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/// This module contains the code for the Goldilocks curve.
/// The goldilocks curve is the (untwisted) Edwards curve with affine equation x^2 + y^2 = 1 - 39081x^2y^2
/// Scalar Multiplication for this curve is pre-dominantly delegated to the Twisted Edwards variation using a (doubling) isogeny
/// Passing the point back to the Goldilocks curve using the dual-isogeny clears the cofactor.
/// The small remainder of the Scalar Multiplication is computed on the untwisted curve.
/// See https://www.shiftleft.org/papers/isogeny/isogeny.pdf for details
/// This isogeny strategy does not clear the cofactor on the Goldilocks curve unless the Scalar is a multiple of 4.
/// or the point is known to be in the q-torsion subgroup.
/// Hence, one will need to multiply by the cofactor to ensure it is cleared when using the Goldilocks curve.
/// If this is a problem, one can use a different isogeny strategy (Decaf/Ristretto)
pub(crate) mod affine;
pub(crate) mod extended;
pub use extended::{CompressedEdwardsY, ExtendedPoint};
// XXX: Instead of ExtendedPoint in the Goldilocks Curve, should we call it EdwardsPoint like Dalek.
// This is favourable as we only allow the Goldilocks Curve to be a part of the public API.