
1//! Blocking I2C API.
3//! This API supports 7-bit and 10-bit addresses. Traits feature an [`AddressMode`]
4//! marker type parameter. Two implementation of the [`AddressMode`] exist:
5//! [`SevenBitAddress`] and [`TenBitAddress`].
7//! Through this marker types it is possible to implement each address mode for
8//! the traits independently in `embedded-hal` implementations and device drivers
9//! can depend only on the mode that they support.
11//! Additionally, the I2C 10-bit address mode has been developed to be fully
12//! backwards compatible with the 7-bit address mode. This allows for a
13//! software-emulated 10-bit addressing implementation if the address mode
14//! is not supported by the hardware.
16//! Since 7-bit addressing is the mode of the majority of I2C devices,
17//! [`SevenBitAddress`] has been set as default mode and thus can be omitted if desired.
19//! # Bus sharing
21//! I2C allows sharing a single bus between many I2C devices. The SDA and SCL lines are
22//! wired in parallel to all devices. When starting a transfer an "address" is sent
23//! so that the addressed device can respond and all the others can ignore the transfer.
25#![doc = include_str!("i2c-shared-bus.svg")]
27//! This bus sharing is common when having multiple I2C devices in the same board, since it uses fewer MCU
28//! pins (`2` instead of `2*n`), and fewer MCU I2C peripherals (`1` instead of `n`).
30//! This API supports bus sharing natively. Types implementing [`I2c`] are allowed
31//! to represent either exclusive or shared access to an I2C bus. HALs typically
32//! provide exclusive access implementations. Drivers shouldn't care which
33//! kind they receive, they just do transactions on it and let the
34//! underlying implementation share or not.
36//! The [`embedded-hal-bus`](https://docs.rs/embedded-hal-bus) crate provides several
37//! implementations for sharing I2C buses. You can use them to take an exclusive instance
38//! you've received from a HAL and "split" it into multiple shared ones, to instantiate
39//! several drivers on the same bus.
41//! # Flushing
43//! Implementations must flush the transfer, ensuring the bus has returned to an idle state before returning.
44//! No pipelining is allowed. Users must be able to shut down the I2C peripheral immediately after a transfer
45//! returns, without any risk of e.g. cutting short a stop condition.
47//! (Implementations must wait until the last ACK bit to report it as an error anyway. Therefore pipelining would only
48//! yield very small time savings, not worth the complexity)
50//! # For driver authors
52//! Drivers can select the adequate address length with `I2c<SevenBitAddress>` or `I2c<TenBitAddress>` depending
53//! on the target device. If it can use either, the driver can
54//! be generic over the address kind as well, though this is rare.
56//! Drivers should take the `I2c` instance as an argument to `new()`, and store it in their
57//! struct. They **should not** take `&mut I2c`, the trait has a blanket impl for all `&mut T`
58//! so taking just `I2c` ensures the user can still pass a `&mut`, but is not forced to.
60//! Drivers **should not** try to enable bus sharing by taking `&mut I2c` at every method.
61//! This is much less ergonomic than owning the `I2c`, which still allows the user to pass an
62//! implementation that does sharing behind the scenes
63//! (from [`embedded-hal-bus`](https://docs.rs/embedded-hal-bus), or others).
65//! ## Device driver compatible only with 7-bit addresses
67//! For demonstration purposes the address mode parameter has been omitted in this example.
