
1use std::ops::{Add, Index, IndexMut, Mul, Sub};
3use rand_core::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
4use subtle::{Choice, ConstantTimeEq};
6use crate::constants;
8/// This is the scalar field
9/// size = 4q = 2^446 - 0x8335dc163bb124b65129c96fde933d8d723a70aadc873d6d54a7bb0d
10/// We can therefore use 14 saturated 32-bit limbs
11#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
12pub struct Scalar(pub(crate) [u32; 14]);
14pub(crate) const MODULUS: Scalar = constants::BASEPOINT_ORDER;
16// Montgomomery R^2
17const R2: Scalar = Scalar([
18    0x049b9b60, 0xe3539257, 0xc1b195d9, 0x7af32c4b, 0x88ea1859, 0x0d66de23, 0x5ee4d838, 0xae17cf72,
19    0xa3c47c44, 0x1a9cc14b, 0xe4d070af, 0x2052bcb7, 0xf823b729, 0x3402a939,
21const R: Scalar = Scalar([
22    0x529eec34, 0x721cf5b5, 0xc8e9c2ab, 0x7a4cf635, 0x44a725bf, 0xeec492d9, 0xcd77058, 0x2, 0, 0,
23    0, 0, 0, 0,
26impl ConstantTimeEq for Scalar {
27    fn ct_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> Choice {
28        self.to_bytes().ct_eq(&other.to_bytes())
29    }
32impl PartialEq for Scalar {
33    fn eq(&self, other: &Scalar) -> bool {
34        self.ct_eq(&other).into()
35    }
37impl Eq for Scalar {}
39impl From<u32> for Scalar {
40    fn from(a: u32) -> Scalar {
41        Scalar([a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
42    }
45impl Index<usize> for Scalar {
46    type Output = u32;
47    fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output {
48        &self.0[index]
49    }
51impl IndexMut<usize> for Scalar {
52    fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Self::Output {
53        &mut self.0[index]
54    }
57// Trait implementations
59impl Add<Scalar> for Scalar {
60    type Output = Scalar;
61    fn add(self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self::Output {
62        add(&self, &rhs)
63    }
65impl Mul<Scalar> for Scalar {
66    type Output = Scalar;
67    fn mul(self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self::Output {
68        let unreduced = montgomery_multiply(&self, &rhs);
69        montgomery_multiply(&unreduced, &R2)
70    }
72impl Sub<Scalar> for Scalar {
73    type Output = Scalar;
74    fn sub(self, rhs: Scalar) -> Self::Output {
75        sub_extra(&self, &rhs, 0)
76    }
78impl Default for Scalar {
79    fn default() -> Scalar {
80        Scalar::zero()
81    }
84impl Scalar {
85    pub const fn one() -> Scalar {
86        Scalar([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
87    }
88    pub const fn zero() -> Scalar {
89        Scalar([0; 14])
90    }
91    /// Divides a scalar by four without reducing mod p
92    /// This is used in the 2-isogeny when mapping points from Ed448-Goldilocks
93    /// to Twisted-Goldilocks
94    pub(crate) fn div_by_four(&mut self) {
95        for i in 0..=12 {
96            self.0[i] = (self.0[i + 1] << 30) | (self.0[i] >> 2);
97        }
98        self.0[13] >>= 2
99    }
100    // This method was modified from Curve25519-Dalek codebase. [scalar.rs]
101    // We start with 14 u32s and convert them to 56 u8s.
102    // We then use the code copied from Dalek to convert the 56 u8s to radix-16 and re-center the coefficients to be between [-16,16)
103    // XXX: We can recode the scalar without converting it to bytes, will refactor this method to use this and check which is faster.
104    pub(crate) fn to_radix_16(&self) -> [i8; 113] {
105        let bytes = self.to_bytes();
106        let mut output = [0i8; 113];
108        // Step 1: change radix.
