
1#![warn(missing_docs)] // Let's keep `Ui` well-documented.
4use std::{any::Any, hash::Hash, sync::Arc};
6use emath::GuiRounding as _;
7use epaint::mutex::RwLock;
9use crate::{
10    containers::{CollapsingHeader, CollapsingResponse, Frame},
11    ecolor::Hsva,
12    emath, epaint,
13    epaint::text::Fonts,
14    grid,
15    layout::{Direction, Layout},
16    menu,
17    menu::MenuState,
18    pass_state,
19    placer::Placer,
20    pos2, style,
21    util::IdTypeMap,
22    vec2, widgets,
23    widgets::{
24        color_picker, Button, Checkbox, DragValue, Hyperlink, Image, ImageSource, Label, Link,
25        RadioButton, SelectableLabel, Separator, Spinner, TextEdit, Widget,
26    },
27    Align, Color32, Context, CursorIcon, DragAndDrop, Id, InnerResponse, InputState, LayerId,
28    Memory, Order, Painter, PlatformOutput, Pos2, Rangef, Rect, Response, Rgba, RichText, Sense,
29    Style, TextStyle, TextWrapMode, UiBuilder, UiStack, UiStackInfo, Vec2, WidgetRect, WidgetText,
33use crate::Stroke;
34// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
36/// This is what you use to place widgets.
38/// Represents a region of the screen with a type of layout (horizontal or vertical).
40/// ```
41/// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
42/// ui.add(egui::Label::new("Hello World!"));
43/// ui.label("A shorter and more convenient way to add a label.");
44/// ui.horizontal(|ui| {
45///     ui.label("Add widgets");
46///     if ui.button("on the same row!").clicked() {
47///         /* … */
48///     }
49/// });
50/// # });
51/// ```
52pub struct Ui {
53    /// Generated based on id of parent ui together with an optional id salt.
54    ///
55    /// This should be stable from one frame to next
56    /// so it can be used as a source for storing state
57    /// (e.g. window position, or if a collapsing header is open).
58    ///
59    /// However, it is not necessarily globally unique.
60    /// For instance, sibling `Ui`s share the same [`Self::id`]
61    /// unless they where explicitly given different id salts using
62    /// [`UiBuilder::id_salt`].
63    id: Id,
65    /// This is a globally unique ID of this `Ui`,
66    /// based on where in the hierarchy of widgets this Ui is in.
67    ///
68    /// This means it is not _stable_, as it can change if new widgets
69    /// are added or removed prior to this one.
70    /// It should therefore only be used for transient interactions (clicks etc),
71    /// not for storing state over time.
72    unique_id: Id,
74    /// This is used to create a unique interact ID for some widgets.
75    ///
76    /// This value is based on where in the hierarchy of widgets this Ui is in,
77    /// and the value is increment with each added child widget.
78    /// This works as an Id source only as long as new widgets aren't added or removed.
79    /// They are therefore only good for Id:s that has no state.
80    next_auto_id_salt: u64,
82    /// Specifies paint layer, clip rectangle and a reference to [`Context`].
83    painter: Painter,
85    /// The [`Style`] (visuals, spacing, etc) of this ui.
86    /// Commonly many [`Ui`]:s share the same [`Style`].
87    /// The [`Ui`] implements copy-on-write for this.
88    style: Arc<Style>,
90    /// Handles the [`Ui`] size and the placement of new widgets.
91    placer: Placer,
93    /// If false we are unresponsive to input,
94    /// and all widgets will assume a gray style.
95    enabled: bool,
97    /// Set to true in special cases where we do one frame
98    /// where we size up the contents of the Ui, without actually showing it.
99    sizing_pass: bool,
101    /// Indicates whether this Ui belongs to a Menu.
102    menu_state: Option<Arc<RwLock<MenuState>>>,
104    /// The [`UiStack`] for this [`Ui`].
105    stack: Arc<UiStack>,
107    /// The sense for the ui background.
108    sense: Sense,
110    /// Whether [`Ui::remember_min_rect`] should be called when the [`Ui`] is dropped.
111    /// This is an optimization, so we don't call [`Ui::remember_min_rect`] multiple times at the
112    /// end of a [`Ui::scope`].
113    min_rect_already_remembered: bool,
116impl Ui {
117    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
118    // Creation:
120    /// Create a new top-level [`Ui`].
121    ///
122    /// Normally you would not use this directly, but instead use
123    /// [`crate::SidePanel`], [`crate::TopBottomPanel`], [`crate::CentralPanel`], [`crate::Window`] or [`crate::Area`].
124    pub fn new(ctx: Context, id: Id, ui_builder: UiBuilder) -> Self {
125        let UiBuilder {
126            id_salt,
127            ui_stack_info,
128            layer_id,
129            max_rect,
130            layout,
131            disabled,
132            invisible,
133            sizing_pass,
134            style,
135            sense,
136        } = ui_builder;
138        let layer_id = layer_id.unwrap_or(LayerId::background());
140        debug_assert!(
141            id_salt.is_none(),
142            "Top-level Ui:s should not have an id_salt"
143        );
145        let max_rect = max_rect.unwrap_or_else(|| ctx.screen_rect());
146        let clip_rect = max_rect;
147        let layout = layout.unwrap_or_default();
148        let disabled = disabled || invisible;
149        let style = style.unwrap_or_else(||;
150        let sense = sense.unwrap_or(Sense::hover());
152        let placer = Placer::new(max_rect, layout);
153        let ui_stack = UiStack {
154            id,
155            layout_direction: layout.main_dir,
156            info: ui_stack_info,
157            parent: None,
158            min_rect: placer.min_rect(),
159            max_rect: placer.max_rect(),
160        };
161        let mut ui = Ui {
162            id,
163            unique_id: id,
164            next_auto_id_salt: id.with("auto").value(),
165            painter: Painter::new(ctx, layer_id, clip_rect),
166            style,
167            placer,
168            enabled: true,
169            sizing_pass,
170            menu_state: None,
171            stack: Arc::new(ui_stack),
172            sense,
173            min_rect_already_remembered: false,
174        };
176        // Register in the widget stack early, to ensure we are behind all widgets we contain:
177        let start_rect = Rect::NOTHING; // This will be overwritten when `remember_min_rect` is called
178        ui.ctx().create_widget(
179            WidgetRect {
180                id: ui.unique_id,
181                layer_id: ui.layer_id(),
182                rect: start_rect,
183                interact_rect: start_rect,
184                sense,
185                enabled: ui.enabled,
186            },
187            true,
188        );
190        if disabled {
191            ui.disable();
192        }
193        if invisible {
194            ui.set_invisible();
195        }
197        ui
198    }
200    /// Create a new [`Ui`] at a specific region.
201    ///
202    /// Note: calling this function twice from the same [`Ui`] will create a conflict of id. Use
203    /// [`Self::scope`] if needed.
204    ///
205    /// When in doubt, use `None` for the `UiStackInfo` argument.
206    #[deprecated = "Use ui.new_child() instead"]
207    pub fn child_ui(
208        &mut self,
209        max_rect: Rect,
210        layout: Layout,
211        ui_stack_info: Option<UiStackInfo>,
212    ) -> Self {
213        self.new_child(
214            UiBuilder::new()
215                .max_rect(max_rect)
216                .layout(layout)
217                .ui_stack_info(ui_stack_info.unwrap_or_default()),
218        )
219    }
221    /// Create a new [`Ui`] at a specific region with a specific id.
222    ///
223    /// When in doubt, use `None` for the `UiStackInfo` argument.
224    #[deprecated = "Use ui.new_child() instead"]
225    pub fn child_ui_with_id_source(
226        &mut self,
227        max_rect: Rect,
228        layout: Layout,
229        id_salt: impl Hash,
230        ui_stack_info: Option<UiStackInfo>,
231    ) -> Self {
232        self.new_child(
233            UiBuilder::new()
234                .id_salt(id_salt)
235                .max_rect(max_rect)
236                .layout(layout)
237                .ui_stack_info(ui_stack_info.unwrap_or_default()),
238        )
239    }
241    /// Create a child `Ui` with the properties of the given builder.
242    ///
243    /// This is a very low-level function.
244    /// Usually you are better off using [`Self::scope_builder`].
245    ///
246    /// Note that calling this does not allocate any space in the parent `Ui`,
247    /// so after adding widgets to the child `Ui` you probably want to allocate
248    /// the [`Ui::min_rect`] of the child in the parent `Ui` using e.g.
249    /// [`Ui::advance_cursor_after_rect`].
250    pub fn new_child(&mut self, ui_builder: UiBuilder) -> Self {
251        let UiBuilder {
252            id_salt,
253            ui_stack_info,
254            layer_id,
255            max_rect,
256            layout,
257            disabled,
258            invisible,
259            sizing_pass,
260            style,
261            sense,
262        } = ui_builder;
264        let mut painter = self.painter.clone();
266        let id_salt = id_salt.unwrap_or_else(|| Id::from("child"));
267        let max_rect = max_rect.unwrap_or_else(|| self.available_rect_before_wrap());
268        let mut layout = layout.unwrap_or(*self.layout());
269        let enabled = self.enabled && !disabled && !invisible;
270        if let Some(layer_id) = layer_id {
271            painter.set_layer_id(layer_id);
272        }
273        if invisible {
274            painter.set_invisible();
275        }
276        let sizing_pass = self.sizing_pass || sizing_pass;
277        let style = style.unwrap_or_else(||;
278        let sense = sense.unwrap_or(Sense::hover());
280        if sizing_pass {
281            // During the sizing pass we want widgets to use up as little space as possible,
282            // so that we measure the only the space we _need_.
283            layout.cross_justify = false;
284            if layout.cross_align == Align::Center {
285                layout.cross_align = Align::Min;
286            }
287        }
289        debug_assert!(!max_rect.any_nan());
290        let stable_id =;
291        let unique_id = stable_id.with(self.next_auto_id_salt);
292        let next_auto_id_salt = unique_id.value().wrapping_add(1);
294        self.next_auto_id_salt = self.next_auto_id_salt.wrapping_add(1);
296        let placer = Placer::new(max_rect, layout);
297        let ui_stack = UiStack {
298            id: unique_id,
299            layout_direction: layout.main_dir,
300            info: ui_stack_info,
301            parent: Some(self.stack.clone()),
302            min_rect: placer.min_rect(),
303            max_rect: placer.max_rect(),
304        };
305        let mut child_ui = Ui {
306            id: stable_id,
307            unique_id,
308            next_auto_id_salt,
309            painter,
310            style,
311            placer,
312            enabled,
313            sizing_pass,
314            menu_state: self.menu_state.clone(),
315            stack: Arc::new(ui_stack),
316            sense,
317            min_rect_already_remembered: false,
318        };
320        if disabled {
321            child_ui.disable();
322        }
324        // Register in the widget stack early, to ensure we are behind all widgets we contain:
325        let start_rect = Rect::NOTHING; // This will be overwritten when `remember_min_rect` is called
326        child_ui.ctx().create_widget(
327            WidgetRect {
328                id: child_ui.unique_id,
329                layer_id: child_ui.layer_id(),
330                rect: start_rect,
331                interact_rect: start_rect,
332                sense,
333                enabled: child_ui.enabled,
334            },
335            true,
336        );
338        child_ui
339    }
341    // -------------------------------------------------
343    /// Set to true in special cases where we do one frame
344    /// where we size up the contents of the Ui, without actually showing it.
345    ///
346    /// This will also turn the Ui invisible.
347    /// Should be called right after [`Self::new`], if at all.
348    #[inline]
349    #[deprecated = "Use UiBuilder.sizing_pass().invisible()"]
350    pub fn set_sizing_pass(&mut self) {
351        self.sizing_pass = true;
352        self.set_invisible();
353    }
355    /// Set to true in special cases where we do one frame
356    /// where we size up the contents of the Ui, without actually showing it.
357    #[inline]
358    pub fn is_sizing_pass(&self) -> bool {
359        self.sizing_pass
360    }
362    // -------------------------------------------------
364    /// Generated based on id of parent ui together with an optional id salt.
365    ///
366    /// This should be stable from one frame to next
367    /// so it can be used as a source for storing state
368    /// (e.g. window position, or if a collapsing header is open).
369    ///
370    /// However, it is not necessarily globally unique.
371    /// For instance, sibling `Ui`s share the same [`Self::id`]
372    /// unless they where explicitly given different id salts using
373    /// [`UiBuilder::id_salt`].
374    #[inline]
375    pub fn id(&self) -> Id {
377    }
379    /// This is a globally unique ID of this `Ui`,
380    /// based on where in the hierarchy of widgets this Ui is in.
381    ///
382    /// This means it is not _stable_, as it can change if new widgets
383    /// are added or removed prior to this one.
384    /// It should therefore only be used for transient interactions (clicks etc),
385    /// not for storing state over time.
386    #[inline]
387    pub fn unique_id(&self) -> Id {
388        self.unique_id
389    }
391    /// Style options for this [`Ui`] and its children.
392    ///
393    /// Note that this may be a different [`Style`] than that of [`Context::style`].
394    #[inline]
395    pub fn style(&self) -> &Arc<Style> {
396        &
397    }
399    /// Mutably borrow internal [`Style`].
400    /// Changes apply to this [`Ui`] and its subsequent children.
401    ///
402    /// To set the style of all [`Ui`]:s, use [`Context::set_style_of`].
403    ///
404    /// Example:
405    /// ```
406    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
407    /// ui.style_mut().override_text_style = Some(egui::TextStyle::Heading);
408    /// # });
409    /// ```
410    pub fn style_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Style {
411        Arc::make_mut(&mut // clone-on-write
412    }
414    /// Changes apply to this [`Ui`] and its subsequent children.
415    ///
416    /// To set the visuals of all [`Ui`]:s, use [`Context::set_visuals_of`].
417    pub fn set_style(&mut self, style: impl Into<Arc<Style>>) {
418 = style.into();
419    }
421    /// Reset to the default style set in [`Context`].
422    pub fn reset_style(&mut self) {
423 = self.ctx().style();
424    }
426    /// The current spacing options for this [`Ui`].
427    /// Short for ``.
428    #[inline]
429    pub fn spacing(&self) -> &crate::style::Spacing {
430        &
431    }
433    /// Mutably borrow internal [`Spacing`](crate::style::Spacing).
434    /// Changes apply to this [`Ui`] and its subsequent children.
