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//! Quadrature encoder interface traits
/// Count direction
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Direction {
/// 3, 2, 1
/// 1, 2, 3
/// Blocking quadrature encoder interface traits
pub mod blocking {
use super::Direction;
/// Quadrature encoder interface
/// # Examples
/// You can use this interface to measure the speed of a motor
/// ```
/// extern crate embedded_hal as hal;
/// #[macro_use(block)]
/// extern crate nb;
/// use hal::qei::blocking::Qei;
/// use hal::timer::nb::CountDown;
/// fn main() {
/// let mut qei: Qei1 = {
/// // ..
/// # Qei1
/// };
/// let mut timer: Timer6 = {
/// // ..
/// # Timer6
/// };
/// let before = qei.count().unwrap();
/// timer.start(1.s()).unwrap();
/// block!(timer.wait());
/// let after = qei.count().unwrap();
/// let speed = after.wrapping_sub(before);
/// println!("Speed: {} pulses per second", speed);
/// }
/// # use core::convert::Infallible;
/// # struct Seconds(u32);
/// # trait U32Ext { fn s(self) -> Seconds; }
/// # impl U32Ext for u32 { fn s(self) -> Seconds { Seconds(self) } }
/// # struct Qei1;
/// # impl hal::qei::blocking::Qei for Qei1 {
/// # type Error = Infallible;
/// # type Count = u16;
/// # fn count(&self) -> Result<u16, Self::Error> { Ok(0) }
/// # fn direction(&self) -> Result<::hal::qei::Direction, Self::Error> { unimplemented!() }
/// # }
/// # struct Timer6;
/// # impl hal::timer::nb::CountDown for Timer6 {
/// # type Error = Infallible;
/// # type Time = Seconds;
/// # fn start<T>(&mut self, _: T) -> Result<(), Infallible> where T: Into<Seconds> { Ok(()) }
/// # fn wait(&mut self) -> ::nb::Result<(), Infallible> { Ok(()) }
/// # }
/// ```
// unproven reason: needs to be re-evaluated in the new singletons world. At the very least this needs a
// reference implementation
pub trait Qei {
/// Enumeration of `Qei` errors
type Error: core::fmt::Debug;
/// The type of the value returned by `count`
type Count;
/// Returns the current pulse count of the encoder
fn count(&self) -> Result<Self::Count, Self::Error>;
/// Returns the count direction
fn direction(&self) -> Result<Direction, Self::Error>;