Function init_from_env

pub fn init_from_env<'a, E>(env: E)
where E: Into<Env<'a>>,
Expand description

Initializes the global logger with an env logger from the given environment variables.

This should be called early in the execution of a Rust program. Any log events that occur before initialization will be ignored.


Initialise a logger using the MY_LOG environment variable for filters and MY_LOG_STYLE for writing colors:

use env_logger::{Builder, Env};

let env = Env::new().filter("MY_LOG").write_style("MY_LOG_STYLE");



This function will panic if it is called more than once, or if another library has already initialized a global logger.

Examples found in repository?
examples/ (line 30)
22fn main() {
23    // The `Env` lets us tweak what the environment
24    // variables to read are and what the default
25    // value is if they're missing
26    let env = Env::default()
27        .filter_or("MY_LOG_LEVEL", "trace")
28        .write_style_or("MY_LOG_STYLE", "always");
30    env_logger::init_from_env(env);
32    trace!("some trace log");
33    debug!("some debug log");
34    info!("some information log");
35    warn!("some warning log");
36    error!("some error log");