435    ///
436    /// Example:
437    /// ```
438    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
439    /// ui.spacing_mut().item_spacing = egui::vec2(10.0, 2.0);
440    /// # });
441    /// ```
442    pub fn spacing_mut(&mut self) -> &mut crate::style::Spacing {
443        &mut self.style_mut().spacing
444    }
446    /// The current visuals settings of this [`Ui`].
447    /// Short for ``.
448    #[inline]
449    pub fn visuals(&self) -> &crate::Visuals {
450        &
451    }
453    /// Mutably borrow internal `visuals`.
454    /// Changes apply to this [`Ui`] and its subsequent children.
455    ///
456    /// To set the visuals of all [`Ui`]:s, use [`Context::set_visuals_of`].
457    ///
458    /// Example:
459    /// ```
460    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
461    /// ui.visuals_mut().override_text_color = Some(egui::Color32::RED);
462    /// # });
463    /// ```
464    pub fn visuals_mut(&mut self) -> &mut crate::Visuals {
465        &mut self.style_mut().visuals
466    }
468    /// Get a reference to this [`Ui`]'s [`UiStack`].
469    #[inline]
470    pub fn stack(&self) -> &Arc<UiStack> {
471        &self.stack
472    }
474    /// Get a reference to the parent [`Context`].
475    #[inline]
476    pub fn ctx(&self) -> &Context {
477        self.painter.ctx()
478    }
480    /// Use this to paint stuff within this [`Ui`].
481    #[inline]
482    pub fn painter(&self) -> &Painter {
483        &self.painter
484    }
486    /// Number of physical pixels for each logical UI point.
487    #[inline]
488    pub fn pixels_per_point(&self) -> f32 {
489        self.painter.pixels_per_point()
490    }
492    /// If `false`, the [`Ui`] does not allow any interaction and
493    /// the widgets in it will draw with a gray look.
494    #[inline]
495    pub fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool {
496        self.enabled
497    }
499    /// Calling `disable()` will cause the [`Ui`] to deny all future interaction
500    /// and all the widgets will draw with a gray look.
501    ///
502    /// Usually it is more convenient to use [`Self::add_enabled_ui`] or [`Self::add_enabled`].
503    ///
504    /// Note that once disabled, there is no way to re-enable the [`Ui`].
505    ///
506    /// ### Example
507    /// ```
508    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
509    /// # let mut enabled = true;
510    ///|ui| {
511    ///     ui.checkbox(&mut enabled, "Enable subsection");
512    ///     if !enabled {
513    ///         ui.disable();
514    ///     }
515    ///     if ui.button("Button that is not always clickable").clicked() {
516    ///         /* … */
517    ///     }
518    /// });
519    /// # });
520    /// ```
521    pub fn disable(&mut self) {
522        self.enabled = false;
523        if self.is_visible() {
524            self.painter
525                .set_fade_to_color(Some(self.visuals().fade_out_to_color()));
526        }
527    }
529    /// Calling `set_enabled(false)` will cause the [`Ui`] to deny all future interaction
530    /// and all the widgets will draw with a gray look.
531    ///
532    /// Usually it is more convenient to use [`Self::add_enabled_ui`] or [`Self::add_enabled`].
533    ///
534    /// Calling `set_enabled(true)` has no effect - it will NOT re-enable the [`Ui`] once disabled.
535    ///
536    /// ### Example
537    /// ```
538    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
539    /// # let mut enabled = true;
540    ///|ui| {
541    ///     ui.checkbox(&mut enabled, "Enable subsection");
542    ///     ui.set_enabled(enabled);
543    ///     if ui.button("Button that is not always clickable").clicked() {
544    ///         /* … */
545    ///     }
546    /// });
547    /// # });
548    /// ```
549    #[deprecated = "Use disable(), add_enabled_ui(), or add_enabled() instead"]
550    pub fn set_enabled(&mut self, enabled: bool) {
551        if !enabled {
552            self.disable();
553        }
554    }
556    /// If `false`, any widgets added to the [`Ui`] will be invisible and non-interactive.
557    ///
558    /// This is `false` if any parent had [`UiBuilder::invisible`]
559    /// or if [`Context::will_discard`].
560    #[inline]
561    pub fn is_visible(&self) -> bool {
562        self.painter.is_visible()
563    }
565    /// Calling `set_invisible()` will cause all further widgets to be invisible,
566    /// yet still allocate space.
567    ///
568    /// The widgets will not be interactive (`set_invisible()` implies `disable()`).
569    ///
570    /// Once invisible, there is no way to make the [`Ui`] visible again.
571    ///
572    /// Usually it is more convenient to use [`Self::add_visible_ui`] or [`Self::add_visible`].
573    ///
574    /// ### Example
575    /// ```
576    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
577    /// # let mut visible = true;
578    ///|ui| {
579    ///     ui.checkbox(&mut visible, "Show subsection");
580    ///     if !visible {
581    ///         ui.set_invisible();
582    ///     }
583    ///     if ui.button("Button that is not always shown").clicked() {
584    ///         /* … */
585    ///     }
586    /// });
587    /// # });
588    /// ```
589    pub fn set_invisible(&mut self) {
590        self.painter.set_invisible();
591        self.disable();
592    }
594    /// Calling `set_visible(false)` will cause all further widgets to be invisible,
595    /// yet still allocate space.
596    ///
597    /// The widgets will not be interactive (`set_visible(false)` implies `set_enabled(false)`).
598    ///
599    /// Calling `set_visible(true)` has no effect.
600    ///
601    /// ### Example
602    /// ```
603    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
604    /// # let mut visible = true;
605    ///|ui| {
606    ///     ui.checkbox(&mut visible, "Show subsection");
607    ///     ui.set_visible(visible);
608    ///     if ui.button("Button that is not always shown").clicked() {
609    ///         /* … */
610    ///     }
611    /// });
612    /// # });
613    /// ```
614    #[deprecated = "Use set_invisible(), add_visible_ui(), or add_visible() instead"]
615    pub fn set_visible(&mut self, visible: bool) {
616        if !visible {
617            self.painter.set_invisible();
618            self.disable();
619        }
620    }
622    /// Make the widget in this [`Ui`] semi-transparent.
623    ///
624    /// `opacity` must be between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 means fully transparent (i.e., invisible)
625    /// and 1.0 means fully opaque.
626    ///
627    /// ### Example
628    /// ```
629    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
630    ///|ui| {
631    ///     ui.set_opacity(0.5);
632    ///     if ui.button("Half-transparent button").clicked() {
633    ///         /* … */
634    ///     }
635    /// });
636    /// # });
637    /// ```
638    ///
639    /// See also: [`Self::opacity`] and [`Self::multiply_opacity`].
640    pub fn set_opacity(&mut self, opacity: f32) {
641        self.painter.set_opacity(opacity);
642    }
644    /// Like [`Self::set_opacity`], but multiplies the given value with the current opacity.
645    ///
646    /// See also: [`Self::set_opacity`] and [`Self::opacity`].
647    pub fn multiply_opacity(&mut self, opacity: f32) {
648        self.painter.multiply_opacity(opacity);
649    }
651    /// Read the current opacity of the underlying painter.
652    ///
653    /// See also: [`Self::set_opacity`] and [`Self::multiply_opacity`].
654    #[inline]
655    pub fn opacity(&self) -> f32 {
656        self.painter.opacity()
657    }
659    /// Read the [`Layout`].
660    #[inline]
661    pub fn layout(&self) -> &Layout {
662        self.placer.layout()
663    }
665    /// Which wrap mode should the text use in this [`Ui`]?
666    ///
667    /// This is determined first by [`Style::wrap_mode`], and then by the layout of this [`Ui`].
668    pub fn wrap_mode(&self) -> TextWrapMode {
669        #[allow(deprecated)]
670        if let Some(wrap_mode) = {
671            wrap_mode
672        }
673        // `wrap` handling for backward compatibility
674        else if let Some(wrap) = {
675            if wrap {
676                TextWrapMode::Wrap
677            } else {
678                TextWrapMode::Extend
679            }
680        } else if let Some(grid) = self.placer.grid() {
681            if grid.wrap_text() {
682                TextWrapMode::Wrap
683            } else {
684                TextWrapMode::Extend
685            }
686        } else {
687            let layout = self.layout();
688            if layout.is_vertical() || layout.is_horizontal() && layout.main_wrap() {
689                TextWrapMode::Wrap
690            } else {
691                TextWrapMode::Extend
692            }
693        }
694    }
696    /// Should text wrap in this [`Ui`]?
697    ///
698    /// This is determined first by [`Style::wrap_mode`], and then by the layout of this [`Ui`].
699    #[deprecated = "Use `wrap_mode` instead"]
700    pub fn wrap_text(&self) -> bool {
701        self.wrap_mode() == TextWrapMode::Wrap
702    }
704    /// How to vertically align text
705    #[inline]
706    pub fn text_valign(&self) -> Align {
708            .override_text_valign
709            .unwrap_or_else(|| self.layout().vertical_align())
710    }
712    /// Create a painter for a sub-region of this Ui.
713    ///
714    /// The clip-rect of the returned [`Painter`] will be the intersection
715    /// of the given rectangle and the `clip_rect()` of this [`Ui`].
716    pub fn painter_at(&self, rect: Rect) -> Painter {
717        self.painter().with_clip_rect(rect)
718    }
720    /// Use this to paint stuff within this [`Ui`].
721    #[inline]
722    pub fn layer_id(&self) -> LayerId {
723        self.painter().layer_id()
724    }
726    /// The height of text of this text style.
727    ///
728    /// Returns a value rounded to [`emath::GUI_ROUNDING`].
729    pub fn text_style_height(&self, style: &TextStyle) -> f32 {
730        self.fonts(|f| f.row_height(&style.resolve(
731    }
733    /// Screen-space rectangle for clipping what we paint in this ui.
734    /// This is used, for instance, to avoid painting outside a window that is smaller than its contents.
735    #[inline]
736    pub fn clip_rect(&self) -> Rect {
737        self.painter.clip_rect()
738    }
740    /// Constrain the rectangle in which we can paint.
741    ///
742    /// Short for `ui.set_clip_rect(ui.clip_rect().intersect(new_clip_rect))`.
743    ///
744    /// See also: [`Self::clip_rect`] and [`Self::set_clip_rect`].
745    #[inline]
746    pub fn shrink_clip_rect(&mut self, new_clip_rect: Rect) {
747        self.painter.shrink_clip_rect(new_clip_rect);
748    }
750    /// Screen-space rectangle for clipping what we paint in this ui.
751    /// This is used, for instance, to avoid painting outside a window that is smaller than its contents.
752    ///
753    /// Warning: growing the clip rect might cause unexpected results!
754    /// When in doubt, use [`Self::shrink_clip_rect`] instead.
755    pub fn set_clip_rect(&mut self, clip_rect: Rect) {
756        self.painter.set_clip_rect(clip_rect);
757    }
759    /// Can be used for culling: if `false`, then no part of `rect` will be visible on screen.
760    ///
761    /// This is false if the whole `Ui` is invisible (see [`UiBuilder::invisible`])
762    /// or if [`Context::will_discard`] is true.
763    pub fn is_rect_visible(&self, rect: Rect) -> bool {
764        self.is_visible() && rect.intersects(self.clip_rect())
765    }
768/// # Helpers for accessing the underlying [`Context`].
769/// These functions all lock the [`Context`] owned by this [`Ui`].
770/// Please see the documentation of [`Context`] for how locking works!
771impl Ui {
772    /// Read-only access to the shared [`InputState`].
773    ///
774    /// ```
775    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
776    /// if ui.input(|i| i.key_pressed(egui::Key::A)) {
777    ///     // …
778    /// }
779    /// # });
780    /// ```
781    #[inline]
782    pub fn input<R>(&self, reader: impl FnOnce(&InputState) -> R) -> R {
783        self.ctx().input(reader)
784    }
786    /// Read-write access to the shared [`InputState`].
787    #[inline]
788    pub fn input_mut<R>(&self, writer: impl FnOnce(&mut InputState) -> R) -> R {
789        self.ctx().input_mut(writer)
790    }
792    /// Read-only access to the shared [`Memory`].
793    #[inline]
794    pub fn memory<R>(&self, reader: impl FnOnce(&Memory) -> R) -> R {
795        self.ctx().memory(reader)
796    }
798    /// Read-write access to the shared [`Memory`].
799    #[inline]
800    pub fn memory_mut<R>(&self, writer: impl FnOnce(&mut Memory) -> R) -> R {
801        self.ctx().memory_mut(writer)
802    }
804    /// Read-only access to the shared [`IdTypeMap`], which stores superficial widget state.
805    #[inline]
806    pub fn data<R>(&self, reader: impl FnOnce(&IdTypeMap) -> R) -> R {
807        self.ctx().data(reader)
808    }
810    /// Read-write access to the shared [`IdTypeMap`], which stores superficial widget state.
811    #[inline]
812    pub fn data_mut<R>(&self, writer: impl FnOnce(&mut IdTypeMap) -> R) -> R {
813        self.ctx().data_mut(writer)
814    }
816    /// Read-only access to the shared [`PlatformOutput`].
817    ///
818    /// This is what egui outputs each frame.
819    ///
820    /// ```
821    /// # let mut ctx = egui::Context::default();
822    /// ctx.output_mut(|o| o.cursor_icon = egui::CursorIcon::Progress);
823    /// ```
824    #[inline]
825    pub fn output<R>(&self, reader: impl FnOnce(&PlatformOutput) -> R) -> R {
826        self.ctx().output(reader)
827    }
829    /// Read-write access to the shared [`PlatformOutput`].
830    ///
831    /// This is what egui outputs each frame.
832    ///
833    /// ```
834    /// # let mut ctx = egui::Context::default();
835    /// ctx.output_mut(|o| o.cursor_icon = egui::CursorIcon::Progress);
836    /// ```
837    #[inline]
838    pub fn output_mut<R>(&self, writer: impl FnOnce(&mut PlatformOutput) -> R) -> R {
839        self.ctx().output_mut(writer)
840    }
842    /// Read-only access to [`Fonts`].
843    #[inline]
844    pub fn fonts<R>(&self, reader: impl FnOnce(&Fonts) -> R) -> R {
845        self.ctx().fonts(reader)
846    }
849// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
851/// # Sizes etc
852impl Ui {
853    /// Where and how large the [`Ui`] is already.
854    /// All widgets that have been added to this [`Ui`] fits within this rectangle.