109        // Convert from radix 256 (bytes) to radix 16 (nibbles)
110        #[inline(always)]
111        fn bot_half(x: u8) -> u8 {
112            (x >> 0) & 15
113        }
114        #[inline(always)]
115        fn top_half(x: u8) -> u8 {
116            (x >> 4) & 15
117        }
119        // radix-16
120        for i in 0..56 {
121            output[2 * i] = bot_half(bytes[i]) as i8;
122            output[2 * i + 1] = top_half(bytes[i]) as i8;
123        }
124        // re-center co-efficients to be between [-8, 8)
125        for i in 0..112 {
126            let carry = (output[i] + 8) >> 4;
127            output[i] -= carry << 4;
128            output[i + 1] += carry;
129        }
131        output
132    }
133    // XXX: Better if this method returns an array of 448 items
134    pub fn bits(&self) -> Vec<bool> {
135        let mut bits: Vec<bool> = Vec::with_capacity(14 * 32);
136        // We have 14 limbs, each 32 bits
137        // First we iterate each limb
138        for limb in self.0.iter() {
139            // Then we iterate each bit in the limb
140            for j in 0..32 {
141                bits.push(limb & (1 << j) != 0)
142            }
143        }
145        // XXX :We are doing LSB first
146        bits
147    }
148    pub fn from_bytes(bytes: [u8; 56]) -> Scalar {
149        let load7 = |input: &[u8]| -> u64 {
150            (input[0] as u64)
151                | ((input[1] as u64) << 8)
152                | ((input[2] as u64) << 16)
153                | ((input[3] as u64) << 24)
154        };
156        let mut res = Scalar::zero();
157        for i in 0..14 {
158            // Load i'th 32 bytes
159            let out = load7(&bytes[i * 4..]);
160            res[i] = out as u32;
161        }
163        res
164    }
165    pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 56] {
166        let mut res = [0u8; 56];
168        for i in 0..14 {
169            let mut l = self.0[i];
170            for j in 0..4 {
171                res[4 * i + j] = l as u8;
172                l >>= 8;
173            }
174        }
175        res
176    }
177    fn square(&self) -> Scalar {
178        montgomery_multiply(&self, &self)
179    }
180    pub fn invert(&self) -> Self {
181        let mut pre_comp: Vec<Scalar> = vec![Scalar::zero(); 8];
182        let mut result = Scalar::zero();
184        let scalar_window_bits = 3;
185        let last = (1 << scalar_window_bits) - 1;
187        // precompute [a^1, a^3,,..]
188        pre_comp[0] = montgomery_multiply(self, &R2);
190        if last > 0 {
191            pre_comp[last] = montgomery_multiply(&pre_comp[0], &pre_comp[0]);
192        }
194        for i in 1..=last {
195            pre_comp[i] = montgomery_multiply(&pre_comp[i - 1], &pre_comp[last])
196        }
198        // Sliding window
199        let mut residue: usize = 0;
200        let mut trailing: usize = 0;
201        let mut started: usize = 0;
203        // XXX: This can definitely be refactored to be readable
204        let loop_start = -scalar_window_bits as isize;
205        let loop_end = 446 - 1;
206        for i in (loop_start..=loop_end).rev() {
207            if started != 0 {
208                result = result.square()
209            }
211            let mut w: u32;
212            if i >= 0 {
213                w = MODULUS[(i / 32) as usize];
214            } else {
215                w = 0;
216            }
218            if i >= 0 && i < 32 {
219                w -= 2
220            }
222            residue = (((residue as u32) << 1) | ((w >> ((i as u32) % 32)) & 1)) as usize;
223            if residue >> scalar_window_bits != 0 {
224                trailing = residue;
225                residue = 0
226            }
228            if trailing > 0 && (trailing & ((1 << scalar_window_bits) - 1)) == 0 {
229                if started != 0 {
230                    result = montgomery_multiply(
231                        &result,
232                        &pre_comp[trailing >> (scalar_window_bits + 1)],
233                    )
234                } else {
235                    result = pre_comp[trailing >> (scalar_window_bits + 1)];
236                    started = 1
237                }
238                trailing = 0
239            }
240            trailing <<= 1
241        }
243        // de-montgomerize and return result
245        montgomery_multiply(&result, &Scalar::one())
246    }
248    /// Halves a Scalar modulo the prime
249    pub fn halve(&self) -> Self {
250        let mut result = Scalar::zero();
252        let mask = 0u32.wrapping_sub(self[0] & 1);
253        let mut chain = 0u64;
255        for i in 0..14 {
256            chain += (self[i] as u64) + ((MODULUS[i] & mask) as u64);
257            result[i] = chain as u32;
258            chain >>= 32
259        }
261        for i in 0..13 {
262            result[i] = (result[i] >> 1) | (result[i + 1] << 31);
263        }
264        result[13] = (result[13] >> 1) | ((chain << 31) as u32);
266        result
267    }
269    /// Attempt to construct a `Scalar` from a canonical byte representation.