69//! ```
70//! use embedded_hal::i2c::{I2c, Error};
72//! const ADDR: u8 = 0x15;
73//! # const TEMP_REGISTER: u8 = 0x1;
74//! pub struct TemperatureSensorDriver<I2C> {
75//!     i2c: I2C,
76//! }
78//! impl<I2C: I2c> TemperatureSensorDriver<I2C> {
79//!     pub fn new(i2c: I2C) -> Self {
80//!         Self { i2c }
81//!     }
83//!     pub fn read_temperature(&mut self) -> Result<u8, I2C::Error> {
84//!         let mut temp = [0];
85//!         self.i2c.write_read(ADDR, &[TEMP_REGISTER], &mut temp)?;
86//!         Ok(temp[0])
87//!     }
88//! }
89//! ```
91//! ## Device driver compatible only with 10-bit addresses
93//! ```
94//! use embedded_hal::i2c::{Error, TenBitAddress, I2c};
96//! const ADDR: u16 = 0x158;
97//! # const TEMP_REGISTER: u8 = 0x1;
98//! pub struct TemperatureSensorDriver<I2C> {
99//!     i2c: I2C,
100//! }
102//! impl<I2C: I2c<TenBitAddress>> TemperatureSensorDriver<I2C> {
103//!     pub fn new(i2c: I2C) -> Self {
104//!         Self { i2c }
105//!     }
107//!     pub fn read_temperature(&mut self) -> Result<u8, I2C::Error> {
108//!         let mut temp = [0];
109//!         self.i2c.write_read(ADDR, &[TEMP_REGISTER], &mut temp)?;
110//!         Ok(temp[0])
111//!     }
112//! }
113//! ```
115//! # For HAL authors
117//! HALs **should not** include bus sharing mechanisms. They should expose a single type representing
118//! exclusive ownership over the bus, and let the user use [`embedded-hal-bus`](https://docs.rs/embedded-hal-bus)
119//! if they want to share it. (One exception is if the underlying platform already
120//! supports sharing, such as Linux or some RTOSs.)
122//! Here is an example of an embedded-hal implementation of the `I2C` trait
123//! for both addressing modes. All trait methods have have default implementations in terms of `transaction`.
124//! As such, that is the only method that requires implementation in the HAL.
126//! ```
127//! use embedded_hal::i2c::{self, SevenBitAddress, TenBitAddress, I2c, Operation};
129//! /// I2C0 hardware peripheral which supports both 7-bit and 10-bit addressing.
130//! pub struct I2c0;
132//! #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
133//! pub enum Error {
134//!     // ...
135//! }
137//! impl i2c::Error for Error {
138//!     fn kind(&self) -> i2c::ErrorKind {
139//!         match *self {
140//!             // ...
141//!         }
142//!     }
143//! }
145//! impl i2c::ErrorType for I2c0 {
146//!     type Error = Error;
147//! }
149//! impl I2c<SevenBitAddress> for I2c0 {
150//!     fn transaction(&mut self, address: u8, operations: &mut [Operation<'_>]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
151//!         // ...
152//! #       Ok(())
153//!     }
154//! }
156//! impl I2c<TenBitAddress> for I2c0 {
157//!     fn transaction(&mut self, address: u16, operations: &mut [Operation<'_>]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
158//!         // ...
159//! #       Ok(())
160//!     }
161//! }
162//! ```
164use crate::private;
166#[cfg(feature = "defmt-03")]
167use crate::defmt;
169/// I2C error.
170pub trait Error: core::fmt::Debug {
171    /// Convert error to a generic I2C error kind.
172    ///
173    /// By using this method, I2C errors freely defined by HAL implementations
174    /// can be converted to a set of generic I2C errors upon which generic
175    /// code can act.
176    fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind;
179impl Error for core::convert::Infallible {
180    #[inline]
181    fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind {
182        match *self {}
183    }
186/// I2C error kind.
188/// This represents a common set of I2C operation errors. HAL implementations are
189/// free to define more specific or additional error types. However, by providing
190/// a mapping to these common I2C errors, generic code can still react to them.
191#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
192#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt-03", derive(defmt::Format))]
194pub enum ErrorKind {
195    /// Bus error occurred. e.g. A START or a STOP condition is detected and is not
196    /// located after a multiple of 9 SCL clock pulses.
197    Bus,
198    /// The arbitration was lost, e.g. electrical problems with the clock signal.
199    ArbitrationLoss,
200    /// A bus operation was not acknowledged, e.g. due to the addressed device not
201    /// being available on the bus or the device not being ready to process requests
202    /// at the moment.