855    ///
856    /// No matter what, the final Ui will be at least this large.
857    ///
858    /// This will grow as new widgets are added, but never shrink.
859    pub fn min_rect(&self) -> Rect {
860        self.placer.min_rect()
861    }
863    /// Size of content; same as `min_rect().size()`
864    pub fn min_size(&self) -> Vec2 {
865        self.min_rect().size()
866    }
868    /// New widgets will *try* to fit within this rectangle.
869    ///
870    /// Text labels will wrap to fit within `max_rect`.
871    /// Separator lines will span the `max_rect`.
872    ///
873    /// If a new widget doesn't fit within the `max_rect` then the
874    /// [`Ui`] will make room for it by expanding both `min_rect` and `max_rect`.
875    pub fn max_rect(&self) -> Rect {
876        self.placer.max_rect()
877    }
879    /// Used for animation, kind of hacky
880    pub(crate) fn force_set_min_rect(&mut self, min_rect: Rect) {
881        self.placer.force_set_min_rect(min_rect);
882    }
884    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
886    /// Set the maximum size of the ui.
887    /// You won't be able to shrink it below the current minimum size.
888    pub fn set_max_size(&mut self, size: Vec2) {
889        self.set_max_width(size.x);
890        self.set_max_height(size.y);
891    }
893    /// Set the maximum width of the ui.
894    /// You won't be able to shrink it below the current minimum size.
895    pub fn set_max_width(&mut self, width: f32) {
896        self.placer.set_max_width(width);
897    }
899    /// Set the maximum height of the ui.
900    /// You won't be able to shrink it below the current minimum size.
901    pub fn set_max_height(&mut self, height: f32) {
902        self.placer.set_max_height(height);
903    }
905    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
907    /// Set the minimum size of the ui.
908    /// This can't shrink the ui, only make it larger.
909    pub fn set_min_size(&mut self, size: Vec2) {
910        self.set_min_width(size.x);
911        self.set_min_height(size.y);
912    }
914    /// Set the minimum width of the ui.
915    /// This can't shrink the ui, only make it larger.
916    pub fn set_min_width(&mut self, width: f32) {
917        debug_assert!(0.0 <= width);
918        self.placer.set_min_width(width);
919    }
921    /// Set the minimum height of the ui.
922    /// This can't shrink the ui, only make it larger.
923    pub fn set_min_height(&mut self, height: f32) {
924        debug_assert!(0.0 <= height);
925        self.placer.set_min_height(height);
926    }
928    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
930    /// Helper: shrinks the max width to the current width,
931    /// so further widgets will try not to be wider than previous widgets.
932    /// Useful for normal vertical layouts.
933    pub fn shrink_width_to_current(&mut self) {
934        self.set_max_width(self.min_rect().width());
935    }
937    /// Helper: shrinks the max height to the current height,
938    /// so further widgets will try not to be taller than previous widgets.
939    pub fn shrink_height_to_current(&mut self) {
940        self.set_max_height(self.min_rect().height());
941    }
943    /// Expand the `min_rect` and `max_rect` of this ui to include a child at the given rect.
944    pub fn expand_to_include_rect(&mut self, rect: Rect) {
945        self.placer.expand_to_include_rect(rect);
946    }
948    /// `ui.set_width_range(min..=max);` is equivalent to `ui.set_min_width(min); ui.set_max_width(max);`.
949    pub fn set_width_range(&mut self, width: impl Into<Rangef>) {
950        let width = width.into();
951        self.set_min_width(width.min);
952        self.set_max_width(width.max);
953    }
955    /// `ui.set_height_range(min..=max);` is equivalent to `ui.set_min_height(min); ui.set_max_height(max);`.
956    pub fn set_height_range(&mut self, height: impl Into<Rangef>) {
957        let height = height.into();
958        self.set_min_height(height.min);
959        self.set_max_height(height.max);
960    }
962    /// Set both the minimum and maximum width.
963    pub fn set_width(&mut self, width: f32) {
964        self.set_min_width(width);
965        self.set_max_width(width);
966    }
968    /// Set both the minimum and maximum height.
969    pub fn set_height(&mut self, height: f32) {
970        self.set_min_height(height);
971        self.set_max_height(height);
972    }
974    /// Ensure we are big enough to contain the given x-coordinate.
975    /// This is sometimes useful to expand a ui to stretch to a certain place.
976    pub fn expand_to_include_x(&mut self, x: f32) {
977        self.placer.expand_to_include_x(x);
978    }
980    /// Ensure we are big enough to contain the given y-coordinate.
981    /// This is sometimes useful to expand a ui to stretch to a certain place.
982    pub fn expand_to_include_y(&mut self, y: f32) {
983        self.placer.expand_to_include_y(y);
984    }
986    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
987    // Layout related measures:
989    /// The available space at the moment, given the current cursor.
990    ///
991    /// This how much more space we can take up without overflowing our parent.
992    /// Shrinks as widgets allocate space and the cursor moves.
993    /// A small size should be interpreted as "as little as possible".
994    /// An infinite size should be interpreted as "as much as you want".
995    pub fn available_size(&self) -> Vec2 {
996        self.placer.available_size()
997    }
999    /// The available width at the moment, given the current cursor.
1000    ///
1001    /// See [`Self::available_size`] for more information.
1002    pub fn available_width(&self) -> f32 {
1003        self.available_size().x
1004    }
1006    /// The available height at the moment, given the current cursor.
1007    ///
1008    /// See [`Self::available_size`] for more information.
1009    pub fn available_height(&self) -> f32 {
1010        self.available_size().y
1011    }
1013    /// In case of a wrapping layout, how much space is left on this row/column?
1014    ///
1015    /// If the layout does not wrap, this will return the same value as [`Self::available_size`].
1016    pub fn available_size_before_wrap(&self) -> Vec2 {
1017        self.placer.available_rect_before_wrap().size()
1018    }
1020    /// In case of a wrapping layout, how much space is left on this row/column?
1021    ///
1022    /// If the layout does not wrap, this will return the same value as [`Self::available_size`].
1023    pub fn available_rect_before_wrap(&self) -> Rect {
1024        self.placer.available_rect_before_wrap()
1025    }
1028/// # [`Id`] creation
1029impl Ui {
1030    /// Use this to generate widget ids for widgets that have persistent state in [`Memory`].
1031    pub fn make_persistent_id<IdSource>(&self, id_salt: IdSource) -> Id
1032    where
1033        IdSource: Hash,
1034    {
1036    }
1038    /// This is the `Id` that will be assigned to the next widget added to this `Ui`.
1039    pub fn next_auto_id(&self) -> Id {
1040        Id::new(self.next_auto_id_salt)
1041    }
1043    /// Same as `ui.next_auto_id().with(id_salt)`
1044    pub fn auto_id_with<IdSource>(&self, id_salt: IdSource) -> Id
1045    where
1046        IdSource: Hash,
1047    {
1048        Id::new(self.next_auto_id_salt).with(id_salt)
1049    }
1051    /// Pretend like `count` widgets have been allocated.
1052    pub fn skip_ahead_auto_ids(&mut self, count: usize) {
1053        self.next_auto_id_salt = self.next_auto_id_salt.wrapping_add(count as u64);
1054    }
1057/// # Interaction
1058impl Ui {
1059    /// Check for clicks, drags and/or hover on a specific region of this [`Ui`].
1060    pub fn interact(&self, rect: Rect, id: Id, sense: Sense) -> Response {
1061        self.ctx().create_widget(
1062            WidgetRect {
1063                id,
1064                layer_id: self.layer_id(),
1065                rect,
1066                interact_rect: self.clip_rect().intersect(rect),
1067                sense,
1068                enabled: self.enabled,
1069            },
1070            true,
1071        )
1072    }
1074    /// Deprecated: use [`Self::interact`] instead.
1075    #[deprecated = "The contains_pointer argument is ignored. Use `ui.interact` instead."]
1076    pub fn interact_with_hovered(
1077        &self,
1078        rect: Rect,
1079        _contains_pointer: bool,
1080        id: Id,
1081        sense: Sense,
1082    ) -> Response {
1083        self.interact(rect, id, sense)
1084    }
1086    /// Read the [`Ui`]s background [`Response`].
1087    /// It's [`Sense`] will be based on the [`UiBuilder::sense`] used to create this [`Ui`].
1088    ///
1089    /// The rectangle of the [`Response`] (and interactive area) will be [`Self::min_rect`]
1090    /// of the last pass.
1091    ///
1092    /// The very first time when the [`Ui`] is created, this will return a [`Response`] with a
1093    /// [`Rect`] of [`Rect::NOTHING`].
1094    pub fn response(&self) -> Response {
1095        // This is the inverse of Context::read_response. We prefer a response
1096        // based on last frame's widget rect since the one from this frame is Rect::NOTHING until
1097        // Ui::interact_bg is called or the Ui is dropped.
1098        self.ctx()
1099            .viewport(|viewport| {
1100                viewport
1101                    .prev_pass
1102                    .widgets
1103                    .get(self.unique_id)
1104                    .or_else(|| viewport.this_pass.widgets.get(self.unique_id))
1105                    .copied()
1106            })
1107            .map(|widget_rect| self.ctx().get_response(widget_rect))
1108            .expect(
1109                "Since we always call Context::create_widget in Ui::new, this should never be None",
1110            )
1111    }
1113    /// Update the [`WidgetRect`] created in [`Ui::new`] or [`Ui::new_child`] with the current
1114    /// [`Ui::min_rect`].
1115    fn remember_min_rect(&mut self) -> Response {
1116        self.min_rect_already_remembered = true;
1117        // We remove the id from used_ids to prevent a duplicate id warning from showing
1118        // when the ui was created with `UiBuilder::sense`.
1119        // This is a bit hacky, is there a better way?
1120        self.ctx().pass_state_mut(|fs| {
1121            fs.used_ids.remove(&self.unique_id);
1122        });
1123        // This will update the WidgetRect that was first created in `Ui::new`.
1124        self.ctx().create_widget(
1125            WidgetRect {
1126                id: self.unique_id,
1127                layer_id: self.layer_id(),
1128                rect: self.min_rect(),
1129                interact_rect: self.clip_rect().intersect(self.min_rect()),
1130                sense: self.sense,
1131                enabled: self.enabled,
1132            },
1133            false,
1134        )
1135    }
1137    /// Interact with the background of this [`Ui`],
1138    /// i.e. behind all the widgets.
1139    ///
1140    /// The rectangle of the [`Response`] (and interactive area) will be [`Self::min_rect`].
1141    #[deprecated = "Use UiBuilder::sense with Ui::response instead"]
1142    pub fn interact_bg(&self, sense: Sense) -> Response {
1143        // This will update the WidgetRect that was first created in `Ui::new`.
1144        self.interact(self.min_rect(), self.unique_id, sense)
1145    }
1147    /// Is the pointer (mouse/touch) above this rectangle in this [`Ui`]?
1148    ///
1149    /// The `clip_rect` and layer of this [`Ui`] will be respected, so, for instance,
1150    /// if this [`Ui`] is behind some other window, this will always return `false`.
1151    ///
1152    /// However, this will NOT check if any other _widget_ in the same layer is covering this widget. For that, use [`Response::contains_pointer`] instead.
1153    pub fn rect_contains_pointer(&self, rect: Rect) -> bool {
1154        self.ctx()
1155            .rect_contains_pointer(self.layer_id(), self.clip_rect().intersect(rect))
1156    }
1158    /// Is the pointer (mouse/touch) above the current [`Ui`]?
1159    ///
1160    /// Equivalent to `ui.rect_contains_pointer(ui.min_rect())`
1161    ///
1162    /// Note that this tests against the _current_ [`Ui::min_rect`].
1163    /// If you want to test against the final `min_rect`,
1164    /// use [`Self::response`] instead.
1165    pub fn ui_contains_pointer(&self) -> bool {
1166        self.rect_contains_pointer(self.min_rect())
1167    }
1170/// # Allocating space: where do I put my widgets?
1171impl Ui {
1172    /// Allocate space for a widget and check for interaction in the space.
1173    /// Returns a [`Response`] which contains a rectangle, id, and interaction info.
1174    ///
1175    /// ## How sizes are negotiated
1176    /// Each widget should have a *minimum desired size* and a *desired size*.
1177    /// When asking for space, ask AT LEAST for your minimum, and don't ask for more than you need.
1178    /// If you want to fill the space, ask about [`Ui::available_size`] and use that.
1179    ///
1180    /// You may get MORE space than you asked for, for instance
1181    /// for justified layouts, like in menus.
1182    ///
1183    /// You will never get a rectangle that is smaller than the amount of space you asked for.
1184    ///
1185    /// ```
1186    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
1187    /// let response = ui.allocate_response(egui::vec2(100.0, 200.0), egui::Sense::click());
1188    /// if response.clicked() { /* … */ }
1189    /// ui.painter().rect_stroke(response.rect, 0.0, (1.0, egui::Color32::WHITE), egui::StrokeKind::Inside);
1190    /// # });
1191    /// ```
1192    pub fn allocate_response(&mut self, desired_size: Vec2, sense: Sense) -> Response {
1193        let (id, rect) = self.allocate_space(desired_size);
1194        let mut response = self.interact(rect, id, sense);
1195        response.intrinsic_size = Some(desired_size);
1196        response
1197    }
1199    /// Returns a [`Rect`] with exactly what you asked for.
1200    ///
1201    /// The response rect will be larger if this is part of a justified layout or similar.
1202    /// This means that if this is a narrow widget in a wide justified layout, then
1203    /// the widget will react to interactions outside the returned [`Rect`].
1204    pub fn allocate_exact_size(&mut self, desired_size: Vec2, sense: Sense) -> (Rect, Response) {
1205        let response = self.allocate_response(desired_size, sense);
1206        let rect = self
1207            .placer
1208            .align_size_within_rect(desired_size, response.rect);
1209        (rect, response)
1210    }
1212    /// Allocate at least as much space as needed, and interact with that rect.
1213    ///
1214    /// The returned [`Rect`] will be the same size as `Response::rect`.
1215    pub fn allocate_at_least(&mut self, desired_size: Vec2, sense: Sense) -> (Rect, Response) {
1216        let response = self.allocate_response(desired_size, sense);
1217        (response.rect, response)
1218    }
1220    /// Reserve this much space and move the cursor.
1221    /// Returns where to put the widget.
