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//! Input capture
/// Non-blocking input capture traits
pub mod nb {
/// Input capture
/// # Examples
/// You can use this interface to measure the period of (quasi) periodic signals
/// / events
/// ```
/// extern crate embedded_hal as hal;
/// #[macro_use(block)]
/// extern crate nb;
/// use hal::capture::nb::Capture;
/// fn main() {
/// let mut capture: Capture1 = {
/// // ..
/// # Capture1
/// };
/// capture.set_resolution(1.ms()).unwrap();
/// let before = block!(capture.capture(Channel::_1)).unwrap();
/// let after = block!(capture.capture(Channel::_1)).unwrap();
/// let period = after.wrapping_sub(before);
/// println!("Period: {} ms", period);
/// }
/// # use core::convert::Infallible;
/// # struct MilliSeconds(u32);
/// # trait U32Ext { fn ms(self) -> MilliSeconds; }
/// # impl U32Ext for u32 { fn ms(self) -> MilliSeconds { MilliSeconds(self) } }
/// # struct Capture1;
/// # enum Channel { _1 }
/// # impl hal::capture::nb::Capture for Capture1 {
/// # type Error = Infallible;
/// # type Capture = u16;
/// # type Channel = Channel;
/// # type Time = MilliSeconds;
/// # fn capture(&mut self, _: Channel) -> ::nb::Result<u16, Self::Error> { Ok(0) }
/// # fn disable(&mut self, _: Channel) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { unimplemented!() }
/// # fn enable(&mut self, _: Channel) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { unimplemented!() }
/// # fn get_resolution(&self) -> Result<MilliSeconds, Self::Error> { unimplemented!() }
/// # fn set_resolution<T>(&mut self, _: T) -> Result<(), Self::Error> where T: Into<MilliSeconds> { Ok(()) }
/// # }
/// ```
// unproven reason: pre-singletons API. With singletons a `CapturePin` (cf. `PwmPin`) trait seems more
// appropriate
pub trait Capture {
/// Enumeration of `Capture` errors
/// Possible errors:
/// - *overcapture*, the previous capture value was overwritten because it
/// was not read in a timely manner
type Error: core::fmt::Debug;
/// Enumeration of channels that can be used with this `Capture` interface
/// If your `Capture` interface has no channels you can use the type `()`
/// here
type Channel;
/// A time unit that can be converted into a human time unit (e.g. seconds)
type Time;
/// The type of the value returned by `capture`
type Capture;
/// "Waits" for a transition in the capture `channel` and returns the value
/// of counter at that instant
/// NOTE that you must multiply the returned value by the *resolution* of
/// this `Capture` interface to get a human time unit (e.g. seconds)
fn capture(&mut self, channel: Self::Channel) -> nb::Result<Self::Capture, Self::Error>;
/// Disables a capture `channel`
fn disable(&mut self, channel: Self::Channel) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Enables a capture `channel`
fn enable(&mut self, channel: Self::Channel) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Returns the current resolution
fn get_resolution(&self) -> Result<Self::Time, Self::Error>;
/// Sets the resolution of the capture timer
fn set_resolution<R>(&mut self, resolution: R) -> Result<(), Self::Error>
R: Into<Self::Time>;