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use core::task::{RawWaker, RawWakerVTable, Waker};
use super::{wake_task, TaskHeader, TaskRef};
static VTABLE: RawWakerVTable = RawWakerVTable::new(clone, wake, wake, drop);
unsafe fn clone(p: *const ()) -> RawWaker {
RawWaker::new(p, &VTABLE)
unsafe fn wake(p: *const ()) {
wake_task(TaskRef::from_ptr(p as *const TaskHeader))
unsafe fn drop(_: *const ()) {
// nop
pub(crate) unsafe fn from_task(p: TaskRef) -> Waker {
Waker::from_raw(RawWaker::new(p.as_ptr() as _, &VTABLE))
/// Get a task pointer from a waker.
/// This can be used as an optimization in wait queues to store task pointers
/// (1 word) instead of full Wakers (2 words). This saves a bit of RAM and helps
/// avoid dynamic dispatch.
/// You can use the returned task pointer to wake the task with [`wake_task`](super::wake_task).
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the waker is not created by the Embassy executor.
pub fn task_from_waker(waker: &Waker) -> TaskRef {
// make sure to compare vtable addresses. Doing `==` on the references
// will compare the contents, which is slower.
if waker.vtable() as *const _ != &VTABLE as *const _ {
panic!("Found waker not created by the Embassy executor. `embassy_time::Timer` only works with the Embassy executor.")
// safety: our wakers are always created with `TaskRef::as_ptr`
unsafe { TaskRef::from_ptr(waker.data() as *const TaskHeader) }