1222    ///
1223    /// ## How sizes are negotiated
1224    /// Each widget should have a *minimum desired size* and a *desired size*.
1225    /// When asking for space, ask AT LEAST for your minimum, and don't ask for more than you need.
1226    /// If you want to fill the space, ask about [`Ui::available_size`] and use that.
1227    ///
1228    /// You may get MORE space than you asked for, for instance
1229    /// for justified layouts, like in menus.
1230    ///
1231    /// You will never get a rectangle that is smaller than the amount of space you asked for.
1232    ///
1233    /// Returns an automatic [`Id`] (which you can use for interaction) and the [`Rect`] of where to put your widget.
1234    ///
1235    /// ```
1236    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
1237    /// let (id, rect) = ui.allocate_space(egui::vec2(100.0, 200.0));
1238    /// let response = ui.interact(rect, id, egui::Sense::click());
1239    /// # });
1240    /// ```
1241    pub fn allocate_space(&mut self, desired_size: Vec2) -> (Id, Rect) {
1242        #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
1243        let original_available = self.available_size_before_wrap();
1245        let rect = self.allocate_space_impl(desired_size);
1247        #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
1248        {
1249            let too_wide = desired_size.x > original_available.x;
1250            let too_high = desired_size.y > original_available.y;
1252            let debug_expand_width =;
1253            let debug_expand_height =;
1255            if (debug_expand_width && too_wide) || (debug_expand_height && too_high) {
1256                self.painter.rect_stroke(
1257                    rect,
1258                    0.0,
1259                    (1.0, Color32::LIGHT_BLUE),
1260                    crate::StrokeKind::Inside,
1261                );
1263                let stroke = Stroke::new(2.5, Color32::from_rgb(200, 0, 0));
1264                let paint_line_seg = |a, b| self.painter().line_segment([a, b], stroke);
1266                if debug_expand_width && too_wide {
1267                    paint_line_seg(rect.left_top(), rect.left_bottom());
1268                    paint_line_seg(rect.left_center(), rect.right_center());
1269                    paint_line_seg(
1270                        pos2(rect.left() + original_available.x,,
1271                        pos2(rect.left() + original_available.x, rect.bottom()),
1272                    );
1273                    paint_line_seg(rect.right_top(), rect.right_bottom());
1274                }
1276                if debug_expand_height && too_high {
1277                    paint_line_seg(rect.left_top(), rect.right_top());
1278                    paint_line_seg(rect.center_top(), rect.center_bottom());
1279                    paint_line_seg(rect.left_bottom(), rect.right_bottom());
1280                }
1281            }
1282        }
1284        let id = Id::new(self.next_auto_id_salt);
1285        self.next_auto_id_salt = self.next_auto_id_salt.wrapping_add(1);
1287        (id, rect)
1288    }
1290    /// Reserve this much space and move the cursor.
1291    /// Returns where to put the widget.
1292    fn allocate_space_impl(&mut self, desired_size: Vec2) -> Rect {
1293        let item_spacing = self.spacing().item_spacing;
1294        let frame_rect = self.placer.next_space(desired_size, item_spacing);
1295        debug_assert!(!frame_rect.any_nan());
1296        let widget_rect = self.placer.justify_and_align(frame_rect, desired_size);
1298        self.placer
1299            .advance_after_rects(frame_rect, widget_rect, item_spacing);
1301        register_rect(self, widget_rect);
1303        widget_rect
1304    }
1306    /// Allocate a specific part of the [`Ui`].
1307    ///
1308    /// Ignore the layout of the [`Ui`]: just put my widget here!
1309    /// The layout cursor will advance to past this `rect`.
1310    pub fn allocate_rect(&mut self, rect: Rect, sense: Sense) -> Response {
1311        let rect = rect.round_ui();
1312        let id = self.advance_cursor_after_rect(rect);
1313        self.interact(rect, id, sense)
1314    }
1316    /// Allocate a rect without interacting with it.
1317    pub fn advance_cursor_after_rect(&mut self, rect: Rect) -> Id {
1318        debug_assert!(!rect.any_nan());
1319        let rect = rect.round_ui();
1321        let item_spacing = self.spacing().item_spacing;
1322        self.placer.advance_after_rects(rect, rect, item_spacing);
1323        register_rect(self, rect);
1325        let id = Id::new(self.next_auto_id_salt);
1326        self.next_auto_id_salt = self.next_auto_id_salt.wrapping_add(1);
1327        id
1328    }
1330    pub(crate) fn placer(&self) -> &Placer {
1331        &self.placer
1332    }
1334    /// Where the next widget will be put.
1335    ///
1336    /// One side of this will always be infinite: the direction in which new widgets will be added.
1337    /// The opposing side is what is incremented.
1338    /// The crossing sides are initialized to `max_rect`.
1339    ///
1340    /// So one can think of `cursor` as a constraint on the available region.
1341    ///
1342    /// If something has already been added, this will point to `style.spacing.item_spacing` beyond the latest child.
1343    /// The cursor can thus be `style.spacing.item_spacing` pixels outside of the `min_rect`.
1344    pub fn cursor(&self) -> Rect {
1345        self.placer.cursor()
1346    }
1348    pub(crate) fn set_cursor(&mut self, cursor: Rect) {
1349        self.placer.set_cursor(cursor);
1350    }
1352    /// Where do we expect a zero-sized widget to be placed?
1353    pub fn next_widget_position(&self) -> Pos2 {
1354        self.placer.next_widget_position()
1355    }
1357    /// Allocated the given space and then adds content to that space.
1358    /// If the contents overflow, more space will be allocated.
1359    /// When finished, the amount of space actually used (`min_rect`) will be allocated.
1360    /// So you can request a lot of space and then use less.
1361    #[inline]
1362    pub fn allocate_ui<R>(
1363        &mut self,
1364        desired_size: Vec2,
1365        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R,
1366    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
1367        self.allocate_ui_with_layout(desired_size, *self.layout(), add_contents)
1368    }
1370    /// Allocated the given space and then adds content to that space.
1371    /// If the contents overflow, more space will be allocated.
1372    /// When finished, the amount of space actually used (`min_rect`) will be allocated.
1373    /// So you can request a lot of space and then use less.
1374    #[inline]
1375    pub fn allocate_ui_with_layout<R>(
1376        &mut self,
1377        desired_size: Vec2,
1378        layout: Layout,
1379        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R,
1380    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
1381        self.allocate_ui_with_layout_dyn(desired_size, layout, Box::new(add_contents))
1382    }
1384    fn allocate_ui_with_layout_dyn<'c, R>(
1385        &mut self,
1386        desired_size: Vec2,
1387        layout: Layout,
1388        add_contents: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R + 'c>,
1389    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
1390        debug_assert!(desired_size.x >= 0.0 && desired_size.y >= 0.0);
1391        let item_spacing = self.spacing().item_spacing;
1392        let frame_rect = self.placer.next_space(desired_size, item_spacing);
1393        let child_rect = self.placer.justify_and_align(frame_rect, desired_size);
1394        self.allocate_new_ui(
1395            UiBuilder::new().max_rect(child_rect).layout(layout),
1396            add_contents,
1397        )
1398    }
1400    /// Allocated the given rectangle and then adds content to that rectangle.
1401    ///
1402    /// If the contents overflow, more space will be allocated.
1403    /// When finished, the amount of space actually used (`min_rect`) will be allocated.
1404    /// So you can request a lot of space and then use less.
1405    #[deprecated = "Use `allocate_new_ui` instead"]
1406    pub fn allocate_ui_at_rect<R>(
1407        &mut self,
1408        max_rect: Rect,
1409        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R,
1410    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
1411        self.allocate_new_ui(UiBuilder::new().max_rect(max_rect), add_contents)
1412    }
1414    /// Allocated space (`UiBuilder::max_rect`) and then add content to it.
1415    ///
1416    /// If the contents overflow, more space will be allocated.
1417    /// When finished, the amount of space actually used (`min_rect`) will be allocated in the parent.
1418    /// So you can request a lot of space and then use less.
1419    pub fn allocate_new_ui<R>(
1420        &mut self,
1421        ui_builder: UiBuilder,
1422        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R,
1423    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
1424        self.allocate_new_ui_dyn(ui_builder, Box::new(add_contents))
1425    }
1427    fn allocate_new_ui_dyn<'c, R>(
1428        &mut self,
1429        ui_builder: UiBuilder,
1430        add_contents: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R + 'c>,
1431    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
1432        let mut child_ui = self.new_child(ui_builder);
1433        let inner = add_contents(&mut child_ui);
1434        let rect = child_ui.min_rect();
1435        let item_spacing = self.spacing().item_spacing;
1436        self.placer.advance_after_rects(rect, rect, item_spacing);
1437        register_rect(self, rect);
1438        let response = self.interact(rect, child_ui.unique_id, Sense::hover());
1439        InnerResponse::new(inner, response)
1440    }
1442    /// Convenience function to get a region to paint on.
1443    ///
1444    /// Note that egui uses screen coordinates for everything.
1445    ///
1446    /// ```
1447    /// # use egui::*;
1448    /// # use std::f32::consts::TAU;
1449    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
1450    /// let size = Vec2::splat(16.0);
1451    /// let (response, painter) = ui.allocate_painter(size, Sense::hover());
1452    /// let rect = response.rect;
1453    /// let c =;
1454    /// let r = rect.width() / 2.0 - 1.0;
1455    /// let color = Color32::from_gray(128);
1456    /// let stroke = Stroke::new(1.0, color);
1457    /// painter.circle_stroke(c, r, stroke);
1458    /// painter.line_segment([c - vec2(0.0, r), c + vec2(0.0, r)], stroke);
1459    /// painter.line_segment([c, c + r * Vec2::angled(TAU * 1.0 / 8.0)], stroke);
1460    /// painter.line_segment([c, c + r * Vec2::angled(TAU * 3.0 / 8.0)], stroke);
1461    /// # });
1462    /// ```
1463    pub fn allocate_painter(&mut self, desired_size: Vec2, sense: Sense) -> (Response, Painter) {
1464        let response = self.allocate_response(desired_size, sense);
1465        let clip_rect = self.clip_rect().intersect(response.rect); // Make sure we don't paint out of bounds
1466        let painter = self.painter().with_clip_rect(clip_rect);
1467        (response, painter)
1468    }
1471/// # Scrolling
1472impl Ui {
1473    /// Adjust the scroll position of any parent [`crate::ScrollArea`] so that the given [`Rect`] becomes visible.
1474    ///
1475    /// If `align` is [`Align::TOP`] it means "put the top of the rect at the top of the scroll area", etc.
1476    /// If `align` is `None`, it'll scroll enough to bring the cursor into view.
1477    ///
1478    /// See also: [`Response::scroll_to_me`], [`Ui::scroll_to_cursor`]. [`Ui::scroll_with_delta`]..
1479    ///
1480    /// ```
1481    /// # use egui::Align;
1482    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
1483    /// egui::ScrollArea::vertical().show(ui, |ui| {
1484    ///     // …
1485    ///     let response = ui.button("Center on me.");
1486    ///     if response.clicked() {
1487    ///         ui.scroll_to_rect(response.rect, Some(Align::Center));
1488    ///     }
1489    /// });
1490    /// # });
1491    /// ```
1492    pub fn scroll_to_rect(&self, rect: Rect, align: Option<Align>) {
1493        self.scroll_to_rect_animation(rect, align,;
1494    }
1496    /// Same as [`Self::scroll_to_rect`], but allows you to specify the [`style::ScrollAnimation`].
1497    pub fn scroll_to_rect_animation(
1498        &self,
1499        rect: Rect,
1500        align: Option<Align>,
1501        animation: style::ScrollAnimation,
1502    ) {
1503        for d in 0..2 {
1504            let range = Rangef::new(rect.min[d], rect.max[d]);
1505            self.ctx().pass_state_mut(|state| {
1506                state.scroll_target[d] =
1507                    Some(pass_state::ScrollTarget::new(range, align, animation));
1508            });
1509        }
1510    }
1512    /// Adjust the scroll position of any parent [`crate::ScrollArea`] so that the cursor (where the next widget goes) becomes visible.
1513    ///
1514    /// If `align` is [`Align::TOP`] it means "put the top of the rect at the top of the scroll area", etc.
1515    /// If `align` is not provided, it'll scroll enough to bring the cursor into view.
1516    ///
1517    /// See also: [`Response::scroll_to_me`], [`Ui::scroll_to_rect`]. [`Ui::scroll_with_delta`].
1518    ///
1519    /// ```
1520    /// # use egui::Align;
1521    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
1522    /// egui::ScrollArea::vertical().show(ui, |ui| {
1523    ///     let scroll_bottom = ui.button("Scroll to bottom.").clicked();
1524    ///     for i in 0..1000 {
1525    ///         ui.label(format!("Item {}", i));
1526    ///     }
1527    ///
1528    ///     if scroll_bottom {
1529    ///         ui.scroll_to_cursor(Some(Align::BOTTOM));
1530    ///     }
1531    /// });
1532    /// # });
1533    /// ```
1534    pub fn scroll_to_cursor(&self, align: Option<Align>) {
1535        self.scroll_to_cursor_animation(align,;
1536    }
1538    /// Same as [`Self::scroll_to_cursor`], but allows you to specify the [`style::ScrollAnimation`].
1539    pub fn scroll_to_cursor_animation(
1540        &self,
1541        align: Option<Align>,
1542        animation: style::ScrollAnimation,
1543    ) {
1544        let target = self.next_widget_position();
1545        for d in 0..2 {
1546            let target = Rangef::point(target[d]);
1547            self.ctx().pass_state_mut(|state| {
1548                state.scroll_target[d] =
1549                    Some(pass_state::ScrollTarget::new(target, align, animation));
1550            });
1551        }
1552    }
1554    /// Scroll this many points in the given direction, in the parent [`crate::ScrollArea`].
1555    ///
1556    /// The delta dictates how the _content_ (i.e. this UI) should move.
1557    ///
1558    /// A positive X-value indicates the content is being moved right,
1559    /// as when swiping right on a touch-screen or track-pad with natural scrolling.
1560    ///
1561    /// A positive Y-value indicates the content is being moved down,
1562    /// as when swiping down on a touch-screen or track-pad with natural scrolling.
1563    ///
1564    /// If this is called multiple times per frame for the same [`crate::ScrollArea`], the deltas will be summed.
