size) => StackReq {
228                        size,
229                        align: Some(align),
230                    },
231                    None => StackReq::OVERFLOW,
232                }
233            }
234            None => StackReq::OVERFLOW,
235        }
236    }
240mod tests {
241    use super::*;
243    #[test]
244    fn round_up() {
245        assert_eq!(try_round_up_pow2(0, 4), Some(0));
246        assert_eq!(try_round_up_pow2(1, 4), Some(4));
247        assert_eq!(try_round_up_pow2(2, 4), Some(4));
248        assert_eq!(try_round_up_pow2(3, 4), Some(4));
249        assert_eq!(try_round_up_pow2(4, 4), Some(4));
250    }
252    #[test]
253    fn overflow() {
254        assert_eq!(StackReq::new::<u32>(usize::MAX).align_bytes(), 0);
255    }
257    #[test]
258    fn and_overflow() {
259        assert_eq!(
260            StackReq::new::<u8>(usize::MAX)
261                .and(StackReq::new::<u8>(1))
262                .align_bytes(),
263            0,
264        );
265    }