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//! embedded-graphics-core contains the core components of [embedded-graphics] that are required to //! add embedded-graphics support to display drivers, image libraries, text renderers and other //! third party crates. //! //! This crate should only be used by crates that extend embedded-graphics. //! Applications should instead depend on [embedded-graphics] itself. //! //! Like any other crate, embedded-graphics-core will change over time, however it will change at a //! much slower rate than embedded-graphics itself, and will likely release fewer breaking changes. //! This will provide more stability and compatability for the weider embedded-graphics ecosystem, //! whilst allowing non-core features of embedded-graphics to evolve at a faster pace. The same //! version of embedded-graphics-core may be used for multiple major versions of embedded-graphics. //! //! ## Core functionality //! //! * [`DrawTarget`] - By implementing a draw target for a display driver, all embedded-graphics drawables can be drawn to that display. //! * [`Drawable`] - This trait can be implemented to make an object drawable to any [`DrawTarget`]. Examples include shapes, text, UI elements, etc. //! * [`ImageDrawable`] //! * Color types - see below. //! * Geometry - [`Point`], [`Size`] and [`Rectangle`] provide ways of defining positions, dimensions and rectangular areas respectively. //! //! # Colors //! //! The [`pixelcolor`] module provides various standard color types, from [`BinaryColor`] to //! [`Rgb888`]. See the [`pixelcolor`] module documentation for the complete list of color depths //! and formats available. //! //! # Display drivers //! //! See the [`DrawTarget`] documentation for examples on how to integrate embedded-graphics with a //! display driver using the [`DrawTarget`] trait. //! //! # Images //! //! The [`ImageDrawable`] trait should be implemented for any image or image-like item, for example //! a spritemap. //! //! [embedded-graphics]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics //! [`Pixel`]: ./drawable/struct.Pixel.html //! [`Point`]: ./geometry/struct.Point.html //! [`Size`]: ./geometry/struct.Size.html //! [`Drawable`]: ./drawable/trait.Drawable.html //! [`DrawTarget`]: ./draw_target/trait.DrawTarget.html //! [`Rectangle`]: ./primitives/rectangle/struct.Rectangle.html //! [`Dimensions`]: ./geometry/trait.Dimensions.html //! [`OriginDimensions`]: ./geometry/trait.OriginDimensions.html //! [`prelude`]: ./prelude/index.html //! [`pixelcolor`]: ./pixelcolor/index.html //! [`BinaryColor`]: ./pixelcolor/enum.BinaryColor.html //! [`Rgb888`]: ./pixelcolor/struct.Rgb888.html //! [`ImageDrawable`]: ./image/image_drawable/trait.ImageDrawable.html #![doc( html_logo_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/b225511f390c0ed9bc065eb67d05125845312148/assets/logo_core.svg?sanitize=true" )] #![no_std] #![deny(missing_docs)] #![deny(missing_debug_implementations)] #![deny(missing_copy_implementations)] #![deny(trivial_casts)] #![deny(trivial_numeric_casts)] #![deny(unsafe_code)] #![deny(unstable_features)] #![deny(unused_import_braces)] #![deny(unused_qualifications)] pub mod draw_target; mod drawable; pub mod geometry; pub mod image; pub mod pixelcolor; pub mod prelude; pub mod primitives; pub mod text; pub use drawable::{Drawable, Pixel}; /// Trait to convert unsigned into signed integer. trait SaturatingCast<T> { /// Casts a unsigned integer into a positive value. /// /// If the value is too large the maximum positive value is returned instead. fn saturating_cast(self) -> T; /// Casts a unsigned integer into a negative value. /// /// If the value is too large the minimum negative value is returned instead. fn saturating_cast_neg(self) -> T; } impl SaturatingCast<i32> for u32 { fn saturating_cast(self) -> i32 { if self < 0x8000_0000 { self as i32 } else { i32::max_value() } } fn saturating_cast_neg(self) -> i32 { if self < 0x8000_0000 { -(self as i32) } else { i32::min_value() } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn saturating_cast() { assert_eq!(0u32.saturating_cast(), 0i32); assert_eq!(0u32.saturating_cast_neg(), 0i32); assert_eq!(1u32.saturating_cast(), 1i32); assert_eq!(1u32.saturating_cast_neg(), -1i32); assert_eq!(0x7FFF_FFFFu32.saturating_cast(), 0x7FFF_FFFFi32); assert_eq!(0x7FFF_FFFFu32.saturating_cast_neg(), -0x7FFF_FFFFi32); assert_eq!(0x8000_0000u32.saturating_cast(), 0x7FFF_FFFFi32); assert_eq!(0x8000_0000u32.saturating_cast_neg(), -0x8000_0000i32); assert_eq!(u32::max_value().saturating_cast(), 0x7FFF_FFFFi32); assert_eq!(u32::max_value().saturating_cast_neg(), -0x8000_0000i32); } }