1565    ///
1566    /// See also: [`Response::scroll_to_me`], [`Ui::scroll_to_rect`], [`Ui::scroll_to_cursor`]
1567    ///
1568    /// ```
1569    /// # use egui::{Align, Vec2};
1570    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
1571    /// let mut scroll_delta = Vec2::ZERO;
1572    /// if ui.button("Scroll down").clicked() {
1573    ///     scroll_delta.y -= 64.0; // move content up
1574    /// }
1575    /// egui::ScrollArea::vertical().show(ui, |ui| {
1576    ///     ui.scroll_with_delta(scroll_delta);
1577    ///     for i in 0..1000 {
1578    ///         ui.label(format!("Item {}", i));
1579    ///     }
1580    /// });
1581    /// # });
1582    /// ```
1583    pub fn scroll_with_delta(&self, delta: Vec2) {
1584        self.scroll_with_delta_animation(delta,;
1585    }
1587    /// Same as [`Self::scroll_with_delta`], but allows you to specify the [`style::ScrollAnimation`].
1588    pub fn scroll_with_delta_animation(&self, delta: Vec2, animation: style::ScrollAnimation) {
1589        self.ctx().pass_state_mut(|state| {
1590            state.scroll_delta.0 += delta;
1591            state.scroll_delta.1 = animation;
1592        });
1593    }
1596/// # Adding widgets
1597impl Ui {
1598    /// Add a [`Widget`] to this [`Ui`] at a location dependent on the current [`Layout`].
1599    ///
1600    /// The returned [`Response`] can be used to check for interactions,
1601    /// as well as adding tooltips using [`Response::on_hover_text`].
1602    ///
1603    /// See also [`Self::add_sized`] and [`Self::put`].
1604    ///
1605    /// ```
1606    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
1607    /// # let mut my_value = 42;
1608    /// let response = ui.add(egui::Slider::new(&mut my_value, 0..=100));
1609    /// response.on_hover_text("Drag me!");
1610    /// # });
1611    /// ```
1612    #[inline]
1613    pub fn add(&mut self, widget: impl Widget) -> Response {
1614        widget.ui(self)
1615    }
1617    /// Add a [`Widget`] to this [`Ui`] with a given size.
1618    /// The widget will attempt to fit within the given size, but some widgets may overflow.
1619    ///
1620    /// To fill all remaining area, use `ui.add_sized(ui.available_size(), widget);`
1621    ///
1622    /// See also [`Self::add`] and [`Self::put`].
1623    ///
1624    /// ```
1625    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
1626    /// # let mut my_value = 42;
1627    /// ui.add_sized([40.0, 20.0], egui::DragValue::new(&mut my_value));
1628    /// # });
1629    /// ```
1630    pub fn add_sized(&mut self, max_size: impl Into<Vec2>, widget: impl Widget) -> Response {
1631        // TODO(emilk): configure to overflow to main_dir instead of centered overflow
1632        // to handle the bug mentioned at
1633        // and fixed in
1634        //
1635        // Make sure we keep the same main direction since it changes e.g. how text is wrapped:
1636        let layout = Layout::centered_and_justified(self.layout().main_dir());
1637        self.allocate_ui_with_layout(max_size.into(), layout, |ui| ui.add(widget))
1638            .inner
1639    }
1641    /// Add a [`Widget`] to this [`Ui`] at a specific location (manual layout).
1642    ///
1643    /// See also [`Self::add`] and [`Self::add_sized`].
1644    pub fn put(&mut self, max_rect: Rect, widget: impl Widget) -> Response {
1645        self.allocate_new_ui(
1646            UiBuilder::new()
1647                .max_rect(max_rect)
1648                .layout(Layout::centered_and_justified(Direction::TopDown)),
1649            |ui| ui.add(widget),
1650        )
1651        .inner
1652    }
1654    /// Add a single [`Widget`] that is possibly disabled, i.e. greyed out and non-interactive.
1655    ///
1656    /// If you call `add_enabled` from within an already disabled [`Ui`],
1657    /// the widget will always be disabled, even if the `enabled` argument is true.
1658    ///
1659    /// See also [`Self::add_enabled_ui`] and [`Self::is_enabled`].
1660    ///
1661    /// ```
1662    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
1663    /// ui.add_enabled(false, egui::Button::new("Can't click this"));
1664    /// # });
1665    /// ```
1666    pub fn add_enabled(&mut self, enabled: bool, widget: impl Widget) -> Response {
1667        if self.is_enabled() && !enabled {
1668            let old_painter = self.painter.clone();
1669            self.disable();
1670            let response = self.add(widget);
1671            self.enabled = true;
1672            self.painter = old_painter;
1673            response
1674        } else {
1675            self.add(widget)
1676        }
1677    }
1679    /// Add a section that is possibly disabled, i.e. greyed out and non-interactive.
1680    ///
1681    /// If you call `add_enabled_ui` from within an already disabled [`Ui`],
1682    /// the result will always be disabled, even if the `enabled` argument is true.
1683    ///
1684    /// See also [`Self::add_enabled`] and [`Self::is_enabled`].
1685    ///
1686    /// ### Example
1687    /// ```
1688    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
1689    /// # let mut enabled = true;
1690    /// ui.checkbox(&mut enabled, "Enable subsection");
1691    /// ui.add_enabled_ui(enabled, |ui| {
1692    ///     if ui.button("Button that is not always clickable").clicked() {
1693    ///         /* … */
1694    ///     }
1695    /// });
1696    /// # });
1697    /// ```
1698    pub fn add_enabled_ui<R>(
1699        &mut self,
1700        enabled: bool,
1701        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R,
1702    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
1703        self.scope(|ui| {
1704            if !enabled {
1705                ui.disable();
1706            }
1707            add_contents(ui)
1708        })
1709    }
1711    /// Add a single [`Widget`] that is possibly invisible.
1712    ///
1713    /// An invisible widget still takes up the same space as if it were visible.
1714    ///
1715    /// If you call `add_visible` from within an already invisible [`Ui`],
1716    /// the widget will always be invisible, even if the `visible` argument is true.
1717    ///
1718    /// See also [`Self::add_visible_ui`], [`Self::set_visible`] and [`Self::is_visible`].
1719    ///
1720    /// ```
1721    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
1722    /// ui.add_visible(false, egui::Label::new("You won't see me!"));
1723    /// # });
1724    /// ```
1725    pub fn add_visible(&mut self, visible: bool, widget: impl Widget) -> Response {
1726        if self.is_visible() && !visible {
1727            // temporary make us invisible:
1728            let old_painter = self.painter.clone();
1729            let old_enabled = self.enabled;
1731            self.set_invisible();
1733            let response = self.add(widget);
1735            self.painter = old_painter;
1736            self.enabled = old_enabled;
1737            response
1738        } else {
1739            self.add(widget)
1740        }
1741    }
1743    /// Add a section that is possibly invisible, i.e. greyed out and non-interactive.
1744    ///
1745    /// An invisible ui still takes up the same space as if it were visible.
1746    ///
1747    /// If you call `add_visible_ui` from within an already invisible [`Ui`],
1748    /// the result will always be invisible, even if the `visible` argument is true.
1749    ///
1750    /// See also [`Self::add_visible`], [`Self::set_visible`] and [`Self::is_visible`].
1751    ///
1752    /// ### Example
1753    /// ```
1754    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
1755    /// # let mut visible = true;
1756    /// ui.checkbox(&mut visible, "Show subsection");
1757    /// ui.add_visible_ui(visible, |ui| {
1758    ///     ui.label("Maybe you see this, maybe you don't!");
1759    /// });
1760    /// # });
1761    /// ```
1762    #[deprecated = "Use 'ui.scope_builder' instead"]
1763    pub fn add_visible_ui<R>(
1764        &mut self,
1765        visible: bool,
1766        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R,
1767    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
1768        let mut ui_builder = UiBuilder::new();
1769        if !visible {
1770            ui_builder = ui_builder.invisible();
1771        }
1772        self.scope_builder(ui_builder, add_contents)
1773    }
1775    /// Add extra space before the next widget.
1776    ///
1777    /// The direction is dependent on the layout.
1778    ///
1779    /// This will be in addition to the [`crate::style::Spacing::item_spacing`]
1780    /// that is always added, but `item_spacing` won't be added _again_ by `add_space`.
1781    ///
1782    /// [`Self::min_rect`] will expand to contain the space.
1783    #[inline]
1784    pub fn add_space(&mut self, amount: f32) {
1785        self.placer.advance_cursor(amount.round_ui());
1786    }
1788    /// Show some text.
1789    ///
1790    /// Shortcut for `add(Label::new(text))`
1791    ///
1792    /// See also [`Label`].
1793    ///
1794    /// ### Example
1795    /// ```
1796    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
1797    /// use egui::{RichText, FontId, Color32};
1798    /// ui.label("Normal text");
1799    /// ui.label(RichText::new("Large text").font(FontId::proportional(40.0)));
1800    /// ui.label(RichText::new("Red text").color(Color32::RED));
1801    /// # });
1802    /// ```
1803    #[inline]
1804    pub fn label(&mut self, text: impl Into<WidgetText>) -> Response {
1805        Label::new(text).ui(self)
1806    }
1808    /// Show colored text.
1809    ///
1810    /// Shortcut for `ui.label(RichText::new(text).color(color))`
1811    pub fn colored_label(
1812        &mut self,
1813        color: impl Into<Color32>,
1814        text: impl Into<RichText>,
1815    ) -> Response {
1816        Label::new(text.into().color(color)).ui(self)
1817    }
1819    /// Show large text.
1820    ///
1821    /// Shortcut for `ui.label(RichText::new(text).heading())`
1822    pub fn heading(&mut self, text: impl Into<RichText>) -> Response {
1823        Label::new(text.into().heading()).ui(self)
1824    }
1826    /// Show monospace (fixed width) text.
1827    ///
1828    /// Shortcut for `ui.label(RichText::new(text).monospace())`
1829    pub fn monospace(&mut self, text: impl Into<RichText>) -> Response {
1830        Label::new(text.into().monospace()).ui(self)
1831    }
1833    /// Show text as monospace with a gray background.
1834    ///
1835    /// Shortcut for `ui.label(RichText::new(text).code())`
1836    pub fn code(&mut self, text: impl Into<RichText>) -> Response {
1837        Label::new(text.into().code()).ui(self)
1838    }
1840    /// Show small text.
1841    ///
1842    /// Shortcut for `ui.label(RichText::new(text).small())`
1843    pub fn small(&mut self, text: impl Into<RichText>) -> Response {
1844        Label::new(text.into().small()).ui(self)
1845    }
1847    /// Show text that stand out a bit (e.g. slightly brighter).
1848    ///
1849    /// Shortcut for `ui.label(RichText::new(text).strong())`
1850    pub fn strong(&mut self, text: impl Into<RichText>) -> Response {
1851        Label::new(text.into().strong()).ui(self)
1852    }
1854    /// Show text that is weaker (fainter color).
1855    ///
1856    /// Shortcut for `ui.label(RichText::new(text).weak())`
1857    pub fn weak(&mut self, text: impl Into<RichText>) -> Response {
1858        Label::new(text.into().weak()).ui(self)
1859    }
1861    /// Looks like a hyperlink.
1862    ///
1863    /// Shortcut for `add(Link::new(text))`.
1864    ///
1865    /// ```
1866    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
1867    /// if"Documentation").clicked() {
1868    ///     // …
1869    /// }
1870    /// # });
1871    /// ```
1872    ///
1873    /// See also [`Link`].
1874    #[must_use = "You should check if the user clicked this with `if…).clicked() { … } "]
1875    pub fn link(&mut self, text: impl Into<WidgetText>) -> Response {
1876        Link::new(text).ui(self)
1877    }
1879    /// Link to a web page.
1880    ///
1881    /// Shortcut for `add(Hyperlink::new(url))`.
1882    ///
1883    /// ```
1884    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
1885    /// ui.hyperlink("");
1886    /// # });
1887    /// ```
1888    ///
1889    /// See also [`Hyperlink`].
1890    pub fn hyperlink(&mut self, url: impl ToString) -> Response {
1891        Hyperlink::new(url).ui(self)
1892    }
1894    /// Shortcut for `add(Hyperlink::from_label_and_url(label, url))`.
1895    ///
1896    /// ```
1897    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
1898    /// ui.hyperlink_to("egui on GitHub", "");
1899    /// # });
1900    /// ```
1901    ///
1902    /// See also [`Hyperlink`].
1903    pub fn hyperlink_to(&mut self, label: impl Into<WidgetText>, url: impl ToString) -> Response {
1904        Hyperlink::from_label_and_url(label, url).ui(self)
1905    }
1907    /// No newlines (`\n`) allowed. Pressing enter key will result in the [`TextEdit`] losing focus (`response.lost_focus`).
1908    ///
1909    /// See also [`TextEdit`].
1910    pub fn text_edit_singleline<S: widgets::text_edit::TextBuffer>(
1911        &mut self,
1912        text: &mut S,
1913    ) -> Response {
1914        TextEdit::singleline(text).ui(self)
1915    }
1917    /// A [`TextEdit`] for multiple lines. Pressing enter key will create a new line.
1918    ///
1919    /// See also [`TextEdit`].
1920    pub fn text_edit_multiline<S: widgets::text_edit::TextBuffer>(
1921        &mut self,
1922        text: &mut S,
1923    ) -> Response {
1924        TextEdit::multiline(text).ui(self)
1925    }
1927    /// A [`TextEdit`] for code editing.
1928    ///
1929    /// This will be multiline, monospace, and will insert tabs instead of moving focus.
1930    ///
1931    /// See also [`TextEdit::code_editor`].
1932    pub fn code_editor<S: widgets::text_edit::TextBuffer>(&mut self, text: &mut S) -> Response {
1933        self.add(TextEdit::multiline(text).code_editor())
1934    }
1936    /// Usage: `if ui.button("Click me").clicked() { … }`
1937    ///
1938    /// Shortcut for `add(Button::new(text))`
1939    ///
1940    /// See also [`Button`].
1941    ///
1942    /// ```
1943    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
1944    /// if ui.button("Click me!").clicked() {
1945    ///     // …
1946    /// }
1947    ///
1948    /// # use egui::{RichText, Color32};
1949    /// if ui.button(RichText::new("delete").color(Color32::RED)).clicked() {
1950    ///     // …
1951    /// }
1952    /// # });
1953    /// ```
1954    #[must_use = "You should check if the user clicked this with `if ui.button(…).clicked() { … } "]
1955    #[inline]
1956    pub fn button(&mut self, text: impl Into<WidgetText>) -> Response {
1957        Button::new(text).ui(self)
1958    }
1960    /// A button as small as normal body text.