203    NoAcknowledge(NoAcknowledgeSource),
204    /// The peripheral receive buffer was overrun.
205    Overrun,
206    /// A different error occurred. The original error may contain more information.
207    Other,
210/// I2C no acknowledge error source.
212/// In cases where it is possible, a device should indicate if a no acknowledge
213/// response was received to an address versus a no acknowledge to a data byte.
214/// Where it is not possible to differentiate, `Unknown` should be indicated.
215#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
216#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt-03", derive(defmt::Format))]
217pub enum NoAcknowledgeSource {
218    /// The device did not acknowledge its address. The device may be missing.
219    Address,
220    /// The device did not acknowledge the data. It may not be ready to process
221    /// requests at the moment.
222    Data,
223    /// Either the device did not acknowledge its address or the data, but it is
224    /// unknown which.
225    Unknown,
228impl Error for ErrorKind {
229    #[inline]
230    fn kind(&self) -> ErrorKind {
231        *self
232    }
235impl core::fmt::Display for ErrorKind {
236    #[inline]
237    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
238        match self {
239            Self::Bus => write!(f, "Bus error occurred"),
240            Self::ArbitrationLoss => write!(f, "The arbitration was lost"),
241            Self::NoAcknowledge(s) => s.fmt(f),
242            Self::Overrun => write!(f, "The peripheral receive buffer was overrun"),
243            Self::Other => write!(
244                f,
245                "A different error occurred. The original error may contain more information"
246            ),
247        }
248    }
251impl core::fmt::Display for NoAcknowledgeSource {
252    #[inline]
253    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
254        match self {
255            Self::Address => write!(f, "The device did not acknowledge its address"),
256            Self::Data => write!(f, "The device did not acknowledge the data"),
257            Self::Unknown => write!(f, "The device did not acknowledge its address or the data"),
258        }
259    }
262/// I2C error type trait.
264/// This just defines the error type, to be used by the other traits.
265pub trait ErrorType {
266    /// Error type
267    type Error: Error;
270impl<T: ErrorType + ?Sized> ErrorType for &mut T {
271    type Error = T::Error;
274/// Address mode (7-bit / 10-bit).
276/// Note: This trait is sealed and should not be implemented outside of this crate.
277pub trait AddressMode: private::Sealed + 'static {}
279/// 7-bit address mode type.
281/// Note that 7-bit addresses defined by drivers should be specified in **right-aligned** form,
282/// e.g. in the range `0x00..=0x7F`.
284/// For example, a device that has the seven bit address of `0b011_0010`, and therefore is addressed on the wire using:
286/// * `0b0110010_0` or `0x64` for *writes*
287/// * `0b0110010_1` or `0x65` for *reads*
289/// Should be specified as `0b0011_0010` or `0x32`, NOT `0x64` or `0x65`. Care should be taken by both HAL and driver
290/// crate writers to use this scheme consistently.
291pub type SevenBitAddress = u8;
293/// 10-bit address mode type.
294pub type TenBitAddress = u16;
296impl AddressMode for SevenBitAddress {}
298impl AddressMode for TenBitAddress {}
300/// I2C operation.
302/// Several operations can be combined as part of a transaction.
303#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
304#[cfg_attr(feature = "defmt-03", derive(defmt::Format))]
305pub enum Operation<'a> {
306    /// Read data into the provided buffer.
307    Read(&'a mut [u8]),
308    /// Write data from the provided buffer.
309    Write(&'a [u8]),
312/// Blocking I2C.
313pub trait I2c<A: AddressMode = SevenBitAddress>: ErrorType {
314    /// Reads enough bytes from slave with `address` to fill `read`.