270    ///
271    /// # Return
272    ///
273    /// - `Some(s)`, where `s` is the `Scalar` corresponding to `bytes`,
274    ///   if `bytes` is a canonical byte representation;
275    /// - `None` if `bytes` is not a canonical byte representation.
276    pub fn from_canonical_bytes(bytes: [u8; 57]) -> Option<Scalar> {
277        // Check that the 10 high bits are not set
278        if bytes[56] != 0u8 || (bytes[55] >> 6) != 0u8 {
279            return None;
280        }
281        let bytes: [u8; 56] = std::array::from_fn(|i| bytes[i]);
282        let candidate = Scalar::from_bytes(bytes);
284        let reduced = sub_extra(&candidate, &MODULUS, 0);
286        if candidate == reduced {
287            Some(candidate)
288        } else {
289            None
290        }
291    }
293    /// Serialize the scalar into 57 bytes, per RFC 8032.
294    /// Byte 56 will always be zero.
295    pub fn to_bytes_rfc_8032(&self) -> [u8; 57] {
296        let bytes = self.to_bytes();
297        let res: [u8; 57] = std::array::from_fn(|i| if i < 56 { bytes[i] } else { 0 });
298        res
299    }
301    /// Construct a `Scalar` by reducing a 912-bit little-endian integer
302    /// modulo the group order ℓ.
303    pub fn from_bytes_mod_order_wide(input: &[u8; 114]) -> Scalar {
304        let lo: [u8; 56] = std::array::from_fn(|i| input[i]);
305        let lo = Scalar::from_bytes(lo);
306        // montgomery_multiply computes ((a*b)/R) mod ℓ, thus this computes
307        // ((lo*R)/R) = lo mod ℓ
308        let lo = montgomery_multiply(&lo, &R);
310        let hi: [u8; 56] = std::array::from_fn(|i| input[i + 56]);
311        let hi = Scalar::from_bytes(hi);
312        // ((hi*R^2)/R) = hi * R mod ℓ
313        let hi = montgomery_multiply(&hi, &R2);
315        // There are only two bytes left, build an array with them and pad with zeroes
316        let top: [u8; 56] = std::array::from_fn(|i| if i < 2 { input[i + 112] } else { 0 });
317        let top = Scalar::from_bytes(top);
318        // ((top*R^2)/R) = top * R mod ℓ
319        let top = montgomery_multiply(&top, &R2);
320        // (((top*R)*R^2)/R) = top * R^2 mod ℓ
321        let top = montgomery_multiply(&top, &R2);
323        // lo + hi*R + top*R^2 mod ℓ is the final result we want
324        add(&lo, &hi).add(top)
325    }
327    /// Return a `Scalar` chosen uniformly at random using a user-provided RNG.
328    ///
329    /// # Inputs
330    ///
331    /// * `rng`: any RNG which implements the `RngCore + CryptoRng` interface.
332    ///
333    /// # Returns
334    ///
335    /// A random scalar within ℤ/lℤ.
