//! Fired when the player docks at a station or settlement.
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::modules::station::{StationInfo, StationType};
/// Fired when the player docks at a station or settlement.
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq)]
#[serde(rename_all = "PascalCase")]
pub struct DockedEvent {
/// The name of the station or settlement.
pub station_name: String,
/// The kind of station the player docked at.
pub station_type: StationType,
/// The name of the star system the station is in.
pub star_system: String,
/// The address of the system the station is in.
pub system_address: u64,
/// Detailed information about the docked station.
pub station_info: StationInfo,
/// The distance in ls the station is from the main star.
#[serde(rename = "DistFromStarLS")]
pub dist_from_star_ls: f32,