1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
//! embedded-graphics-core contains the core components of [embedded-graphics] that are required to
//! add embedded-graphics support to display drivers, image libraries, text renderers and other
//! third party crates.
//! This crate should only be used by crates that extend embedded-graphics.
//! Applications should instead depend on [embedded-graphics] itself.
//! Like any other crate, embedded-graphics-core will change over time, however it will change at a
//! much slower rate than embedded-graphics itself, and will likely release fewer breaking changes.
//! This will provide more stability and compatability for the weider embedded-graphics ecosystem,
//! whilst allowing non-core features of embedded-graphics to evolve at a faster pace. The same
//! version of embedded-graphics-core may be used for multiple major versions of embedded-graphics.
//! ## Core functionality
//! * [`DrawTarget`] - By implementing a draw target for a display driver, all embedded-graphics drawables can be drawn to that display.
//! * [`Drawable`] - This trait can be implemented to make an object drawable to any [`DrawTarget`]. Examples include shapes, text, UI elements, etc.
//! * [`ImageDrawable`]
//! * Color types - see below.
//! * Geometry - [`Point`], [`Size`] and [`Rectangle`] provide ways of defining positions, dimensions and rectangular areas respectively.
//! # Colors
//! The [`pixelcolor`] module provides various standard color types, from [`BinaryColor`] to
//! [`Rgb888`]. See the [`pixelcolor`] module documentation for the complete list of color depths
//! and formats available.
//! # Display drivers
//! See the [`DrawTarget`] documentation for examples on how to integrate embedded-graphics with a
//! display driver using the [`DrawTarget`] trait.
//! # Images
//! The [`ImageDrawable`] trait should be implemented for any image or image-like item, for example
//! a spritemap.
//! [`Pixel`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics-core/latest/embedded_graphics_core/drawable/struct.Pixel.html
//! [`Point`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics-core/latest/embedded_graphics_core/geometry/struct.Point.html
//! [`Size`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics-core/latest/embedded_graphics_core/geometry/struct.Size.html
//! [`Drawable`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics-core/latest/embedded_graphics_core/drawable/trait.Drawable.html
//! [`DrawTarget`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics-core/latest/embedded_graphics_core/draw_target/trait.DrawTarget.html
//! [`Rectangle`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics-core/latest/embedded_graphics_primitives-core/rectangle/struct.Rectangle.html
//! [`Dimensions`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics-core/latest/embedded_graphics_core/geometry/trait.Dimensions.html
//! [`OriginDimensions`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics-core/latest/embedded_graphics_core/geometry/trait.OriginDimensions.html
//! [`BinaryColor`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics-core/latest/embedded_graphics_core/pixelcolor/enum.BinaryColor.html
//! [`Rgb888`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics-core/latest/embedded_graphics_core/pixelcolor/struct.Rgb888.html
//! [`ImageDrawable`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics-core/latest/embedded_graphics_core/image/trait.ImageDrawable.html
//! [`pixelcolor`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics-core/latest/embedded_graphics_core/pixelcolor/trait.PixelColor.html
//! # Features
//! - `defmt` - implements `defmt::Format` for all types where this is possible.
//! [embedded-graphics]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics
//! [`Pixel`]: drawable::Pixel
//! [`Point`]: geometry::Point
//! [`Size`]: geometry::Size
//! [`Drawable`]: drawable::Drawable
//! [`DrawTarget`]: draw_target::DrawTarget
//! [`Rectangle`]: primitives::rectangle::Rectangle
//! [`Dimensions`]: geometry::Dimensions
//! [`OriginDimensions`]: geometry::OriginDimensions
//! [`BinaryColor`]: pixelcolor::BinaryColor
//! [`Rgb888`]: pixelcolor::Rgb888
//! [`ImageDrawable`]: image::ImageDrawable
html_logo_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/b225511f390c0ed9bc065eb67d05125845312148/assets/logo_core.svg?sanitize=true"
pub mod draw_target;
mod drawable;
pub mod geometry;
pub mod image;
pub mod pixelcolor;
pub mod prelude;
pub mod primitives;
pub use drawable::{Drawable, Pixel};