1961    ///
1962    /// Usage: `if ui.small_button("Click me").clicked() { … }`
1963    ///
1964    /// Shortcut for `add(Button::new(text).small())`
1965    #[must_use = "You should check if the user clicked this with `if ui.small_button(…).clicked() { … } "]
1966    pub fn small_button(&mut self, text: impl Into<WidgetText>) -> Response {
1967        Button::new(text).small().ui(self)
1968    }
1970    /// Show a checkbox.
1971    ///
1972    /// See also [`Self::toggle_value`].
1973    #[inline]
1974    pub fn checkbox(&mut self, checked: &mut bool, text: impl Into<WidgetText>) -> Response {
1975        Checkbox::new(checked, text).ui(self)
1976    }
1978    /// Acts like a checkbox, but looks like a [`SelectableLabel`].
1979    ///
1980    /// Click to toggle to bool.
1981    ///
1982    /// See also [`Self::checkbox`].
1983    pub fn toggle_value(&mut self, selected: &mut bool, text: impl Into<WidgetText>) -> Response {
1984        let mut response = self.selectable_label(*selected, text);
1985        if response.clicked() {
1986            *selected = !*selected;
1987            response.mark_changed();
1988        }
1989        response
1990    }
1992    /// Show a [`RadioButton`].
1993    /// Often you want to use [`Self::radio_value`] instead.
1994    #[must_use = "You should check if the user clicked this with `if…).clicked() { … } "]
1995    #[inline]
1996    pub fn radio(&mut self, selected: bool, text: impl Into<WidgetText>) -> Response {
1997        RadioButton::new(selected, text).ui(self)
1998    }
2000    /// Show a [`RadioButton`]. It is selected if `*current_value == selected_value`.
2001    /// If clicked, `selected_value` is assigned to `*current_value`.
2002    ///
2003    /// ```
2004    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
2005    ///
2006    /// #[derive(PartialEq)]
2007    /// enum Enum { First, Second, Third }
2008    /// let mut my_enum = Enum::First;
2009    ///
2010    /// ui.radio_value(&mut my_enum, Enum::First, "First");
2011    ///
2012    /// // is equivalent to:
2013    ///
2014    /// if ui.add(egui::RadioButton::new(my_enum == Enum::First, "First")).clicked() {
2015    ///     my_enum = Enum::First
2016    /// }
2017    /// # });
2018    /// ```
2019    pub fn radio_value<Value: PartialEq>(
2020        &mut self,
2021        current_value: &mut Value,
2022        alternative: Value,
2023        text: impl Into<WidgetText>,
2024    ) -> Response {
2025        let mut response =*current_value == alternative, text);
2026        if response.clicked() && *current_value != alternative {
2027            *current_value = alternative;
2028            response.mark_changed();
2029        }
2030        response
2031    }
2033    /// Show a label which can be selected or not.
2034    ///
2035    /// See also [`SelectableLabel`] and [`Self::toggle_value`].
2036    #[must_use = "You should check if the user clicked this with `if ui.selectable_label(…).clicked() { … } "]
2037    pub fn selectable_label(&mut self, checked: bool, text: impl Into<WidgetText>) -> Response {
2038        SelectableLabel::new(checked, text).ui(self)
2039    }
2041    /// Show selectable text. It is selected if `*current_value == selected_value`.
2042    /// If clicked, `selected_value` is assigned to `*current_value`.
2043    ///
2044    /// Example: `ui.selectable_value(&mut my_enum, Enum::Alternative, "Alternative")`.
2045    ///
2046    /// See also [`SelectableLabel`] and [`Self::toggle_value`].
2047    pub fn selectable_value<Value: PartialEq>(
2048        &mut self,
2049        current_value: &mut Value,
2050        selected_value: Value,
2051        text: impl Into<WidgetText>,
2052    ) -> Response {
2053        let mut response = self.selectable_label(*current_value == selected_value, text);
2054        if response.clicked() && *current_value != selected_value {
2055            *current_value = selected_value;
2056            response.mark_changed();
2057        }
2058        response
2059    }
2061    /// Shortcut for `add(Separator::default())`
2062    ///
2063    /// See also [`Separator`].
2064    #[inline]
2065    pub fn separator(&mut self) -> Response {
2066        Separator::default().ui(self)
2067    }
2069    /// Shortcut for `add(Spinner::new())`
2070    ///
2071    /// See also [`Spinner`].
2072    #[inline]
2073    pub fn spinner(&mut self) -> Response {
2074        Spinner::new().ui(self)
2075    }
2077    /// Modify an angle. The given angle should be in radians, but is shown to the user in degrees.
2078    /// The angle is NOT wrapped, so the user may select, for instance 720° = 2𝞃 = 4π
2079    pub fn drag_angle(&mut self, radians: &mut f32) -> Response {
2080        let mut degrees = radians.to_degrees();
2081        let mut response = self.add(DragValue::new(&mut degrees).speed(1.0).suffix("°"));
2083        // only touch `*radians` if we actually changed the degree value
2084        if degrees != radians.to_degrees() {
2085            *radians = degrees.to_radians();
2086            response.mark_changed();
2087        }
2089        response
2090    }
2092    /// Modify an angle. The given angle should be in radians,
2093    /// but is shown to the user in fractions of one Tau (i.e. fractions of one turn).
2094    /// The angle is NOT wrapped, so the user may select, for instance 2𝞃 (720°)
2095    pub fn drag_angle_tau(&mut self, radians: &mut f32) -> Response {
2096        use std::f32::consts::TAU;
2098        let mut taus = *radians / TAU;
2099        let mut response = self.add(DragValue::new(&mut taus).speed(0.01).suffix("τ"));
2101        if {
2102            response =
2103                response.on_hover_text("1τ = one turn, 0.5τ = half a turn, etc. 0.25τ = 90°");
2104        }
2106        // only touch `*radians` if we actually changed the value
2107        if taus != *radians / TAU {
2108            *radians = taus * TAU;
2109            response.mark_changed();
2110        }
2112        response
2113    }
2115    /// Show an image available at the given `uri`.
2116    ///
2117    /// ⚠ This will do nothing unless you install some image loaders first!
2118    /// The easiest way to do this is via [`egui_extras::install_image_loaders`](
2119    ///
2120    /// The loaders handle caching image data, sampled textures, etc. across frames, so calling this is immediate-mode safe.
2121    ///
2122    /// ```
2123    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
2124    /// ui.image("");
2125    /// ui.image("file://assets/ferris.png");
2126    /// ui.image(egui::include_image!("../assets/ferris.png"));
2127    /// ui.add(
2128    ///     egui::Image::new(egui::include_image!("../assets/ferris.png"))
2129    ///         .max_width(200.0)
2130    ///         .corner_radius(10),
2131    /// );
2132    /// # });
2133    /// ```
2134    ///
2135    /// Using [`crate::include_image`] is often the most ergonomic, and the path
2136    /// will be resolved at compile-time and embedded in the binary.
2137    /// When using a "file://" url on the other hand, you need to make sure
2138    /// the files can be found in the right spot at runtime!
2139    ///
2140    /// See also [`crate::Image`], [`crate::ImageSource`].
2141    #[inline]
2142    pub fn image<'a>(&mut self, source: impl Into<ImageSource<'a>>) -> Response {
2143        Image::new(source).ui(self)
2144    }
2147/// # Colors
2148impl Ui {
2149    /// Shows a button with the given color.
2150    /// If the user clicks the button, a full color picker is shown.
2151    pub fn color_edit_button_srgba(&mut self, srgba: &mut Color32) -> Response {
2152        color_picker::color_edit_button_srgba(self, srgba, color_picker::Alpha::BlendOrAdditive)
2153    }
2155    /// Shows a button with the given color.
2156    /// If the user clicks the button, a full color picker is shown.
2157    pub fn color_edit_button_hsva(&mut self, hsva: &mut Hsva) -> Response {
2158        color_picker::color_edit_button_hsva(self, hsva, color_picker::Alpha::BlendOrAdditive)
2159    }
2161    /// Shows a button with the given color.
2162    /// If the user clicks the button, a full color picker is shown.
2163    /// The given color is in `sRGB` space.
2164    pub fn color_edit_button_srgb(&mut self, srgb: &mut [u8; 3]) -> Response {
2165        color_picker::color_edit_button_srgb(self, srgb)
2166    }
2168    /// Shows a button with the given color.
2169    /// If the user clicks the button, a full color picker is shown.
2170    /// The given color is in linear RGB space.
2171    pub fn color_edit_button_rgb(&mut self, rgb: &mut [f32; 3]) -> Response {
2172        color_picker::color_edit_button_rgb(self, rgb)
2173    }
2175    /// Shows a button with the given color.
2176    /// If the user clicks the button, a full color picker is shown.
2177    /// The given color is in `sRGBA` space with premultiplied alpha
2178    pub fn color_edit_button_srgba_premultiplied(&mut self, srgba: &mut [u8; 4]) -> Response {
2179        let mut color = Color32::from_rgba_premultiplied(srgba[0], srgba[1], srgba[2], srgba[3]);
2180        let response = self.color_edit_button_srgba(&mut color);
2181        *srgba = color.to_array();
2182        response
2183    }
2185    /// Shows a button with the given color.
2186    /// If the user clicks the button, a full color picker is shown.
2187    /// The given color is in `sRGBA` space without premultiplied alpha.
2188    /// If unsure, what "premultiplied alpha" is, then this is probably the function you want to use.
2189    pub fn color_edit_button_srgba_unmultiplied(&mut self, srgba: &mut [u8; 4]) -> Response {
2190        let mut rgba = Rgba::from_srgba_unmultiplied(srgba[0], srgba[1], srgba[2], srgba[3]);
2191        let response =
2192            color_picker::color_edit_button_rgba(self, &mut rgba, color_picker::Alpha::OnlyBlend);
2193        *srgba = rgba.to_srgba_unmultiplied();
2194        response
2195    }
2197    /// Shows a button with the given color.
2198    /// If the user clicks the button, a full color picker is shown.
2199    /// The given color is in linear RGBA space with premultiplied alpha
2200    pub fn color_edit_button_rgba_premultiplied(&mut self, rgba_premul: &mut [f32; 4]) -> Response {
2201        let mut rgba = Rgba::from_rgba_premultiplied(
2202            rgba_premul[0],
2203            rgba_premul[1],
2204            rgba_premul[2],
2205            rgba_premul[3],
2206        );
2207        let response = color_picker::color_edit_button_rgba(
2208            self,
2209            &mut rgba,
2210            color_picker::Alpha::BlendOrAdditive,
2211        );
2212        *rgba_premul = rgba.to_array();
2213        response
2214    }
2216    /// Shows a button with the given color.
2217    /// If the user clicks the button, a full color picker is shown.
2218    /// The given color is in linear RGBA space without premultiplied alpha.
2219    /// If unsure, what "premultiplied alpha" is, then this is probably the function you want to use.
2220    pub fn color_edit_button_rgba_unmultiplied(&mut self, rgba_unmul: &mut [f32; 4]) -> Response {
2221        let mut rgba = Rgba::from_rgba_unmultiplied(
2222            rgba_unmul[0],
2223            rgba_unmul[1],
2224            rgba_unmul[2],
2225            rgba_unmul[3],
2226        );
2227        let response =
2228            color_picker::color_edit_button_rgba(self, &mut rgba, color_picker::Alpha::OnlyBlend);
2229        *rgba_unmul = rgba.to_rgba_unmultiplied();
2230        response
2231    }
2234/// # Adding Containers / Sub-uis:
2235impl Ui {
2236    /// Put into a [`Frame::group`], visually grouping the contents together
2237    ///
2238    /// ```
2239    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
2240    ///|ui| {
2241    ///     ui.label("Within a frame");
2242    /// });
2243    /// # });
2244    /// ```
2245    ///
2246    /// See also [`Self::scope`].
2247    pub fn group<R>(&mut self, add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2248        crate::Frame::group(, add_contents)
2249    }
2251    /// Create a child Ui with an explicit [`Id`].
2252    ///
2253    /// ```
2254    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
2255    /// for i in 0..10 {
2256    ///     // ui.collapsing("Same header", |ui| { }); // this will cause an ID clash because of the same title!
2257    ///
2258    ///     ui.push_id(i, |ui| {
2259    ///         ui.collapsing("Same header", |ui| { }); // this is fine!
2260    ///     });
2261    /// }
2262    /// # });
2263    /// ```
2264    pub fn push_id<R>(
2265        &mut self,
2266        id_salt: impl Hash,
2267        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R,
2268    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2269        self.scope_dyn(UiBuilder::new().id_salt(id_salt), Box::new(add_contents))
2270    }
2272    /// Push another level onto the [`UiStack`].
2273    ///
2274    /// You can use this, for instance, to tag a group of widgets.
2275    #[deprecated = "Use 'ui.scope_builder' instead"]
2276    pub fn push_stack_info<R>(
2277        &mut self,
2278        ui_stack_info: UiStackInfo,
2279        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R,
2280    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2281        self.scope_dyn(
2282            UiBuilder::new().ui_stack_info(ui_stack_info),
2283            Box::new(add_contents),
2284        )
2285    }
2287    /// Create a scoped child ui.
2288    ///
2289    /// You can use this to temporarily change the [`Style`] of a sub-region, for instance:
2290    ///
2291    /// ```
2292    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
2293    /// ui.scope(|ui| {
2294    ///     ui.spacing_mut().slider_width = 200.0; // Temporary change
2295    ///     // …
2296    /// });
2297    /// # });
2298    /// ```
2299    pub fn scope<R>(&mut self, add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2300        self.scope_dyn(UiBuilder::new(), Box::new(add_contents))
2301    }
2303    /// Create a child, add content to it, and then allocate only what was used in the parent `Ui`.
2304    pub fn scope_builder<R>(
2305        &mut self,
2306        ui_builder: UiBuilder,
2307        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R,
2308    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2309        self.scope_dyn(ui_builder, Box::new(add_contents))
2310    }
2312    /// Create a child, add content to it, and then allocate only what was used in the parent `Ui`.
