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#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]
//! # ED Journals
//! This library provides models and utilities to work with Elite Dangerous journal files.
//! > **Warning** this project is currently in beta, which means that it is very much work in progress. Breaking
//! > changes are likely to happen.
//! ## Where to start
//! This library contains quite a large number of modules that each cover a different part of the
//! game, but there are a couple of modules that are important to point out:
//! * The [logs] module contains readers and models for reading the `Journal.log` files that are
//! stored in the games journal directory.
//! * [State](state) can be used to turn the logs from the `Journal.log` files into a single state that can
//! then be queried and used to figure out the current or previous state of the game.
//! * The [journal] module can be used to interact with the whole journal directory and can watch
//! the directory as a whole for changes.
pub use modules::backpack;
pub use modules::cargo;
pub use modules::civilization;
pub use modules::commander;
pub use modules::exobiology;
pub use modules::exploration;
pub use modules::galaxy;
pub use modules::journal;
pub use modules::logs;
pub use modules::market;
pub use modules::materials;
pub use modules::mixed;
pub use modules::modules_info;
pub use modules::nav_route;
pub use modules::odyssey;
pub use modules::outfitting;
pub use modules::partials;
pub use modules::ship;
pub use modules::ship_locker;
pub use modules::shipyard;
pub use modules::state;
pub use modules::station;
pub use modules::status;
pub use modules::thargoid;
pub use modules::trading;
mod modules;
mod tests {
use crate::logs::LogDir;
use crate::logs::LogEventContent;
use std::env::current_dir;
use std::path::PathBuf;
pub fn test_root() -> PathBuf {
fn test_journals_are_parsed_correctly() {
let dir_path = current_dir().unwrap().join("test-files").join("journals");
let log_dir = LogDir::new(dir_path);
let logs = log_dir.journal_logs().unwrap();
assert!(logs.len() > 10);
let mut file_header_count = 0;
let mut entry_count = 0;
for journal in &logs {
let mut found_file_header = false;
let reader = journal.create_blocking_reader().unwrap();
for entry in reader {
entry_count += 1;
if let LogEventContent::FileHeader(_) = entry.unwrap().content {
found_file_header = true;
file_header_count += 1;
// assert_eq!(logs.len(), file_header_count);