Crate erased_set

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§🦀 ErasedSet

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This crate provides a new collection: the ErasedSet. It allows storing different types in a single set (as long as they implement Any).


use erased_set::ErasedSet;

let mut set = ErasedSet::new();
set.insert(ClickEvent(128, 256));

assert_eq!(set.get::<ClickEvent>(), Some(&ClickEvent(128, 256)));

assert_eq!(set.insert(KeyDownEvent('e')), Some(KeyDownEvent('z')));


assert_eq!(set.len(), 1);


namedefault ?description
sendyesEnables ErasedSendSet
syncyesEnables ErasedSyncSet

§no_std support

This crate is no_std compatible, however it still requires alloc.