336    pub fn random<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(rng: &mut R) -> Self {
337        let mut scalar_bytes = [0u8; 114];
338        rng.fill_bytes(&mut scalar_bytes);
339        Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order_wide(&scalar_bytes)
340    }
342/// Computes a + b mod p
343pub fn add(a: &Scalar, b: &Scalar) -> Scalar {
344    // First add the two Scalars together
345    // Since our limbs are saturated, the result of each
346    // limb being added can be a 33-bit integer so we propagate the carry bit
347    let mut result = Scalar::zero();
349    // a + b
350    let mut chain = 0u64;
351    //XXX: Can unroll all of these for loops. They are mainly just ripple carry/borrow adders.
352    for i in 0..14 {
353        chain += (a[i] as u64) + (b[i] as u64);
354        // Low 32 bits are the results
355        result[i] = chain as u32;
356        // 33rd bit is the carry
357        chain >>= 32;
358    }
360    // Now reduce the results
361    sub_extra(&result, &MODULUS, chain as u32)
364/// Compute a - b mod p
365/// Computes a - b and conditionally computes the modulus if the result was negative
366fn sub_extra(a: &Scalar, b: &Scalar, carry: u32) -> Scalar {
367    let mut result = Scalar::zero();
369    // a - b
370    let mut chain = 0i64;
371    for i in 0..14 {
372        chain += a[i] as i64 - b[i] as i64;
373        // Low 32 bits are the results
374        result[i] = chain as u32;
375        // 33rd bit is the borrow
376        chain >>= 32
377    }
379    // if the result of a-b was negative and carry was zero
380    // then borrow will be 0xfff..fff and the modulus will be added conditionally to the result
381    // If the carry was 1 and a-b was not negative, then the borrow will be 0x00000...001 ( this should not happen)
382    // Since the borrow should never be more than 0, the carry should never be more than 1;
383    // XXX: Explain why the case of borrow == 1 should never happen
384    let borrow = chain + (carry as i64);
385    assert!(borrow == -1 || borrow == 0);
387    chain = 0i64;
388    for i in 0..14 {
389        chain += (result[i] as i64) + ((MODULUS[i] as i64) & borrow);
390        // Low 32 bits are the results
391        result[i] = chain as u32;
392        // 33rd bit is the carry
393        chain >>= 32;
394    }
396    result
399fn montgomery_multiply(x: &Scalar, y: &Scalar) -> Scalar {
400    const MONTGOMERY_FACTOR: u32 = 0xae918bc5;
402    let mut result = Scalar::zero();
403    let mut carry = 0u32;
405    // (a * b ) + c
406    let mul_add = |a: u32, b: u32, c: u32| -> u64 { ((a as u64) * (b as u64)) + (c as u64) };
408    for i in 0..14 {
409        let mut chain = 0u64;
410        for j in 0..14 {
411            chain += mul_add(x[i], y[j], result[j]);
412            result[j] = chain as u32;
413            chain >>= 32;
414        }
416        let saved = chain as u32;
417        let multiplicand = result[0].wrapping_mul(MONTGOMERY_FACTOR);
418        chain = 0u64;
420        for j in 0..14 {
421            chain += mul_add(multiplicand, MODULUS[j], result[j]);
422            if j > 0 {
423                result[j - 1] = chain as u32;
424            }
425            chain >>= 32;
426        }
427        chain += (saved as u64) + (carry as u64);
428        result[14 - 1] = chain as u32;
429        carry = (chain >> 32) as u32;
430    }
432    sub_extra(&result, &MODULUS, carry)
435mod test {
436    use std::convert::TryInto;
438    use super::*;
439    #[test]
440    fn test_basic_add() {
441        let five = Scalar::from(5);
442        let six = Scalar::from(6);
444        assert_eq!(five + six, Scalar::from(11))
445    }
447    #[test]