2313    pub fn scope_dyn<'c, R>(
2314        &mut self,
2315        ui_builder: UiBuilder,
2316        add_contents: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R + 'c>,
2317    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2318        let next_auto_id_salt = self.next_auto_id_salt;
2319        let mut child_ui = self.new_child(ui_builder);
2320        self.next_auto_id_salt = next_auto_id_salt; // HACK: we want `scope` to only increment this once, so that `ui.scope` is equivalent to `ui.allocate_space`.
2321        let ret = add_contents(&mut child_ui);
2322        let response = child_ui.remember_min_rect();
2323        self.advance_cursor_after_rect(child_ui.min_rect());
2324        InnerResponse::new(ret, response)
2325    }
2327    /// Redirect shapes to another paint layer.
2328    ///
2329    /// ```
2330    /// # use egui::{LayerId, Order, Id};
2331    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
2332    /// let layer_id = LayerId::new(Order::Tooltip, Id::new("my_floating_ui"));
2333    /// ui.with_layer_id(layer_id, |ui| {
2334    ///     ui.label("This is now in a different layer");
2335    /// });
2336    /// # });
2337    /// ```
2338    #[deprecated = "Use ui.scope_builder(UiBuilder::new().layer_id(…), …) instead"]
2339    pub fn with_layer_id<R>(
2340        &mut self,
2341        layer_id: LayerId,
2342        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R,
2343    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2344        self.scope_builder(UiBuilder::new().layer_id(layer_id), add_contents)
2345    }
2347    /// A [`CollapsingHeader`] that starts out collapsed.
2348    ///
2349    /// The name must be unique within the current parent,
2350    /// or you need to use [`CollapsingHeader::id_salt`].
2351    pub fn collapsing<R>(
2352        &mut self,
2353        heading: impl Into<WidgetText>,
2354        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R,
2355    ) -> CollapsingResponse<R> {
2356        CollapsingHeader::new(heading).show(self, add_contents)
2357    }
2359    /// Create a child ui which is indented to the right.
2360    ///
2361    /// The `id_salt` here be anything at all.
2362    // TODO(emilk): remove `id_salt` argument?
2363    #[inline]
2364    pub fn indent<R>(
2365        &mut self,
2366        id_salt: impl Hash,
2367        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R,
2368    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2369        self.indent_dyn(id_salt, Box::new(add_contents))
2370    }
2372    fn indent_dyn<'c, R>(
2373        &mut self,
2374        id_salt: impl Hash,
2375        add_contents: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R + 'c>,
2376    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2377        assert!(
2378            self.layout().is_vertical(),
2379            "You can only indent vertical layouts, found {:?}",
2380            self.layout()
2381        );
2383        let indent = self.spacing().indent;
2384        let mut child_rect = self.placer.available_rect_before_wrap();
2385        child_rect.min.x += indent;
2387        let mut child_ui = self.new_child(UiBuilder::new().id_salt(id_salt).max_rect(child_rect));
2388        let ret = add_contents(&mut child_ui);
2390        let left_vline = self.visuals().indent_has_left_vline;
2391        let end_with_horizontal_line = self.spacing().indent_ends_with_horizontal_line;
2393        if left_vline || end_with_horizontal_line {
2394            if end_with_horizontal_line {
2395                child_ui.add_space(4.0);
2396            }
2398            let stroke = self.visuals().widgets.noninteractive.bg_stroke;
2399            let left_top = child_rect.min - 0.5 * indent * Vec2::X;
2400            let left_bottom = pos2(left_top.x, child_ui.min_rect().bottom() - 2.0);
2402            if left_vline {
2403                // draw a faint line on the left to mark the indented section
2404                self.painter.line_segment([left_top, left_bottom], stroke);
2405            }
2407            if end_with_horizontal_line {
2408                let fudge = 2.0; // looks nicer with button rounding in collapsing headers
2409                let right_bottom = pos2(child_ui.min_rect().right() - fudge, left_bottom.y);
2410                self.painter
2411                    .line_segment([left_bottom, right_bottom], stroke);
2412            }
2413        }
2415        let response = self.allocate_rect(child_ui.min_rect(), Sense::hover());
2416        InnerResponse::new(ret, response)
2417    }
2419    /// Start a ui with horizontal layout.
2420    /// After you have called this, the function registers the contents as any other widget.
2421    ///
2422    /// Elements will be centered on the Y axis, i.e.
2423    /// adjusted up and down to lie in the center of the horizontal layout.
2424    /// The initial height is `style.spacing.interact_size.y`.
2425    /// Centering is almost always what you want if you are
2426    /// planning to mix widgets or use different types of text.
2427    ///
2428    /// If you don't want the contents to be centered, use [`Self::horizontal_top`] instead.
2429    ///
2430    /// The returned [`Response`] will only have checked for mouse hover
2431    /// but can be used for tooltips (`on_hover_text`).
2432    /// It also contains the [`Rect`] used by the horizontal layout.
2433    ///
2434    /// ```
2435    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
2436    /// ui.horizontal(|ui| {
2437    ///     ui.label("Same");
2438    ///     ui.label("row");
2439    /// });
2440    /// # });
2441    /// ```
2442    ///
2443    /// See also [`Self::with_layout`] for more options.
2444    #[inline]
2445    pub fn horizontal<R>(&mut self, add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2446        self.horizontal_with_main_wrap_dyn(false, Box::new(add_contents))
2447    }
2449    /// Like [`Self::horizontal`], but allocates the full vertical height and then centers elements vertically.
2450    pub fn horizontal_centered<R>(
2451        &mut self,
2452        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R,
2453    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2454        let initial_size = self.available_size_before_wrap();
2455        let layout = if self.placer.prefer_right_to_left() {
2456            Layout::right_to_left(Align::Center)
2457        } else {
2458            Layout::left_to_right(Align::Center)
2459        }
2460        .with_cross_align(Align::Center);
2461        self.allocate_ui_with_layout_dyn(initial_size, layout, Box::new(add_contents))
2462    }
2464    /// Like [`Self::horizontal`], but aligns content with top.
2465    pub fn horizontal_top<R>(
2466        &mut self,
2467        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R,
2468    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2469        let initial_size = self.available_size_before_wrap();
2470        let layout = if self.placer.prefer_right_to_left() {
2471            Layout::right_to_left(Align::Center)
2472        } else {
2473            Layout::left_to_right(Align::Center)
2474        }
2475        .with_cross_align(Align::Min);
2476        self.allocate_ui_with_layout_dyn(initial_size, layout, Box::new(add_contents))
2477    }
2479    /// Start a ui with horizontal layout that wraps to a new row
2480    /// when it reaches the right edge of the `max_size`.
2481    /// After you have called this, the function registers the contents as any other widget.
2482    ///
2483    /// Elements will be centered on the Y axis, i.e.
2484    /// adjusted up and down to lie in the center of the horizontal layout.
2485    /// The initial height is `style.spacing.interact_size.y`.
2486    /// Centering is almost always what you want if you are
2487    /// planning to mix widgets or use different types of text.
2488    ///
2489    /// The returned [`Response`] will only have checked for mouse hover
2490    /// but can be used for tooltips (`on_hover_text`).
2491    /// It also contains the [`Rect`] used by the horizontal layout.
2492    ///
2493    /// See also [`Self::with_layout`] for more options.
2494    pub fn horizontal_wrapped<R>(
2495        &mut self,
2496        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R,
2497    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2498        self.horizontal_with_main_wrap_dyn(true, Box::new(add_contents))
2499    }
2501    fn horizontal_with_main_wrap_dyn<'c, R>(
2502        &mut self,
2503        main_wrap: bool,
2504        add_contents: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R + 'c>,
2505    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2506        let initial_size = vec2(
2507            self.available_size_before_wrap().x,
2508            self.spacing().interact_size.y, // Assume there will be something interactive on the horizontal layout
2509        );
2511        let layout = if self.placer.prefer_right_to_left() {
2512            Layout::right_to_left(Align::Center)
2513        } else {
2514            Layout::left_to_right(Align::Center)
2515        }
2516        .with_main_wrap(main_wrap);
2518        self.allocate_ui_with_layout_dyn(initial_size, layout, add_contents)
2519    }
2521    /// Start a ui with vertical layout.
2522    /// Widgets will be left-justified.
2523    ///
2524    /// ```
2525    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
2526    /// ui.vertical(|ui| {
2527    ///     ui.label("over");
2528    ///     ui.label("under");
2529    /// });
2530    /// # });
2531    /// ```
2532    ///
2533    /// See also [`Self::with_layout`] for more options.
2534    #[inline]
2535    pub fn vertical<R>(&mut self, add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2536        self.allocate_new_ui(
2537            UiBuilder::new().layout(Layout::top_down(Align::Min)),
2538            add_contents,
2539        )
2540    }
2542    /// Start a ui with vertical layout.
2543    /// Widgets will be horizontally centered.
2544    ///
2545    /// ```
2546    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
2547    /// ui.vertical_centered(|ui| {
2548    ///     ui.label("over");
2549    ///     ui.label("under");
2550    /// });
2551    /// # });
2552    /// ```
2553    #[inline]
2554    pub fn vertical_centered<R>(
2555        &mut self,
2556        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R,
2557    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2558        self.allocate_new_ui(
2559            UiBuilder::new().layout(Layout::top_down(Align::Center)),
2560            add_contents,
2561        )
2562    }
2564    /// Start a ui with vertical layout.
2565    /// Widgets will be horizontally centered and justified (fill full width).
2566    ///
2567    /// ```
2568    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
2569    /// ui.vertical_centered_justified(|ui| {
2570    ///     ui.label("over");
2571    ///     ui.label("under");
2572    /// });
2573    /// # });
2574    /// ```
2575    pub fn vertical_centered_justified<R>(
2576        &mut self,
2577        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R,
2578    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2579        self.allocate_new_ui(
2580            UiBuilder::new().layout(Layout::top_down(Align::Center).with_cross_justify(true)),
2581            add_contents,
2582        )
2583    }
2585    /// The new layout will take up all available space.
2586    ///
2587    /// ```
2588    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
2589    /// ui.with_layout(egui::Layout::right_to_left(egui::Align::TOP), |ui| {
2590    ///     ui.label("world!");
2591    ///     ui.label("Hello");
2592    /// });
2593    /// # });
2594    /// ```
2595    ///
2596    /// If you don't want to use up all available space, use [`Self::allocate_ui_with_layout`].
2597    ///
2598    /// See also the helpers [`Self::horizontal`], [`Self::vertical`], etc.
2599    #[inline]
2600    pub fn with_layout<R>(
2601        &mut self,
2602        layout: Layout,
2603        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R,
2604    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2605        self.allocate_new_ui(UiBuilder::new().layout(layout), add_contents)
2606    }
2608    /// This will make the next added widget centered and justified in the available space.
2609    ///
2610    /// Only one widget may be added to the inner `Ui`!
2611    pub fn centered_and_justified<R>(
2612        &mut self,
2613        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R,
2614    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2615        self.allocate_new_ui(
2616            UiBuilder::new().layout(Layout::centered_and_justified(Direction::TopDown)),
2617            add_contents,
2618        )
2619    }
2621    pub(crate) fn set_grid(&mut self, grid: grid::GridLayout) {
2622        self.placer.set_grid(grid);
2623    }
2625    pub(crate) fn save_grid(&mut self) {
2626        self.placer.save_grid();
2627    }
2629    pub(crate) fn is_grid(&self) -> bool {
2630        self.placer.is_grid()
2631    }
2633    /// Move to the next row in a grid layout or wrapping layout.
2634    /// Otherwise does nothing.
2635    pub fn end_row(&mut self) {
2636        self.placer
2637            .end_row(self.spacing().item_spacing, &self.painter().clone());
2638    }
2640    /// Set row height in horizontal wrapping layout.
2641    pub fn set_row_height(&mut self, height: f32) {
2642        self.placer.set_row_height(height);
2643    }
2645    /// Temporarily split a [`Ui`] into several columns.
2646    ///
2647    /// ```
2648    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
2649    /// ui.columns(2, |columns| {
2650    ///     columns[0].label("First column");
2651    ///     columns[1].label("Second column");
2652    /// });
2653    /// # });
2654    /// ```
2655    #[inline]
2656    pub fn columns<R>(
2657        &mut self,
2658        num_columns: usize,
2659        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut [Self]) -> R,
2660    ) -> R {
2661        self.columns_dyn(num_columns, Box::new(add_contents))
2662    }
2664    fn columns_dyn<'c, R>(
2665        &mut self,
2666        num_columns: usize,
2667        add_contents: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut [Self]) -> R + 'c>,
2668    ) -> R {
2669        // TODO(emilk): ensure there is space
2670        let spacing = self.spacing().item_spacing.x;
2671        let total_spacing = spacing * (num_columns as f32 - 1.0);
2672        let column_width = (self.available_width() - total_spacing) / (num_columns as f32);
2673        let top_left = self.cursor().min;
2675        let mut columns: Vec<Self> = (0..num_columns)
2676            .map(|col_idx| {
2677                let pos = top_left + vec2((col_idx as f32) * (column_width + spacing), 0.0);
2678                let child_rect = Rect::from_min_max(
2679                    pos,
2680                    pos2(pos.x + column_width, self.max_rect().right_bottom().y),
2681                );
2682                let mut column_ui = self.new_child(
2683                    UiBuilder::new()
2684                        .max_rect(child_rect)
2685                        .layout(Layout::top_down_justified(Align::LEFT)),
2686                );
2687                column_ui.set_width(column_width);
2688                column_ui
2689            })
2690            .collect();
2692        let result = add_contents(&mut columns[..]);
2694        let mut max_column_width = column_width;
2695        let mut max_height = 0.0;
2696        for column in &columns {
2697            max_column_width = max_column_width.max(column.min_rect().width());
2698            max_height = column.min_size().y.max(max_height);
2699        }
2701        // Make sure we fit everything next frame:
2702        let total_required_width = total_spacing + max_column_width * (num_columns as f32);
2704        let size = vec2(self.available_width().max(total_required_width), max_height);
2705        self.advance_cursor_after_rect(Rect::from_min_size(top_left, size));
2706        result
2707    }
2709    /// Temporarily split a [`Ui`] into several columns.
2710    ///
2711    /// The same as [`Self::columns()`], but uses a constant for the column count.
2712    /// This allows for compile-time bounds checking, and makes the compiler happy.
