use super::*;
use core::mem::size_of;
macro_rules! impl_via_as_neg_check {
($x:ty: $y:ty) => {
impl Conv<$x> for $y {
fn conv(x: $x) -> $y {
#[cfg(any(debug_assertions, feature = "assert_int"))]
x >= 0,
"cast x: {} to {}: expected x >= 0, found x = {}",
stringify!($x), stringify!($y), x
x as $y
fn try_conv(x: $x) -> Result<Self> {
if x >= 0 {
Ok(x as $y)
} else {
($x:ty: $y:ty, $($yy:ty),+) => {
impl_via_as_neg_check!($x: $y);
impl_via_as_neg_check!($x: $($yy),+);
impl_via_as_neg_check!(i8: u8, u16, u32, u64, u128);
impl_via_as_neg_check!(i16: u16, u32, u64, u128);
impl_via_as_neg_check!(i32: u32, u64, u128);
impl_via_as_neg_check!(i64: u64, u128);
impl_via_as_neg_check!(i128: u128);
macro_rules! impl_via_as_max_check {
($x:ty: $y:tt) => {
impl Conv<$x> for $y {
fn conv(x: $x) -> $y {
#[cfg(any(debug_assertions, feature = "assert_int"))]
x <= $y::MAX as $x,
"cast x: {} to {}: expected x <= {}, found x = {}",
stringify!($x), stringify!($y), $y::MAX, x
x as $y
fn try_conv(x: $x) -> Result<Self> {
if x <= $y::MAX as $x {
Ok(x as $y)
} else {
($x:ty: $y:tt, $($yy:tt),+) => {
impl_via_as_max_check!($x: $y);
impl_via_as_max_check!($x: $($yy),+);
impl_via_as_max_check!(u8: i8);
impl_via_as_max_check!(u16: i8, i16, u8);
impl_via_as_max_check!(u32: i8, i16, i32, u8, u16);
impl_via_as_max_check!(u64: i8, i16, i32, i64, u8, u16, u32);
impl_via_as_max_check!(u128: i8, i16, i32, i64, i128);
impl_via_as_max_check!(u128: u8, u16, u32, u64);
macro_rules! impl_via_as_range_check {
($x:ty: $y:tt) => {
impl Conv<$x> for $y {
fn conv(x: $x) -> $y {
#[cfg(any(debug_assertions, feature = "assert_int"))]
$y::MIN as $x <= x && x <= $y::MAX as $x,
"cast x: {} to {}: expected {} <= x <= {}, found x = {}",
stringify!($x), stringify!($y), $y::MIN, $y::MAX, x
x as $y
fn try_conv(x: $x) -> Result<Self> {
if $y::MIN as $x <= x && x <= $y::MAX as $x {
Ok(x as $y)
} else {
($x:ty: $y:tt, $($yy:tt),+) => {
impl_via_as_range_check!($x: $y);
impl_via_as_range_check!($x: $($yy),+);
impl_via_as_range_check!(i16: i8, u8);
impl_via_as_range_check!(i32: i8, i16, u8, u16);
impl_via_as_range_check!(i64: i8, i16, i32, u8, u16, u32);
impl_via_as_range_check!(i128: i8, i16, i32, i64, u8, u16, u32, u64);
macro_rules! impl_int_generic {
($x:tt: $y:tt) => {
impl Conv<$x> for $y {
fn conv(x: $x) -> $y {
let src_is_signed = $x::MIN != 0;
let dst_is_signed = $y::MIN != 0;
if size_of::<$x>() < size_of::<$y>() {
if !dst_is_signed {
#[cfg(any(debug_assertions, feature = "assert_int"))]
x >= 0,
"cast x: {} to {}: expected x >= 0, found x = {}",
stringify!($x), stringify!($y), x
} else if size_of::<$x>() == size_of::<$y>() {
if dst_is_signed {
#[cfg(any(debug_assertions, feature = "assert_int"))]
x <= $y::MAX as $x,
"cast x: {} to {}: expected x <= {}, found x = {}",
stringify!($x), stringify!($y), $y::MAX, x
} else if src_is_signed {
#[cfg(any(debug_assertions, feature = "assert_int"))]
x >= 0,
"cast x: {} to {}: expected x >= 0, found x = {}",
stringify!($x), stringify!($y), x
} else {
if src_is_signed {
#[cfg(any(debug_assertions, feature = "assert_int"))]
$y::MIN as $x <= x && x <= $y::MAX as $x,
"cast x: {} to {}: expected {} <= x <= {}, found x = {}",
stringify!($x), stringify!($y), $y::MIN, $y::MAX, x
} else {