448    fn test_basic_sub() {
449        let ten = Scalar::from(10);
450        let five = Scalar::from(5);
451        assert_eq!(ten - five, Scalar::from(5))
452    }
454    #[test]
455    fn test_basic_mul() {
456        let ten = Scalar::from(10);
457        let five = Scalar::from(5);
459        assert_eq!(ten * five, Scalar::from(50))
460    }
462    #[test]
463    fn test_mul() {
464        let a = Scalar([
465            0xffb823a3, 0xc96a3c35, 0x7f8ed27d, 0x087b8fb9, 0x1d9ac30a, 0x74d65764, 0xc0be082e,
466            0xa8cb0ae8, 0xa8fa552b, 0x2aae8688, 0x2c3dc273, 0x47cf8cac, 0x3b089f07, 0x1e63e807,
467        ]);
469        let b = Scalar([
470            0xd8bedc42, 0x686eb329, 0xe416b899, 0x17aa6d9b, 0x1e30b38b, 0x188c6b1a, 0xd099595b,
471            0xbc343bcb, 0x1adaa0e7, 0x24e8d499, 0x8e59b308, 0x0a92de2d, 0xcae1cb68, 0x16c5450a,
472        ]);
474        let exp = Scalar([
475            0xa18d010a, 0x1f5b3197, 0x994c9c2b, 0x6abd26f5, 0x08a3a0e4, 0x36a14920, 0x74e9335f,
476            0x07bcd931, 0xf2d89c1e, 0xb9036ff6, 0x203d424b, 0xfccd61b3, 0x4ca389ed, 0x31e055c1,
477        ]);
479        assert_eq!(a * b, exp)
480    }
481    #[test]
482    fn test_basic_square() {
483        let a = Scalar([
484            0xcf5fac3d, 0x7e56a34b, 0xf640922b, 0x3fa50692, 0x1370f8b8, 0x6f08f331, 0x8dccc486,
485            0x4bb395e0, 0xf22c6951, 0x21cc3078, 0xd2391f9d, 0x930392e5, 0x04b3273b, 0x31620816,
486        ]);
487        let expected_a_squared = Scalar([
488            0x15598f62, 0xb9b1ed71, 0x52fcd042, 0x862a9f10, 0x1e8a309f, 0x9988f8e0, 0xa22347d7,
489            0xe9ab2c22, 0x38363f74, 0xfd7c58aa, 0xc49a1433, 0xd9a6c4c3, 0x75d3395e, 0x0d79f6e3,
490        ]);
492        assert_eq!(a.square(), expected_a_squared)
493    }
495    #[test]
496    fn test_sanity_check_index_mut() {
497        let mut x = Scalar::one();
498        x[0] = 2u32;
499        assert_eq!(x, Scalar::from(2))
500    }
501    #[test]
502    fn test_basic_halving() {
503        let eight = Scalar::from(8);
504        let four = Scalar::from(4);
505        let two = Scalar::from(2);
506        assert_eq!(eight.halve(), four);
507        assert_eq!(four.halve(), two);
508        assert_eq!(two.halve(), Scalar::one());
509    }
511    #[test]
512    fn test_equals() {
513        let a = Scalar::from(5);
514        let b = Scalar::from(5);
515        let c = Scalar::from(10);
516        assert!(a == b);
517        assert!(!(a == c))
518    }
520    #[test]
521    fn test_basic_inversion() {
522        // Test inversion from 2 to 100
523        for i in 1..=100 {
524            let x = Scalar::from(i);
525            let x_inv = x.invert();
526            assert_eq!(x_inv * x, Scalar::one())
527        }
529        // Inversion of zero is zero
530        let zero = Scalar::zero();
531        let expected_zero = zero.invert();
532        assert_eq!(expected_zero, zero)
533    }
534    #[test]
535    fn test_serialise() {
536        let scalar = Scalar([
537            0x15598f62, 0xb9b1ed71, 0x52fcd042, 0x862a9f10, 0x1e8a309f, 0x9988f8e0, 0xa22347d7,
538            0xe9ab2c22, 0x38363f74, 0xfd7c58aa, 0xc49a1433, 0xd9a6c4c3, 0x75d3395e, 0x0d79f6e3,
539        ]);
540        let got = Scalar::from_bytes(scalar.to_bytes());
541        assert_eq!(scalar, got)
542    }
543    #[test]
544    fn test_debug() {
545        let k = Scalar([
546            200, 210, 250, 145, 130, 180, 147, 122, 222, 230, 214, 247, 203, 32,
547        ]);
548        let s = k;
549        dbg!(&s.to_radix_16()[..]);
550    }
551    #[test]
552    fn test_from_canonical_bytes() {
553        // ff..ff should fail