2713    ///
2714    /// ```
2715    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
2716    /// ui.columns_const(|[col_1, col_2]| {
2717    ///     col_1.label("First column");
2718    ///     col_2.label("Second column");
2719    /// });
2720    /// # });
2721    /// ```
2722    #[inline]
2723    pub fn columns_const<const NUM_COL: usize, R>(
2724        &mut self,
2725        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut [Self; NUM_COL]) -> R,
2726    ) -> R {
2727        // TODO(emilk): ensure there is space
2728        let spacing = self.spacing().item_spacing.x;
2729        let total_spacing = spacing * (NUM_COL as f32 - 1.0);
2730        let column_width = (self.available_width() - total_spacing) / (NUM_COL as f32);
2731        let top_left = self.cursor().min;
2733        let mut columns = std::array::from_fn(|col_idx| {
2734            let pos = top_left + vec2((col_idx as f32) * (column_width + spacing), 0.0);
2735            let child_rect = Rect::from_min_max(
2736                pos,
2737                pos2(pos.x + column_width, self.max_rect().right_bottom().y),
2738            );
2739            let mut column_ui = self.new_child(
2740                UiBuilder::new()
2741                    .max_rect(child_rect)
2742                    .layout(Layout::top_down_justified(Align::LEFT)),
2743            );
2744            column_ui.set_width(column_width);
2745            column_ui
2746        });
2747        let result = add_contents(&mut columns);
2749        let mut max_column_width = column_width;
2750        let mut max_height = 0.0;
2751        for column in &columns {
2752            max_column_width = max_column_width.max(column.min_rect().width());
2753            max_height = column.min_size().y.max(max_height);
2754        }
2756        // Make sure we fit everything next frame:
2757        let total_required_width = total_spacing + max_column_width * (NUM_COL as f32);
2759        let size = vec2(self.available_width().max(total_required_width), max_height);
2760        self.advance_cursor_after_rect(Rect::from_min_size(top_left, size));
2761        result
2762    }
2764    /// Create something that can be drag-and-dropped.
2765    ///
2766    /// The `id` needs to be globally unique.
2767    /// The payload is what will be dropped if the user starts dragging.
2768    ///
2769    /// In contrast to [`Response::dnd_set_drag_payload`],
2770    /// this function will paint the widget at the mouse cursor while the user is dragging.
2771    #[doc(alias = "drag and drop")]
2772    pub fn dnd_drag_source<Payload, R>(
2773        &mut self,
2774        id: Id,
2775        payload: Payload,
2776        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R,
2777    ) -> InnerResponse<R>
2778    where
2779        Payload: Any + Send + Sync,
2780    {
2781        let is_being_dragged = self.ctx().is_being_dragged(id);
2783        if is_being_dragged {
2784            crate::DragAndDrop::set_payload(self.ctx(), payload);
2786            // Paint the body to a new layer:
2787            let layer_id = LayerId::new(Order::Tooltip, id);
2788            let InnerResponse { inner, response } =
2789                self.scope_builder(UiBuilder::new().layer_id(layer_id), add_contents);
2791            // Now we move the visuals of the body to where the mouse is.
2792            // Normally you need to decide a location for a widget first,
2793            // because otherwise that widget cannot interact with the mouse.
2794            // However, a dragged component cannot be interacted with anyway
2795            // (anything with `Order::Tooltip` always gets an empty [`Response`])
2796            // So this is fine!
2798            if let Some(pointer_pos) = self.ctx().pointer_interact_pos() {
2799                let delta = pointer_pos -;
2800                self.ctx()
2801                    .transform_layer_shapes(layer_id, emath::TSTransform::from_translation(delta));
2802            }
2804            InnerResponse::new(inner, response)
2805        } else {
2806            let InnerResponse { inner, response } = self.scope(add_contents);
2808            // Check for drags:
2809            let dnd_response = self
2810                .interact(response.rect, id, Sense::drag())
2811                .on_hover_cursor(CursorIcon::Grab);
2813            InnerResponse::new(inner, dnd_response | response)
2814        }
2815    }
2817    /// Surround the given ui with a frame which
2818    /// changes colors when you can drop something onto it.
2819    ///
2820    /// Returns the dropped item, if it was released this frame.
2821    ///
2822    /// The given frame is used for its margins, but it color is ignored.
2823    #[doc(alias = "drag and drop")]
2824    pub fn dnd_drop_zone<Payload, R>(
2825        &mut self,
2826        frame: Frame,
2827        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R,
2828    ) -> (InnerResponse<R>, Option<Arc<Payload>>)
2829    where
2830        Payload: Any + Send + Sync,
2831    {
2832        let is_anything_being_dragged = DragAndDrop::has_any_payload(self.ctx());
2833        let can_accept_what_is_being_dragged =
2834            DragAndDrop::has_payload_of_type::<Payload>(self.ctx());
2836        let mut frame = frame.begin(self);
2837        let inner = add_contents(&mut frame.content_ui);
2838        let response = frame.allocate_space(self);
2840        // NOTE: we use `response.contains_pointer` here instead of `hovered`, because
2841        // `hovered` is always false when another widget is being dragged.
2842        let style = if is_anything_being_dragged
2843            && can_accept_what_is_being_dragged
2844            && response.contains_pointer()
2845        {
2846            self.visuals()
2847        } else {
2848            self.visuals().widgets.inactive
2849        };
2851        let mut fill = style.bg_fill;
2852        let mut stroke = style.bg_stroke;
2854        if is_anything_being_dragged && !can_accept_what_is_being_dragged {
2855            // When dragging something else, show that it can't be dropped here:
2856            fill = self.visuals().gray_out(fill);
2857            stroke.color = self.visuals().gray_out(stroke.color);
2858        }
2860        frame.frame.fill = fill;
2861        frame.frame.stroke = stroke;
2863        frame.paint(self);
2865        let payload = response.dnd_release_payload::<Payload>();
2867        (InnerResponse { inner, response }, payload)
2868    }
2870    /// Create a new Scope and transform its contents via a [`emath::TSTransform`].
2871    /// This only affects visuals, inputs will not be transformed. So this is mostly useful
2872    /// to create visual effects on interactions, e.g. scaling a button on hover / click.
2873    ///
2874    /// Check out [`Context::set_transform_layer`] for a persistent transform that also affects
2875    /// inputs.
2876    pub fn with_visual_transform<R>(
2877        &mut self,
2878        transform: emath::TSTransform,
2879        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R,
2880    ) -> InnerResponse<R> {
2881        let start_idx = self.ctx().graphics(|gx| {
2882            gx.get(self.layer_id())
2883                .map_or(crate::layers::ShapeIdx(0), |l| l.next_idx())
2884        });
2886        let r = self.scope_dyn(UiBuilder::new(), Box::new(add_contents));
2888        self.ctx().graphics_mut(|g| {
2889            let list = g.entry(self.layer_id());
2890            let end_idx = list.next_idx();
2891            list.transform_range(start_idx, end_idx, transform);
2892        });
2894        r
2895    }
2898/// # Menus
2899impl Ui {
2900    /// Close the menu we are in (including submenus), if any.
2901    ///
2902    /// See also: [`Self::menu_button`] and [`Response::context_menu`].
2903    pub fn close_menu(&mut self) {
2904        if let Some(menu_state) = &mut self.menu_state {
2905            menu_state.write().close();
2906        }
2907        self.menu_state = None;
2908    }
2910    pub(crate) fn set_menu_state(&mut self, menu_state: Option<Arc<RwLock<MenuState>>>) {
2911        self.menu_state = menu_state;
2912    }
2914    #[inline]
2915    /// Create a menu button that when clicked will show the given menu.
2916    ///
2917    /// If called from within a menu this will instead create a button for a sub-menu.
2918    ///
2919    /// ```
2920    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
2921    /// ui.menu_button("My menu", |ui| {
2922    ///     ui.menu_button("My sub-menu", |ui| {
2923    ///         if ui.button("Close the menu").clicked() {
2924    ///             ui.close_menu();
2925    ///         }
2926    ///     });
2927    /// });
2928    /// # });
2929    /// ```
2930    ///
2931    /// See also: [`Self::close_menu`] and [`Response::context_menu`].
2932    pub fn menu_button<R>(
2933        &mut self,
2934        title: impl Into<WidgetText>,
2935        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R,
2936    ) -> InnerResponse<Option<R>> {
2937        if let Some(menu_state) = self.menu_state.clone() {
2938            menu::submenu_button(self, menu_state, title, add_contents)
2939        } else {
2940            menu::menu_button(self, title, add_contents)
2941        }
2942    }
2944    /// Create a menu button with an image that when clicked will show the given menu.
2945    ///
2946    /// If called from within a menu this will instead create a button for a sub-menu.
2947    ///
2948    /// ```ignore
2949    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
2950    /// let img = egui::include_image!("../assets/ferris.png");
2951    ///
2952    /// ui.menu_image_button(title, img, |ui| {
2953    ///     ui.menu_button("My sub-menu", |ui| {
2954    ///         if ui.button("Close the menu").clicked() {
2955    ///             ui.close_menu();
2956    ///         }
2957    ///     });
2958    /// });
2959    /// # });
2960    /// ```
2961    ///
2962    ///
2963    /// See also: [`Self::close_menu`] and [`Response::context_menu`].
2964    #[inline]
2965    pub fn menu_image_button<'a, R>(
2966        &mut self,
2967        image: impl Into<Image<'a>>,
2968        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R,
2969    ) -> InnerResponse<Option<R>> {
2970        if let Some(menu_state) = self.menu_state.clone() {
2971            menu::submenu_button(self, menu_state, String::new(), add_contents)
2972        } else {
2973            menu::menu_custom_button(self, Button::image(image), add_contents)
2974        }
2975    }
2977    /// Create a menu button with an image and a text that when clicked will show the given menu.
2978    ///
2979    /// If called from within a menu this will instead create a button for a sub-menu.
2980    ///
2981    /// ```
2982    /// # egui::__run_test_ui(|ui| {
2983    /// let img = egui::include_image!("../assets/ferris.png");
2984    /// let title = "My Menu";
2985    ///
2986    /// ui.menu_image_text_button(img, title, |ui| {
2987    ///     ui.menu_button("My sub-menu", |ui| {
2988    ///         if ui.button("Close the menu").clicked() {
2989    ///             ui.close_menu();
2990    ///         }
2991    ///     });
2992    /// });
2993    /// # });
2994    /// ```
2995    ///
2996    /// See also: [`Self::close_menu`] and [`Response::context_menu`].
2997    #[inline]
2998    pub fn menu_image_text_button<'a, R>(
2999        &mut self,
3000        image: impl Into<Image<'a>>,
3001        title: impl Into<WidgetText>,
3002        add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui) -> R,
3003    ) -> InnerResponse<Option<R>> {
3004        if let Some(menu_state) = self.menu_state.clone() {
3005            menu::submenu_button(self, menu_state, title, add_contents)
3006        } else {
3007            menu::menu_custom_button(self, Button::image_and_text(image, title), add_contents)
3008        }
3009    }
3012// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3014/// # Debug stuff
3015impl Ui {
3016    /// Shows where the next widget is going to be placed
3017    #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
3018    pub fn debug_paint_cursor(&self) {
3019        self.placer.debug_paint_cursor(&self.painter, "next");
3020    }
3023impl Drop for Ui {
3024    fn drop(&mut self) {
3025        if !self.min_rect_already_remembered {
3026            // Register our final `min_rect`
3027            self.remember_min_rect();
3028        }
3029        #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
3030        register_rect(self, self.min_rect());
3031    }
3034/// Show this rectangle to the user if certain debug options are set.
3036fn register_rect(ui: &Ui, rect: Rect) {
3037    use emath::{Align2, GuiRounding};
3039    let debug =;
3041    if debug.show_unaligned {
3042        let unaligned_line = |p0: Pos2, p1: Pos2| {
3043            let color = Color32::ORANGE;
3044            let font_id = TextStyle::Monospace.resolve(;
3045            ui.painter().line_segment([p0, p1], (1.0, color));
3046            ui.painter()
3047                .text(p0, Align2::LEFT_TOP, "Unaligned", font_id, color);
3048        };
3050        if rect.left() != rect.left().round_ui() {
3051            unaligned_line(rect.left_top(), rect.left_bottom());
3052        }
3053        if rect.right() != rect.right().round_ui() {
3054            unaligned_line(rect.right_top(), rect.right_bottom());
3055        }
3056        if != {
3057            unaligned_line(rect.left_top(), rect.right_top());
3058        }
3059        if rect.bottom() != rect.bottom().round_ui() {
3060            unaligned_line(rect.left_bottom(), rect.right_bottom());
3061        }
3062    }
3064    let show_callstacks = debug.debug_on_hover
3065        || debug.debug_on_hover_with_all_modifiers && ui.input(|i| i.modifiers.all());
3067    if !show_callstacks {
3068        return;
3069    }
3071    if !ui.rect_contains_pointer(rect) {
3072        return;
3073    }
3075    let is_clicking = ui.input(|i| i.pointer.could_any_button_be_click());
3077    #[cfg(feature = "callstack")]
3078    let callstack = crate::callstack::capture();
3080    #[cfg(not(feature = "callstack"))]
3081    let callstack = String::default();
3083    // We only show one debug rectangle, or things get confusing:
3084    let debug_rect = pass_state::DebugRect {
3085        rect,
3086        callstack,
3087        is_clicking,
3088    };
3090    let mut kept = false;
3091    ui.ctx().pass_state_mut(|fs| {
3092        if let Some(final_debug_rect) = &mut fs.debug_rect {
3093            // or maybe pick the one with deepest callstack?
3094            if final_debug_rect.rect.contains_rect(rect) {
3095                *final_debug_rect = debug_rect;
3096                kept = true;
3097            }
3098        } else {
3099            fs.debug_rect = Some(debug_rect);
3100            kept = true;
3101        }
3102    });
3103    if !kept {
3104        return;
3105    }
3107    // ----------------------------------------------
3109    // Use the debug-painter to avoid clip rect,
3110    // otherwise the content of the widget may cover what we paint here!
3111    let painter = ui.ctx().debug_painter();
3113    if debug.hover_shows_next {
3114        ui.placer.debug_paint_cursor(&painter, "next");
3115    }
3119fn register_rect(_ui: &Ui, _rect: Rect) {}
3122fn ui_impl_send_sync() {
3123    fn assert_send_sync<T: Send + Sync>() {}
3124    assert_send_sync::<Ui>();