1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
//! Analog-digital conversion traits
/// Non-blocking ADC traits
pub mod nb {
/// A marker trait to identify MCU pins that can be used as inputs to an ADC channel.
/// This marker trait denotes an object, i.e. a GPIO pin, that is ready for use as an input to the
/// ADC. As ADCs channels can be supplied by multiple pins, this trait defines the relationship
/// between the physical interface and the ADC sampling buffer.
/// ```
/// # use core::marker::PhantomData;
/// # use embedded_hal::adc::nb::Channel;
/// struct Adc1; // Example ADC with single bank of 8 channels
/// struct Gpio1Pin1<MODE>(PhantomData<MODE>);
/// struct Analog(()); // marker type to denote a pin in "analog" mode
/// // GPIO 1 pin 1 can supply an ADC channel when it is configured in Analog mode
/// impl Channel<Adc1> for Gpio1Pin1<Analog> {
/// type ID = u8; // ADC channels are identified numerically
/// fn channel(&self) -> Self::ID {
/// 7_u8 // GPIO pin 1 is connected to ADC channel 7
/// }
/// }
/// struct Adc2; // ADC with two banks of 16 channels
/// struct Gpio2PinA<MODE>(PhantomData<MODE>);
/// struct AltFun(()); // marker type to denote some alternate function mode for the pin
/// // GPIO 2 pin A can supply an ADC channel when it's configured in some alternate function mode
/// impl Channel<Adc2> for Gpio2PinA<AltFun> {
/// type ID = (u8, u8); // ADC channels are identified by bank number and channel number
/// fn channel(&self) -> Self::ID {
/// (0, 3) // bank 0 channel 3
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub trait Channel<ADC> {
/// Channel ID type
/// A type used to identify this ADC channel. For example, if the ADC has eight channels, this
/// might be a `u8`. If the ADC has multiple banks of channels, it could be a tuple, like
/// `(u8: bank_id, u8: channel_id)`.
type ID: Copy;
/// Get the specific ID that identifies this channel, for example `0_u8` for the first ADC
/// channel, if Self::ID is u8.
fn channel(&self) -> Self::ID;
/// ADCs that sample on single channels per request, and do so at the time of the request.
/// This trait is the interface to an ADC that is configured to read a specific channel at the time
/// of the request (in contrast to continuous asynchronous sampling).
/// ```
/// use embedded_hal::adc::nb::{Channel, OneShot};
/// struct MyAdc; // 10-bit ADC, with 5 channels
/// # impl MyAdc {
/// # pub fn power_up(&mut self) {}
/// # pub fn power_down(&mut self) {}
/// # pub fn do_conversion(&mut self, chan: u8) -> u16 { 0xAA55_u16 }
/// # }
/// impl<WORD, PIN> OneShot<MyAdc, WORD, PIN> for MyAdc
/// where
/// WORD: From<u16>,
/// PIN: Channel<MyAdc, ID=u8>,
/// {
/// type Error = ();
/// fn read(&mut self, pin: &mut PIN) -> nb::Result<WORD, Self::Error> {
/// let chan = 1 << pin.channel();
/// self.power_up();
/// let result = self.do_conversion(chan);
/// self.power_down();
/// Ok(result.into())
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub trait OneShot<ADC, Word, Pin: Channel<ADC>> {
/// Error type returned by ADC methods
type Error: core::fmt::Debug;
/// Request that the ADC begin a conversion on the specified pin
/// This method takes a `Pin` reference, as it is expected that the ADC will be able to sample
/// whatever channel underlies the pin.
fn read(&mut self, pin: &mut Pin) -> nb::Result<Word, Self::Error>;