554        let mut bytes: [u8; 57] = hex::decode("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff").unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
555        bytes.reverse();
556        let s = Scalar::from_canonical_bytes(bytes);
557        assert_eq!(s, None);
559        // n should fail
560        let mut bytes: [u8; 57] = hex::decode("003fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7cca23e9c44edb49aed63690216cc2728dc58f552378c292ab5844f3").unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
561        bytes.reverse();
562        let s = Scalar::from_canonical_bytes(bytes);
563        assert_eq!(s, None);
565        // n-1 should work
566        let mut bytes: [u8; 57] = hex::decode("003fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7cca23e9c44edb49aed63690216cc2728dc58f552378c292ab5844f2").unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
567        bytes.reverse();
568        let s = Scalar::from_canonical_bytes(bytes);
569        match s {
570            Some(s) => assert_eq!(s, Scalar::zero() - Scalar::one()),
571            None => panic!("should not return None"),
572        };
573    }
575    #[test]
576    fn test_from_bytes_mod_order_wide() {
577        // n should become 0
578        let mut bytes: [u8; 114] = hex::decode("000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7cca23e9c44edb49aed63690216cc2728dc58f552378c292ab5844f3").unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
579        bytes.reverse();
580        let s = Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order_wide(&bytes);
581        assert_eq!(s, Scalar::zero());
583        // n-1 should stay the same
584        let mut bytes: [u8; 114] = hex::decode("000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7cca23e9c44edb49aed63690216cc2728dc58f552378c292ab5844f2").unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
585        bytes.reverse();
586        let s = Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order_wide(&bytes);
587        assert_eq!(s, Scalar::zero() - Scalar::one());
589        // n+1 should become 1
590        let mut bytes: [u8; 114] = hex::decode("000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7cca23e9c44edb49aed63690216cc2728dc58f552378c292ab5844f4").unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
591        bytes.reverse();
592        let s = Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order_wide(&bytes);
593        assert_eq!(s, Scalar::one());
595        // 2^912-1 should become 0x2939f823b7292052bcb7e4d070af1a9cc14ba3c47c44ae17cf72c985bb24b6c520e319fb37a63e29800f160787ad1d2e11883fa931e7de81
596        let mut bytes: [u8; 114] = hex::decode("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff").unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
597        bytes.reverse();
598        let s = Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order_wide(&bytes);
599        let mut bytes: [u8; 57] = hex::decode("002939f823b7292052bcb7e4d070af1a9cc14ba3c47c44ae17cf72c985bb24b6c520e319fb37a63e29800f160787ad1d2e11883fa931e7de81").unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
600        bytes.reverse();
601        let reduced = Scalar::from_canonical_bytes(bytes).unwrap();
602        assert_eq!(s, reduced);
603    }
605    #[test]
606    fn test_to_bytes_rfc8032() {
607        // n-1
608        let mut bytes: [u8; 57] = hex::decode("003fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7cca23e9c44edb49aed63690216cc2728dc58f552378c292ab5844f2").unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
609        bytes.reverse();
610        let x = Scalar::zero() - Scalar::one();
611        let candidate = x.to_bytes_rfc_8032();
612        assert_eq!(bytes, candidate);
613    }