#[cfg(any(debug_assertions, feature = "assert_int"))]
x <= $y::MAX as $x,
"cast x: {} to {}: expected x <= {}, found x = {}",
stringify!($x), stringify!($y), $y::MAX, x
x as $y
fn try_conv(x: $x) -> Result<Self> {
let src_is_signed = $x::MIN != 0;
let dst_is_signed = $y::MIN != 0;
if size_of::<$x>() < size_of::<$y>() {
if dst_is_signed || x >= 0 {
return Ok(x as $y);
} else if size_of::<$x>() == size_of::<$y>() {
if dst_is_signed {
if x <= $y::MAX as $x {
return Ok(x as $y);
} else if src_is_signed {
if x >= 0 {
return Ok(x as $y);
} else {
return Ok(x as $y);
} else {
if src_is_signed {
if $y::MIN as $x <= x && x <= $y::MAX as $x {
return Ok(x as $y);
} else {
if x <= $y::MAX as $x {
return Ok(x as $y);
($x:tt: $y:tt, $($yy:tt),+) => {
impl_int_generic!($x: $y);
impl_int_generic!($x: $($yy),+);
impl_int_generic!(i8: isize, usize);
impl_int_generic!(i16: isize, usize);
impl_int_generic!(i32: isize, usize);
impl_int_generic!(i64: isize, usize);
impl_int_generic!(i128: isize, usize);
impl_int_generic!(u8: isize, usize);
impl_int_generic!(u16: isize, usize);
impl_int_generic!(u32: isize, usize);
impl_int_generic!(u64: isize, usize);
impl_int_generic!(u128: isize, usize);
impl_int_generic!(isize: i8, i16, i32, i64, i128);
impl_int_generic!(usize: i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, isize);
impl_int_generic!(isize: u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, usize);
impl_int_generic!(usize: u8, u16, u32, u64, u128);
macro_rules! impl_via_digits_check {
($x:ty: $y:tt) => {
impl Conv<$x> for $y {
fn conv(x: $x) -> Self {
if cfg!(any(debug_assertions, feature = "assert_digits")) {
Self::try_conv(x).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
"cast x: {} to {}: inexact for x = {}",
stringify!($x), stringify!($y), x
} else {
x as $y
fn try_conv(x: $x) -> Result<Self> {
let src_ty_bits = (size_of::<$x>() * 8) as u32;
let src_digits = src_ty_bits.saturating_sub(x.leading_zeros() + x.trailing_zeros());
let dst_digits = $y::MANTISSA_DIGITS;
if src_digits <= dst_digits {
Ok(x as $y)
} else {
($x:ty: $y:tt, $($yy:tt),+) => {
impl_via_digits_check!($x: $y);
impl_via_digits_check!($x: $($yy),+);
macro_rules! impl_via_digits_check_signed {
($x:ty: $y:tt) => {
impl Conv<$x> for $y {
fn conv(x: $x) -> Self {
if cfg!(any(debug_assertions, feature = "assert_digits")) {
Self::try_conv(x).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
"cast x: {} to {}: inexact for x = {}",
stringify!($x), stringify!($y), x
} else {
x as $y
fn try_conv(x: $x) -> Result<Self> {
let src_ty_bits = (size_of::<$x>() * 8) as u32;
let src_digits = x.checked_abs()
.map(|y| src_ty_bits.saturating_sub(y.leading_zeros() + y.trailing_zeros()))
.unwrap_or(1 );
let dst_digits = $y::MANTISSA_DIGITS;
if src_digits <= dst_digits {
Ok(x as $y)
} else {
($x:ty: $y:tt, $($yy:tt),+) => {
impl_via_digits_check_signed!($x: $y);
impl_via_digits_check_signed!($x: $($yy),+);
impl_via_digits_check!(u32: f32);
impl_via_digits_check!(u64: f32, f64);
impl_via_digits_check!(u128: f32, f64);
impl_via_digits_check!(usize: f32, f64);
impl_via_digits_check_signed!(i32: f32);
impl_via_digits_check_signed!(i64: f32, f64);
impl_via_digits_check_signed!(i128: f32, f64);
impl_via_digits_check_signed!(isize: f32, f64);