315    ///
316    /// # I2C Events (contract)
317    ///
318    /// ``` text
319    /// Master: ST SAD+R        MAK    MAK ...    NMAK SP
320    /// Slave:           SAK B0     B1     ... BN
321    /// ```
322    ///
323    /// Where
324    ///
325    /// - `ST` = start condition
326    /// - `SAD+R` = slave address followed by bit 1 to indicate reading
327    /// - `SAK` = slave acknowledge
328    /// - `Bi` = ith byte of data
329    /// - `MAK` = master acknowledge
330    /// - `NMAK` = master no acknowledge
331    /// - `SP` = stop condition
332    #[inline]
333    fn read(&mut self, address: A, read: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
334        self.transaction(address, &mut [Operation::Read(read)])
335    }
337    /// Writes bytes to slave with address `address`.
338    ///
339    /// # I2C Events (contract)
340    ///
341    /// ``` text
342    /// Master: ST SAD+W     B0     B1     ... BN     SP
343    /// Slave:           SAK    SAK    SAK ...    SAK
344    /// ```
345    ///
346    /// Where
347    ///
348    /// - `ST` = start condition
349    /// - `SAD+W` = slave address followed by bit 0 to indicate writing
350    /// - `SAK` = slave acknowledge
351    /// - `Bi` = ith byte of data
352    /// - `SP` = stop condition
353    #[inline]
354    fn write(&mut self, address: A, write: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
355        self.transaction(address, &mut [Operation::Write(write)])
356    }
358    /// Writes bytes to slave with address `address` and then reads enough bytes to fill `read` *in a
359    /// single transaction*.
360    ///
361    /// # I2C Events (contract)
362    ///
363    /// ``` text
364    /// Master: ST SAD+W     O0     O1     ... OM     SR SAD+R        MAK    MAK ...    NMAK SP
365    /// Slave:           SAK    SAK    SAK ...    SAK          SAK I0     I1     ... IN
366    /// ```
367    ///
368    /// Where
369    ///
370    /// - `ST` = start condition
371    /// - `SAD+W` = slave address followed by bit 0 to indicate writing
372    /// - `SAK` = slave acknowledge
373    /// - `Oi` = ith outgoing byte of data
374    /// - `SR` = repeated start condition
375    /// - `SAD+R` = slave address followed by bit 1 to indicate reading
376    /// - `Ii` = ith incoming byte of data
377    /// - `MAK` = master acknowledge
378    /// - `NMAK` = master no acknowledge
379    /// - `SP` = stop condition
380    #[inline]
381    fn write_read(&mut self, address: A, write: &[u8], read: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
382        self.transaction(
383            address,
384            &mut [Operation::Write(write), Operation::Read(read)],
385        )
386    }
388    /// Execute the provided operations on the I2C bus.
389    ///
390    /// Transaction contract:
391    /// - Before executing the first operation an ST is sent automatically. This is followed by SAD+R/W as appropriate.
392    /// - Data from adjacent operations of the same type are sent after each other without an SP or SR.
393    /// - Between adjacent operations of a different type an SR and SAD+R/W is sent.
394    /// - After executing the last operation an SP is sent automatically.
395    /// - If the last operation is a `Read` the master does not send an acknowledge for the last byte.
396    ///
397    /// - `ST` = start condition
398    /// - `SAD+R/W` = slave address followed by bit 1 to indicate reading or 0 to indicate writing
399    /// - `SR` = repeated start condition
400    /// - `SP` = stop condition
401    fn transaction(
402        &mut self,
403        address: A,
404        operations: &mut [Operation<'_>],
405    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
408impl<A: AddressMode, T: I2c<A> + ?Sized> I2c<A> for &mut T {
409    #[inline]
410    fn read(&mut self, address: A, read: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
411        T::read(self, address, read)
412    }
414    #[inline]
415    fn write(&mut self, address: A, write: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
416        T::write(self, address, write)
417    }
419    #[inline]
420    fn write_read(&mut self, address: A, write: &[u8], read: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
421        T::write_read(self, address, write, read)
422    }
424    #[inline]
425    fn transaction(
426        &mut self,
427        address: A,
428        operations: &mut [Operation<'_>],
429    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
430        T::transaction(self, address, operations)
431    }